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SOIL, 1, 491–508, 2015


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Integrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan

Africa: unravelling local adaptation

B. Vanlauwe1, K. Descheemaeker2, K. E. Giller2, J. Huising3, R. Merckx4, G. Nziguheba1, J. Wendt5,

and S. Zingore6

1International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nairobi, Kenya

2Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 430, Wageningen, the Netherlands

3International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria

4Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven),

Leuven, Belgium

5International Fertilizer Development Cooperation (IFDC), Nairobi, Kenya

6International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), Nairobi, Kenya

Correspondence to: B. Vanlauwe (

Received: 27 September 2014 – Published in SOIL Discuss.: 20 December 2014

Revised: 06 April 2015 – Accepted: 06 May 2015 – Published: 22 June 2015

Abstract. Intensification of smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is necessary to address rural poverty

and natural resource degradation. Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) is a means to enhance crop pro-

ductivity while maximizing the agronomic efficiency (AE) of applied inputs, and can thus contribute to sus-

tainable intensification. ISFM consists of a set of best practices, preferably used in combination, including the

use of appropriate germplasm, the appropriate use of fertilizer and of organic resources, and good agronomic

practices. The large variability in soil fertility conditions within smallholder farms is also recognized within

ISFM, including soils with constraints beyond those addressed by fertilizer and organic inputs. The variable

biophysical environments that characterize smallholder farming systems have profound effects on crop produc-

tivity and AE, and targeted application of agro-inputs and management practices is necessary to enhance AE.

Further, management decisions depend on the farmer’s resource endowments and production objectives. In this

paper we discuss the “local adaptation” component of ISFM and how this can be conceptualized within an ISFM

framework, backstopped by analysis of AE at plot and farm level. At plot level, a set of four constraints to maxi-

mum AE is discussed in relation to “local adaptation”: soil acidity, secondary nutrient and micronutrient (SMN)

deficiencies, physical constraints, and drought stress. In each of these cases, examples are presented whereby

amendments and/or practices addressing these have a significantly positive impact on fertilizer AE, including

mechanistic principles underlying these effects. While the impact of such amendments and/or practices is easily

understood for some practices (e.g. the application of SMNs where these are limiting), for others, more com-

plex processes influence AE (e.g. water harvesting under varying rainfall conditions). At farm scale, adjusting

fertilizer applications to within-farm soil fertility gradients has the potential to increase AE compared with blan-

ket recommendations, in particular where fertility gradients are strong. In the final section, “local adaption” is

discussed in relation to scale issues and decision support tools are evaluated as a means to create a better under-

standing of complexity at farm level and to communicate appropriate scenarios for allocating agro-inputs and

management practices within heterogeneous farming environments.

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

492 B. Vanlauwe et al.: Integrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa

1 Introduction

Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) is a means to in-

crease crop productivity in a profitable and environmentally

friendly way (Vanlauwe et al., 2010) and thus to eliminate

one of the main factors that perpetuates rural poverty and

natural resource degradation in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Current interest in ISFM partly results from widespread

demonstration of the benefits of typical ISFM interventions

at plot scale, including the combined use of organic ma-

nure and mineral fertilizers (e.g. Zingore et al., 2008), dual-

purpose legume–cereal rotations (e.g. Sanginga et al., 2003),

or micro-dosing of fertilizer and manure for cereals in semi-

arid areas (e.g. Tabo et al., 2007). ISFM is also aligned

to the principles of sustainable intensification (Pretty et al.,

2011; Vanlauwe et al., 2014a), one of the paradigms guid-

ing initiatives to increase the productivity of smallholder

farming systems. Sustainable intensification, though lacking

a universally accepted definition, usually comprises aspects

of enhanced crop productivity, maintenance and/or restora-

tion of other ecosystems services, and enhanced resilience to

shocks. ISFM can increase crop productivity and likely en-

hances other ecosystems services and resilience by diversi-

fying farming systems, mainly with legumes, and increasing

the availability of organic resources within farms, mainly as

crop residues and/or farmyard manure.

