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From Flora of China (2015)

Related invasive species

  • Linaria vulgaris

Related Farm Practice

  • Flora

L. vulgaris is a perennial flowering plant with a spreading root system. It forms dense mats which can compete with crops and suppress native vegetation, reducing pasture productivity and/or biodiversity (ISSG, 2015). Native to temperate areas of Europe and Asia, it has been widely introduced to North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and is regarded as noxious in many of these countries. By inclusion in indexes of invasive species it is regarded as invasive widely in Canada and in the USA (Alberta Invasive Species Council, 2014;Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States, 2015). L. vulgaris received an invasive index of 69 (out of a maximum of 100) in Alaska, USA (ANHP, 2011). It is also regarded as invasive within its native range in Serbia (Dzigurski and Nikolic, 2014).

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Although L. vulgaris is most common in non-crop and pasture situations, it is recorded as a significant weed in a wide range of annual and perennial crops, including wheat, barley, oats, rapeseed, mustard, pea, strawberry, raspberry, lucerne, orchard crops and vines (McClay and De Clerck-Floate, 2001;De Clercke-Floate and McClay, 2013;Mason and Gillespie, 2013).

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