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Keifer (1965) first described A. guerreronis. The adult female coconut mite is vermiform, 36-52 µm wide and 205-255 µm long with two pairs of legs and a finely ringed body with several long setae. The genital opening of both sexes is positioned proximally, closely behind the legs.


The scarring and distortion of nutlets can be observed from the ground, although with taller trees the use of binoculars may be necessary. Harvested nuts also bear the marks, although few, if any, mites will be found on these.

Related invasive species

  • Aceria guerreronis

Related Farm Practice

  • Feeding
  • Pests
  • Damage

Related location

  • Mexico

The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis, is considered the most important pest of coconuts in the Americas, Africa and most recently in South-East Asia. Although its exact origin is debatable it is likely to be native to South America and introduced to Africa and Asia, where it is an invasive species (Navia et al., 2005).

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Populations of the mite develop on the meristematic zone of the young nuts, from as early as one month after fertilization. This area is covered by the perianth (collectively, the tepals, and often referred to as the bracts). Feeding of the mites in this zone apparently causes physical damage so that as newly formed tissue expands, the surface becomes necrotic and suberized, usually in distinct 'v' shape(s) extending down from the perianth. Uneven growth results in distortion and stunting of the coconut;usually the younger the nut when first attacked the greater the severity of damage.


A. guerreronis is the only species of eriophyoid mite considered to be a serious pest of coconuts, Cocos nucifera. It was first described in 1965 from specimens from Guerrero State, Mexico (Keifer, 1965). Until reported from Lytocaryum weddellianum, a cocosoid palm species, it was only known from the coconut (Flechtmann, 1989) but has since been reported on Borassus flabellifer and Syagrus romanzoffiana.

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