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L. japonicus is an annual or biennial herb. Taproots with dense, fibrous rootlets. Stems erect, 30-120 cm, retrorsely strigose, nodes and angles densely strigose. Petiole of stem leaves 0.5-3 cm, narrowly winged at apex;lower stem leaf blades ovate, base broadly cuneate, lobes oblong-rhombic to ovate, 2.5-6 ? 1.5-4 cm, pinnately divided, adaxially strigose, abaxially pilose, glandular;mid stem leaf blade rhombic, lobes oblong-linear, base narrow cuneate. Verticillasters 8-15-flowered, 2-2.5 cm in diameter;floral leaves subsessile, linear to linear-lanceolate, 3-12 ? 2-8 mm, entire or dentate;bracteoles spiny, shorter than calyx, approximately 5 mm. Flowers sessile. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 6-8 mm long, appressed puberulent;teeth broadly triangular, 2-3 mm long, apex spinescent. Corolla white or reddish to purplish red, 1-1.2 cm long, villous;tube approximately 6 mm, inconspicuously scaly annulate inside;upper lip straight, concave, oblong, approximately 7 ? 4 mm, margin entire, ciliate;lower lip slightly shorter, base sparsely scaly;middle lobe obcordate, base constricted, margin membranous, apex emarginate;lateral lobes ovate. Filaments sparsely scaly. Fruit a brownish, oblong, triquetrous nutlet, approximately 2.5 mm long, base cuneate, apex truncate, smooth (e Floras, 2014).

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