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Following PIER, 2015 and Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2015

Related invasive species

  • Conium maculatum

Related Farm Practice

  • Flora

C. maculatum is an herbaceous biennial and highly toxic plant, native across northern Europe, western Asia and North Africa. It has been introduced widely outside its native area to many parts of America, southern Africa, China, New Zealand and Australia. C. maculatum is a twofold invader, competing with pasture and crops and encroaching on native vegetation, while also posing a serious health hazard to virtually all livestock, and humans. Even within its native range, C. maculatum is increasing and tending to occur more commonly in crops.

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Although growing mainly in non-crop areas, C. maculatum can invade field edges and encroach significantly on crops: maize in New Zealand;sugar beet in Slovakia and in France;pastures in Turkey, Poland, Australia and New Zealand;olive in Spain;lucerne (alfalfa) in USA;sunflower in Czech Republic;chickpea in Spain. Mitich (1998) refers to its occurrence in pastures, cereals, vegetable crops and orchards in many countries.

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