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JULY 2017

Crop desiccation/spray out

Key messages

• Chickpea often matures unevenly and require herbicides to ripen more evenly.

• Desiccation assists production by: taking out late weeds such as thistles which

can stain the seed, allowing for earlier harvesting which lessens the weather risk

at harvest and browning out green stems which can gum up knives in headers.

• The correct timing for desiccation is when 80–85% of the seeds in the pod have

turned yellow and are firm and the remaining 15–20% have yellow ‘beaks’ on the

seed or are starting to turn colour. 

• A high water rate is advised to get coverage if using a contact herbicid\


• After desiccation, plants become more brittle, so it is advised not to

delay harvesting.

11.1.1 Benefits of desiccation

Desiccation is the strategic termination of crop growth using herbicides. Desiccation

is an established technique to improve the rotational fit, benefits and profitability

of pulse crops. Desiccation provides important benefits such as reducing weed

seed-set, allowing faster harvest and improving grain quality, all leading to improved

profitability in pulses.

Desiccation prepares the pulse crop for harvesting by removing moisture from

plants and late maturing areas of the paddock. Desiccation is an aid to a timely

harvest, particularly where uneven ripening occurs across a paddock, and is now a

common practice in lentil and chickpea. Desiccation enables a timely harvest to avoid

weather damage.

Crop topping is a form of desiccation, but timing, products and rates differ from

desiccation. Desiccation is based on the crop stage close to maturity. The timing

of crop topping is based on the stage of development of weed seeds. Different

chemicals and rates are used. See Sections 11.3.1 and 11.4.

Application timing is based on the crop when the grain is 75–90% mature, to avoid

reducing the quality of the harvested grain. Windrowing can be considered similar to

desiccation in timing and benefits to harvest. Windrowing may be considered as an

alternative to desiccation. The timing of windrowing is similar to desiccation.


Desiccating a crop overcomes problems with green weeds at harvest and improves

harvest efficiency by eliminating many of the problems associated with green stems

and gum build-up, such as uneven feeding and drum chokes. Minimising these

problems enables drum speeds to be reduced in many cases, with a reduction in

cracked or damaged grain. It allows harvesting of a crop that will not naturally shut

down due to high soil moisture, and stops chickpeas reshooting and reflowering after

pre-harvest rain, and makes crops with uneven maturity more uniform, allowing earlier



While desiccation is often not necessary under very hot conditions where the crop

is under terminal moisture stress, it can be a very useful harvest management tool in

situations where:

• There has been rain during grainfill and the crop is uneven in maturity. Chickpea

are very indeterminate and will continue to flower and set up pods late in

the season. Crop maturity tends to be very uneven and slow in situations of

reasonable moisture supply.

1 Pulse Australia (2015) Desiccation and crop-topping in pulses. Pulse Australia, Australian Pulse Bulletin,


2 QLD DAFF (2012) Chickpea—harvesting and storage.






JULY 2017

• Pod-set has been very uneven due to agronomic factors such as low plant

population, poor Helicoverpa management, uneven plant establishment in some

deep-sown crops, wheel tracks through crops etc.

• There is a problem with actively growing weeds in the crop.

In these situations, desiccation is a valuable management tool for maximising yield

and quality through early harvesting. It also improves harvest efficiency by eliminating

many of the problems associated with putting green, sappy plant material through

the header, i.e. uneven intake and drum chokes. Minimising these problems enables

drum speeds to be reduced, with less likelihood of cracking grain.


11.2 Crop-top, desiccate, harvest or manure?

All pulse growers face the decision between crop-topping, desiccation, harvesting

or manuring, and their decision is dictated by weed pressures, weed type and the

nitrogen demands of the rotation.

11.2.1 When weeds are not the priority

Option 1

Management: natural maturation and grain harvest.

Goal: to maximise grain yield and profit while at the same time providing

rotational benefits.

Method: This is the most traditional and widespread practice for cultivating pulses in

NSW and is based on well-developed agronomy and crop management strategies

from sowing through to harvest. This option assumes weeds are fully managed by

conventional rotation and herbicides.

Option 2

Management: brown manuring.

Goal: to maximise N

2 fixation, N-benefit and to conserve soil moisture.

Method: The amount of N

2 fixed is linked closely to dry matter (DM) production of

the legume, therefore ‘manure’ the weed-free pulse close to its maximum DM. For a

typical Morgan PSE 23 (long-season) field pea crop sown at Wagga Wagga, NSW, in

late May, this would mean desiccating around the end of October.