One of the principles of ISFM – the combined applica-

tion of fertilizer and organic resources – has been promoted

since the late 1980s (e.g. Vanlauwe et al., 2001), because of

(i) the failure of Green Revolution-like interventions in SSA

and (ii) the lack of adoption of low-external-input technolo-

gies by smallholder farmers, including herbaceous legume-

based technologies (e.g. Schulz et al., 2001). The combined

application of fertilizer and organic inputs made sense since

(i) both fertilizer and organic inputs are often in short supply

in smallholder farming systems due to limited affordability

and/or accessibility; (ii) both inputs contain varying combi-

nations of nutrients and/or carbon, thus addressing different

soil fertility-related constraints; and (iii) extra crop produce

can often be observed due to positive direct or indirect in-

teractions between fertilizer and organic inputs (Vanlauwe et

al., 2001). In 1994, Sanchez (1994) presented the “second

paradigm” for tropical soil fertility management, to “over-

come soil constraints by relying on biological processes by

adapting germplasm to adverse soil conditions, enhancing

soil biological activity, and optimizing nutrient cycling to

minimize external inputs and maximize their use efficiency”.

In this context, he already highlighted the need to integrate

improved germplasm, a second principle of ISFM, within

any improved strategy for nutrient management.

In 2010, with the renewed interest and investments in

boosting productivity of African agriculture, following the

Abuja Fertilizer Summit and the launch of the Alliance for

a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), ISFM was reconcep-

tualized with a focus on fertilizer use and the need for max-

imizing the agronomic efficiency (AE) of its nutrients and

consequently the value : cost ratio of its use. This reconcep-

tualization was driven by the recognition that crop produc-

tivity in SSA cannot be improved substantially without en-

hanced fertilizer use and took into account lessons learnt with

earlier approaches described above. Agronomic efficiency is

defined as extra crop yield produced per unit of fertilizer nu-

trient applied. Maximizing AE also minimizes the risk that

fertilizer nutrients move beyond the rooting zone into the en-

vironment and pollute water sources, a problem more typi-

cal for high input agriculture and less of a risk for African

agriculture (Vanlauwe and Giller, 2006). In this context, ap-

plying organic resources in combination with fertilizer can

enhance the AE of applied fertilizer through a range of direct

and indirect mechanisms (Vanlauwe et al., 2001) and the use

of improved germplasm is essential to ensure that the supply

of nutrients is matched with an equivalent demand for those

nutrients. ISFM was thus redefined as “A set of soil fertil-

ity management practices that necessarily include the use of

fertilizer, organic inputs, and improved germplasm combined

with the knowledge on how to adapt these practices to local

conditions, aiming at maximizing agronomic use efficiency

of the applied nutrients and improving crop productivity”.

“All inputs need to be managed following sound agronomic

principles” (Vanlauwe et al., 2010). This definition includes

a reference to “adaptation to local conditions”. The revised

conceptualization of ISFM also distinguished between re-

sponsive and non-responsive soils, both soils often occurring

within the same farm and the latter being soils on which no

significant response to “standard” fertilizer, or fertilizer that

is commonly available and often composed of N, P, and/or

K, can be observed (see Sect. 2 below) (Fig. 1).

This paper focuses on the “adaptation to local conditions”

of ISFM. “Local adaptation” refers to specific decision-

making processes in relation to the allocation of agro-inputs

and management practices at farm and plot level, thereby

recognizing production objectives, resource endowments,

and farm- and field-specific soil fertility conditions. Al-

though local adaptation was briefly discussed by Vanlauwe et

al. (2010), many questions have been raised in relation to the

understanding of this component of ISFM and the practices

associated with it. The objectives of the paper are therefore

(i) to conceptualize the local adaptation of ISFM, (ii) to il-

lustrate the impact of alleviating secondary constraints on the

fertilizer nutrient AE at plot scale, (iii) to illustrate the impact

of farm-level targeting of inputs and practices on fertilizer

nutrient AE at farm scale, (iv) to discuss the consequences of

the above on engaging extension agents and farmers with lo-

cal adaptation concepts and practices, and (v) to propose re-

search issues that require urgent attention for ISFM to move

to scale.

