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www.plantwise.orgCreated in Ethiopia, August 2015

Management of maize streak virus

Recognize the problem

Maize streak virus is very common in Ethiopia and is found in almost all maize

growing areas. It has been reported to cause disease incidences that vary from

a few infected plants per field to total yield loss with 100% infection. Erratic

epidemics have been occuring every 3-10 years. The main damage caused is to

plants younger than six weeks old. On young plants, the top and bottom

surfaces of leaves have yellowish and light green streaks while mature plants

have whitish, yellow and light green streaks running along their surface in the

direction of the leaf veins. Maize plants can be severely stunted if the crop is

attacked during the 4-5 leaf stage. Abnormal bunching of flowers and shoots

and reddish pigmentation may also be seen.


Maize streak virus disease is caused by a virus, transmitted by a brownish

white leafhopper that feeds on the maize leaves. It is highly persistent in the

vector. The more leafhoppers are in the field, the quicker the disease will



• Use certified disease free seed from a registered stockist and plant at the

onset of the rains

• Planting a large area of maize all at once is likely to make the crop less

vulnerable to maize leafhopper infestation

• Inspect the field regularly when the maize is small, looking for diseased


• Uproot infected plants when they first show signs of disease. This will

keep the disease from spreading to healthy plants. Put the whole plant in

a sack so the leafhoppers do not move to other plants

• Remove infected maize plants (rogueing) at an early stage and feed the

removed plants to animals

• Keep the fields free from weeds, in particular grasses, to keep the

vectors away and reduce disease transmission

• Remove cereal crop residues since they serve as an infection source

• Use chemical insecticides eg. Gaucho 70 WS (imidacloprid) 125gm/ha for

the control of the vector before virus infection

The recommendations in this factsheet are relevant to: Ethiopia

Authors: Hiwot Lemma, Daniel W Michael, Mhreteab Tsegay

Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources

tel: +251-1911059130 email:

Edited by Plantwise

Plantwise is a global initiative led by CABI


Lose Less, Feed More

Symptoms of maize streak virus on

the leaves. (Photo by CIMMYT,

When using a pesticide, always wear protective clothing and follow the instructions on the product label, such

as dosage, timing of application, and pre-harvest interval.


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