11.2.2 When weeds are the priority, particularly if

herbicide resistance exists

Option 1

Management: brown manuring.

Goal: total control of weeds including herbicide resistance, and to fix some N and

conserve soil moisture. 

Method: It is imperative to desiccate the crop at or before the milky dough stage

of the targeted weed. This often coincides with the flat pod stage of the pulse and

inevitably falls well short of the crop’s peak DM. At this stage the crop is growing

at its maximum rate (about 80–100 kg DM/ha/day), so the amount of N fixed will be

proportionally reduced according to its growth stage at desiccation. This cost is non-

negotiable and essential to ensure complete weed control. 

3 B O’Mara, S Belfield, G Cumming (2007) Chickpea harvest and seed stora\

ge. Pulse Australia,





JULY 2017

Option 2

Management: crop-topping/desiccation followed by grain harvest, although this may

not be an option available to chickpea because of later crop maturity compared with

the weed seeds.

Goal: to maximise grain yield and profit while at the same time providing rotational

benefits of preventing weed seed set.  

Method: This is the ‘have your cake and eat it’ scenario. It is a good option for

cleaning up scattered weeds and to eliminate weed seed-set in all weedy situations

including herbicide resistance. It uses the conventional approach of grain harvest,

plus crop-topping/desiccation at the critical growth stage of the weed.

Timing is critical—it depends on the pulse variety reaching physiological maturity

at or before the time of crop-topping/desiccation. Most pulse varieties (chickpeas,

albus lupin and possibly kaspa field peas) are unsuitable as they are too late and

lose too much grain yield.

4 GenesisTM079 is the earliest of the chickpeas, and only

infrequently does it mature sufficiently to crop top.

11.3 Timing of desiccation

Chickpea are an indeterminate plant with flowering commencing in the lower canopy,

and gradually progressing up the branches (towards the top of the plant) over a

20–30-day period. The problem growers and agronomists are confronted with in

the paddock, is how to maximise yield and quality through the optimal timing of the

desiccant spray. This can be difficult when you have various stages of seed maturity

present on individual plants as well as variability across the paddock.

The optimal stage to desiccate the crop is when the majority (90–95%) of seeds have

reached physiological maturity (seeds are below 35% moisture content). The best

guide at the present time is to base this on a visual inspection of seed\

s by cracking

open pods on each main fruiting branch. Maximum harvest yield is normally reached

when 75% of seeds on each main fruiting branch have turned totally yellow and in

various stages of drying down (turning yellow to brown).

Desiccation should occur when:

• Pods in the top 25% of the canopy are mainly in the final stages of grainfill,

i.e. where the yellow colouring is moving from the ‘beak’ down through the

seed (Photo 1).

• The bottom 75% of pods have all reached, or dried down below, this stage of

maturity. (Seeds have turned totally yellow, and the pod has been bleached to a

very light green-yellow colour) (Photo 1).

4 E Armstrong (2015) Weigh up the risks, benefits of pulse harvest. GRDC Ground Cover Issue 115, Profitable pu\

lses and pastures 02

March 2015,\






JULY 2017

Photo 1:  Chickpea seeds mature progressively from the bottom to the top

of the plant.

Source: Pulse Australia

Monitoring for desiccation timing

Careful monitoring is needed to determine the correct timing for desiccation in

both chickpea species. Yield reductions of 10–20% can occur if applied too early.

Quality can also be adversely affected. The optimal stage to desiccate chickpea is

when the vast majority of seeds have reached physiological maturity i.e. 90–95%

of the crop. Inspect the seeds within the upper 20% of pods on each main fruiting

branch (Photo 2).

Photo 2: 

Correct desiccation timing based on inspection of uppermost pods of

each fruiting branch.

Photo: G Cumming, Pulse Australia




JULY 2017

Seeds are considered to be physiologically mature when the green seed colour

begins to lighten. The Western Australian recommendation of physiological maturity is

‘when the pod wall begins to yellow’ (Photo 3, right).

Photo 3: 

LEFT: Pods in the top 25% of the canopy should mainly be in the final

stages of grainfill, where the yellow colouring is moving from the ‘b\

eak’ down

through the seed. RIGHT: The bottom 75% of pods should have reach maturity.