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Figure 1. Conceptual relationship between the agronomic effi-

ciency (AE) of fertilizers and organic resource and the implemen-

tation of various components of ISFM, culminating in complete

ISFM towards the right side of the graph. Soils that are responsive to

NPK-based fertilizer and those that are poor and less responsive are

distinguished. Path A indicates anticipated increases in AE when

fertilizer is applied using appropriate agronomic practices in com-

bination with adapted germplasm. Paths B and C refer to the need

for addressing non-responsiveness (C) before increases in AE can

be expected on non-responsive soils, even after application fertilizer

in combination with adapted germplasm (B). Source: Vanlauwe et

al. (2010).

2 Conceptualization of local adaptation

Since the formulation of the second paradigm (Sanchez,

1994) and with the renewed focus on making fertilizer ac-

cessible to and profitable for smallholder farmers, several

insights have been gathered that influence fertilizer nutri-

ent AE and thus need to be integrated in the definition of

ISFM. Smallholder farming systems in SSA are very diverse,

ranging from semi-nomadic pastoralism in very arid envi-

ronments to shifting cultivation in the humid tropical forests.

Although strongly driven by agro-ecological conditions, this

diversity has also been influenced through the interplay of,

amongst other things, local cultures, infrastructure, distance

to markets, and socioeconomic opportunities outside agricul-

ture. African farming areas have been described at continen-

tal scale under 13 main categories (Dixon et al., 2001), but

such simplification masks huge local diversity, which makes

generalization of productivity-enhancing recommendations

for SSA problematic (Giller, 2013). Nevertheless, repeating

patterns can be observed across different African farming

systems that have important implications for ISFM.

2.1 Patterns of soil fertility conditions within smallholder


First of all, a number of factors determine the fertility of

soils: (i) parent material, (ii) soil formation processes like

weathering operating at a timescale of thousands of years,

and (iii) human management operating over much shorter

timescales. The processes of soil formation and of soil re-

distribution through erosion and deposition give rise to the

soilscape with typical patterns of soil types associated with

slope position across the landscape. Soils can be more grav-

elly and thinner with rock outcrops close to hill tops, with

more fertile soils in mid-slope positions and fertile, alluvial

soils in the valleys. Superimposed on the soilscape is a pat-

tern created by human management. Apart from a few ex-

ceptions, such as the home-garden agroforestry systems of

southern Ethiopia (Abebe et al., 2010), intensive sedentary

agriculture is less than 100 years old in the majority of SSA

and has been changing rapidly with very rapid growth of hu-

man population. Two opposing factors have driven the de-

velopment of patterns of soil fertility (Giller et al., 2006).

On the one hand, increasing pressure on land and the disap-

pearance of fallows have led to intensive cropping which in

turn depleted the soils of nutrients. On the other hand, nutri-

ents, concentrated through manure, have been applied to part

of the farm – often the fields close to the homestead. These

opposing processes give rise to patterns of soil fertility, as

depicted conceptually in Fig. 2. For instance, in the “ring

management” pattern in West Africa, a circle of more fer-

tile soil close to houses is surrounded by poor soils and then

increasingly fertile soil with distance from the settlement

as bush fields further from the village are cropped less fre-

quently (Prudencio, 1993; Ruthenberg, 1980). In the Bukoba

region of western Tanzania, cattle were used to harvest nu-

trients to develop fertile banana–coffee–food crop gardens

(bibanja) in a sea of extensive grasslands (rweya) (Baijukya

et al., 2005). The reasons that farmers concentrate their nu-

trient resources on the home fields are manifold: the home

field provides grain for the food security of the household,

nutrient resources are often in short supply and insufficient

to apply to all of the fields, the home fields are less suscepti-

ble to theft, and it is more convenient and requires less labour

to transport manure (Misiko et al., 2011).

