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B. orientalis is a semi-rosette biennial or perennial hemicryptophyte, 25(40) to 100(150) cm tall. The stems are sparsely pilose with simple, stalked, forked trichomes. The stem is covered with multicellular glandular tubercles present throughout except for the flowers, and these can be seen with the naked eye. The stems are usually branched above or rarely basally. The diameter of the leaf rosette reaches up to 100 cm. The lower leaves are up to 15 (20) cm long, lanceolate or with three-cornered edges or sharp-edged;the upper leaves are entire to pinnatifid and always smaller than the lower leaves. The petals are 4-8 mm long, yellow, entire or truncate. The fruit is asymmetrically ovoid and covered with small, irregular protuberances with one or two subglobose, plump, 2.0-2.5 mm diameter seeds per fruit. A detailed description is available from Flora of China (2009).

Related invasive species

  • Yellows

Related Farm Practice

  • Flora
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