Seeds have turned yellow and the pod has been bleached to a very light


Photos: G Cumming, Pulse Australia

To avoid the need to inspect seeds, desiccate when 80–85% of pods within the crop

have turned yellow-brown (Photo 4). This is usually too late for the control of ryegrass



Photo 4:  Full maturity, known as ‘rattle pod’, where the seed has detached from the

pod wall and will rattle when shaken.

Photo: G Cumming, Pulse Australia

Seed and pod development

Chickpea plants are indeterminate and the period of flowering can extend from

20–50 days depending on levels of flower abortion and the impact of moisture

stress on the plant. Causes of flower abortion and poor pod-set have been discussed

previously and they include:

• low mean daily temperature (below 15°C)

• frost

• Botrytis grey mould

• extended periods of overcast weather.

Flowering commences on the main stem and basal branches, and proceeds upward

at intervals of ~2 days between successive nodes on each fruiting branch.

Under favourable conditions, the time taken from flowering to the visual appearance

of the pod (pod-set) is ~6 days. After pod-set, the pod wall grows rapidly for the next

10–15 days to assume full pod size. The seeds start to develop at about the same

time as the growth of the pod wall ceases.

5 Pulse Australia (2015) Desiccation and crop-topping in pulses. Pulse Australia, Australian Pulse Bulletin,





JULY 2017

Seed growth occurs over the next 20 days. Pod and seed maturation is also very

staggered along each fruiting branch, although it is generally more compressed and

of shorter duration than flowering owing to the effects of higher temperatures and

varying degrees of moisture stress on the plant. The problem faced by agronomists

in a commercial paddock situation is how to optimise the timing of the desiccant

spray when there are various stages of seed maturity present on individual plants,

as well as variation across the paddock. This can be compounded by variation in soil

type or paddock micro-relief adding to the problem of uneven crop maturity. Some

agronomists use a rule of thumb that when 90% of the field is 90% mature they will

advise growers to spray it out. Alternatively, when larger areas are involved, they

may split soil types and test them separately for desiccation timing. Often, inspection

of commercial crops nearing desiccation reveals that while the lower 30% of pods

have dried to below 15% seed moisture (seeds detached from pod and rattle when

shaken), the upper 30% of pods on each fruiting branch are still at 30–40% moisture

content and in varying stages approaching physiological maturity.


Effect of desiccants on immature seeds

Desiccants should not be applied too early as they can affect green seeds. The result

can be a reduction in grain size and yield, an increase in immature seeds, an increase

in greenish discolouration of the seed coat and a reduction in seed viability (Table 1).

Glyphosate does impact on the normal seedling count in germination tests.. Do not

use it in crops destined for sowing seed.

Table 1: Effects of desiccation timing on seed viability.

Trial and

treatment Crop stage

% normal

seed % abnormal

seed % dead seed

None Mature pods8794

Roundup® Mature pods84142

Ally® &

Roundup® Mature pods


Ally® &

Roundup® Mature pods


Ally® &

Roundup® 70% green

pods 15


Ally® &

Roundup® All green pods


Source: Qld DPI (1999)

11.3.1 Products for the desiccation of chickpea

1. Reglone® is registered at 2–3 L/ha

2. Reglone® provides quick leaf drydown but the chickpea plant and weeds can

quickly regrow if moisture is available

3. Roundup PowerMAX® is the only glyphosate registered for chickpea desiccation

4. a) For chickpea desiccation: Roundup PowerMAX® at 0.68–1.8 L/ha

5. b) For additional weed and chickpea desiccation: Roundup MAX® at 0.5–1.1 L/ha

plus Ally® at 5 g/ha

6. Roundup PowerMAX® and Roundup PowerMAX®/Ally® will kill the plants

reducing the likelihood of regrowth


Table 2: Chemicals registered for desiccation in chickpeas.

6 Pulse Australia (2013) Northern chickpea best management practices training c\

ourse manual—2013. Pulse Australia Limited.

