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Leafhoppers of the subfamily Idiocerinae are characterized by a broad, rounded head, extending little between the eyes, and a general 'wedge' shape. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive taxonomic treatment available to separate all the mango-associated species.;I. nitidulus has been illustrated by Maldonado Capriles (1964) and Hongsaprug (1993). The vertex has brownish suffusions on each side of a central line, the posterior margin and laterally before the eyes are yellowish. The face is with two discal brown spots. The ocellus is inside a round, yellow spot, another spot of the same size and colour is adjacent to this spot. The pronotum is dull pale green with irregular, brownish and yellowish spots and markings. The scutellum is pale ochraceous with three basal blackish or dark-brown spots. The forewing is bronzed and subhyaline, veins are brownish, and the costal area is straw coloured. There are white markings on the forewing near the humeral angle, at the claval cells and on the veins.

Related crop

  • Mangifera indica

Related invasive species

  • Brown spot
  • Yellows

Related Farm Practice

  • Fluctuations
  • Damage
  • Effects
  • Progeny
  • Production
  • Feeding
Has Cabi datasheet ID

Nymphs and adults of Idioscopus species suck phloem sap from the inflorescences and leaves. The affected florets turn brown and dry up, and fruit setting is affected. Other effects of feeding are caused by the bugs excreta (honeydew) on which sooty mould develops, affecting photosynthesis. Some damage may also occur through egg laying into the leaves and flower stems.

Host plant resistance

Presumably because of the time needed to grow mango trees large enough to test, there have been relatively few studies devoted to varieties resistant to attack by mango leafhoppers. Murthi and Abrahim (1983) investigated 12 mango varieties for population fluctuations of the hoppers during preflowering and postflowering periods by means of monthly sweeps of trees of uniform age. Progeny production by I. nitidulus on floral branches was positively associated with the nitrogen content of the branches.

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