Fertile home fields need only maintenance fertilization to

sustain good crop yields, and crop response to fertilizer in

strongly depleted soils is often weak due to a suite of nutrient

deficiencies (Fig. 3; Vanlauwe et al., 2006). For example, on

depleted outfields on sandy granitic soils in Zimbabwe, crop

response to N and P fertilizers was limited by deficiencies

of Zn, Ca, Mg, and K (Zingore et al., 2008). Such depleted

fields have been described as “non-responsive soils”, or soils

that have been degraded to an extent that the application of SOIL, 1, 491–508, 2015

494 B. Vanlauwe et al.: Integrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa

Figure 2. High-resource-endowed farms (HRE) tend to have more

cattle and manure and can maintain good soil fertility and crop

yields across all of their fields. Low-resource-endowed farms (LRE)

have no livestock and manure and their fields are often uniformly

poor in soil fertility and crop yields. Farmers of intermediate re-

source endowment (MRE) have limited resources that they apply

preferentially to the home fields, creating strong gradients of soil

fertility. This allows the classification of fields across the different

farms into three types: fertile home fields, moderately fertile middle

fields, and poorly fertile outfields for three farmer typologies (HRE,

MRE, and LRE) (cf. Zingore et al., 2007a).

NPK fertilizer does not result in increased crop productivity

(Vanlauwe et al., 2010). Such soils are common in densely

populated areas where mineral and/or organic inputs are in

short supply and the generation of non-responsiveness can be

a combination of chemical (e.g. soil acidification, micronu-

trient deficiencies), physical, (e.g. topsoil erosion, hardpan

formation), and/or biological (e.g. soil-borne pests and dis-

eases) mechanisms. Obviously, the AE of fertilizer nutrients

applied on non-responsive soils is very low to zero and crop

yield increases agronomically and/or economically insignifi-


2.2 Farmer typologies, resource endowments, and

production objectives within smallholder farming


A second commonly observed pattern is the diversity of re-

source endowments and farm types within farming commu-

nities (Fig. 2; Tittonell et al., 2010). Drivers operating at dif-

ferent scales generate a diversity of farming households in

relation to available on- and off-farm resources and produc-

tion objectives. Whereas relatively poor families often culti-

vate more degraded soils (Tittonell and Giller, 2013), fami-

lies with a relatively higher resource endowment have more

options to purchase and allocate fertilizer and organic in-

puts across the various plots within their farms. The latter

are also usually less risk-averse and thus more open to ex-

plore alternative agricultural practices within their farm. Soil

fertility gradients are often clearest on farms of intermedi-

ate resource endowment, as conceptually depicted in Fig. 2.

Figure 3. Simulated crop yield with the model FIELD as a function

of mineral N application rates for different soil fertility zones on

sand (a) and clay (b) soils and nutrient management options (only

mineral N, manure at 10 t ha−1 and mineral N, and mineral P at

20 kg ha−1 and mineral N) (refer to Zingore et al., 2011, for a de-

tailed soil characterization and description of the FIELD model).

Besides access to resources, farmers have different produc-

tion objectives. For instance, in western Kenya, Tittonell et

al. (2005) identified that some small farms were owned by

wealthy households which had external income from pen-

sions or remittances and for whom farming is not their pri-

mary income. Such households are not expected to consider

agricultural investments a priority. In contrast, well-resource-

endowed farmers with large areas of land make a relatively

good living from farming. Poor households with very small

farms have limited access to resources, often selling their

labour to other households, and are thus expected to apply

fewer or no agro-inputs on their farms.

2.3 Limitations of improved germplasm and organic

resources to maximize fertilizer AE

Organic resources can enhance the AE of fertilizer nutri-

ents through a number of mechanisms, including “direct”

(e.g. temporary N immobilization) and “indirect” interac-

tions (e.g. temporary alleviation of soil acidity constraints

and supply of other yield-limiting nutrients) (Vanlauwe et al.,

2001). Improved germplasm can equally enhance AE of fer-

tilizer nutrients by ensuring a higher demand for applied nu-

trients. For certain constraints, however, organic resource ap-

plication and improved germplasm are not a suitable solution

and other amendments or practices are required (Table 1).

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Table 1. A selected set of constraints that can prevent the uptake of nutrients applied with “standard” fertilizer – or fertilizer that is commonly

available and often composed of N, P, and/or K – and the potential of improved germplasm, organic resources


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