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Herbs hermaphroditic. Stems climbing, much branched, to several metres, slightly woody near base;branches spreading horizontally, with branchlets and cladodes arranged in one plane, frond-like. Cladodes in fascicles of 10-13, 4-5 mm, very slender, slightly trigonous. Leaf spur short, occasionally spinescent on main stems. Inflorescences developing after cladodes. Flowers solitary or in clusters of 2 or 3;pedicel short, articulate at middle. Perianth white;segments widely spreading, lanceolate-oblong, approximately 7 mm. The fruit are small rounded berries (4-5 mm across) and are initially green in colour. These berries turn black or bluish-black as they mature and contain one to three seeds (2.5-3.5 mm across) that are also black in colour (Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2016).

Related invasive species

  • Asparagus setaceus

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  • Flora

A. setaceus is a fast-growing climber species widely introduced throughout the tropics where it has become naturalized and invasive. Its extensive climbing habit, thorny stems, enlarged storage roots, and small black, bird-dispersed berries combine to make this a particularly difficult weed to eradicate (Imada et al., 2000). Currently, it is included in the Global Compendium of Weeds, where is listed as an environmental weed (Randall, 2012). It is also listed as invasive in Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, and Hawaii and on many islands in the Pacific Ocean (Healy and Edgar, 1980;Starr et al., 2002;Oviedo Prieto et al., 2012;PIER, 2016;Weeds of Australia, 2016).
In Australia, this species is regarded as an environmental weed and it was recently listed as a priority environmental weed. It is ranked among the top 100 most invasive weeds in Queensland where it is of particular concern in natural forests (Weeds of Australia, 2016). It Cuba it is considered an invasive species with the capability to “transform” natural habitats (Oviedo Prieto et al., 2012). PIER (2016) lists risk assessments prepared for Australia (Reject: score=16) and the Pacific (High risk: score=13).

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