7 B O’Mara, S Belfield, G Cumming (2007) Chickpea harvest and seed stora\

ge. Pulse Australia,





JULY 2017

Herbicide example

trade names  operation 

Rate  Withholding



200g/L Reglone®

Desiccation2 to 3 L/ha Grazing/stockfeed

(GSF): 1 day 

Harvest: 0 days

(lupin, dry pea) 

2 days (chickpea,

lentil, faba bean)


250g/L Gramoxone®

Croptopping400 to 800 mL/

ha GSF: 1 day (7 days

for horses) Stock

must be removed

from treated areas

3 days before


Harvest: 7 days


480g/L Ripper 480®

Desiccation765 mL to

2.025 L/ha GSF: 7 days 

Harvest: 7 days


540g/L Roundup

PowerMAX® Desiccation

680 mL/ha to

1.8 L/ha GSF: 7 days 

Harvest: 7 days


+ Glyphosate

540 g/L Ally® +


PowerMAX® Desiccation

+ knockdown

weed control 5 g + 500 mL to

1.1 L/ha GSF: 7 days 

Harvest: 7 days

Saflufenacil  Sharpen® Desiccation34 g/ha plus


label rate of


or paraquat

herbicide plus 

1 % Hasten or

high quality

MSO  GSF: 7 days 

Harvest: 7 days

GSF - Withholding period for grazing or cutting for stock food

Note: Observe the Harvest Withholding Period and GSF for each crop.

Source: Pulse Australia

Paraquat is registered for crop-topping; however, may not be effective on grass seed-

set as chickpeas mature quite late relative to grasses.

The major differences between timing of desiccation and crop-topping are\


• application timing is different and initiated by different criteria

• herbicides for crop-topping and desiccation are not always the same

• herbicide rates for desiccation are higher than that required for crop-topping

• crop-topping will advance the harvest timing in some pulse crops

• neither desiccation nor crop-topping can be used effectively in all pulses

• both will cause reduced grain quality and yield if applied at the wrong maturity

stage of the crop.


NOTE: Desiccation can affect seed viability if applied incorrectly. To avoid damaging

seed viability, it is advisable not to desiccate or crop-top a pulse seed crop.

11.4 Crop-topping

Crop-topping is timed to prevent weed seed-set, not by the crop growth stage.

Hence, crop-topping is generally not possible in chickpea, as they are too late in

maturing. Crop-topping chickpeas can result in discoloured cotyledons (kernel) and

seed coats, leading to rejection at delivery and/or severe downgrading. Even in other

8 Pulse Australia (2015) Desiccation and crop-topping in pulses. Pulse Australia, Australian Pulse Bulletin,





JULY 2017

pulses, growers need to be aware of grain quality defects if crop-topping is done

earlier than the crop desiccation or windrowing stage.

Genesis™ 079 is the earliest maturing chickpea variety, but in most cases, it will not

mature early enough to enable efficient crop-topping without grain quality impacts.

Evidence of the lack of suitability of crop-topping in chickpea is provi\

ded in Table

3, from a South Australian Research and Development Institute crop-topping trial

at Melton, South Australia, in 2009. Visual grain quality data are not presented, but

in this trial:

• Many responses to crop-topping treatments may have been masked by rapid

senescence from a rapid, early seasonal finish (e.g. Almaz

P and Genesis™ 114).

• When crop-topped at the recommended stage, yields were 69–86% of the

untreated control (31–14% yield loss). When crop-topped 2 weeks after the

optimum stage for ryegrass, yields were 92–114% of the untreated control. When

crop-topping was 3 weeks ahead of the recommended ryegrass stage, yields

were 17–48% of the untreated control (83–52% yield loss).

Table 3: Impact of crop-topping timing on chickpea varieties of differing maturity

compared with an untreated control at Melton, South Australia, 2009 Pink shading

denotes significant difference from the control treatment.

Control yield

(t/ha) Yield (% of control) for each timing

Control grain


(g/100 seeds) Grain weight (% of control) for each


Minus 3 weeks

(9 Oct.) Recommended


control stage (30 Oct.) Plus 2


(12 Nov.) Minus 3


(9 Oct.) Recommended

ryegrass control stage

(30 Oct.) Plus 2


(12 Nov.)


P 1.18 19 83 9227.4 9192 91

PBA Slasher

P 1.96 30 70 9915.5 87 84 100

PBA HatTrick

P 1.37 36 69 85 18.177 81 93


TM 079 2.09 25 80 107 18.0 95104 104


TM 090 1.43 25 84 9722.1 79 93 93


TM 114 0.90 17 86 11422.1 96102 104


TM 509 1.96 32 71 96 13.6 129 101 94


P 1.70 21 72 9416.6 87 87 117

Sonali 2.1340 77 104 14.5 96 80 101

Mean (t/ha) 1.900.6 1.51.90 18.616.3 15.9 18.2

Mean (g/100) 18.616.3 15.9 18.2

Source: M Lines and L McMurray (SARDI), Southern Pulse Agronomy Research trials



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