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L. perenne does not produce stolons or rhizomes, its shoot buds arise at or near the soil level in young plants but may develop from higher nodes in large single plants. The nodal roots are variable, and may be white, thick, glossy, straight, unbranched and covered with root hairs or more slender and soon becoming fibrous (Beddows, 1967). The initial stem within the germinating seed is about 2 mm long and 2.8 mm in diameter and all the leaves, tillers and roots originate from this. Primary and adventitious roots arise from the base of the embryo (Soper and Mitchell, 1956). Beddows (1958) described L. perenne as a hemicryptophyte with a semi-rosette form before head emergence.

Related invasive species

  • Lolium perenne

Related Farm Practice

  • Soil

Lolium grasses have many weedy characteristics. They are capable of adapting rapidly to their environment, produce large amounts of seed, and are easily dispersed, usually by humans. The perennial ryegrass, L. perenne, is native to central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe, from Bulgaria in the east to France in the west. It was introduced by early European pastoralists to many corners of their earlier empires, including North America, Australasia, South Africa and elsewhere. As a result it has been sown in many countries and has become extremely widespread both as a cultivated species for livestock grazing and for fodder (as hay or silage). It is also a useful cover crop for soil stabilisation and pasture improvement, as well as an excellent grass for lawns and turf.

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The threatened spiny peppercress (Lepidium aschersonii) and the red darling pea (Swainsona plagiotropis) have both been reported as being threatened by L. perenne (University of Queensland, 2013).
A dense, uniform sward of L. perenne provides a very effective barrier to the germination and establishment of many common pasture weeds such as thistles (Popay and Medd, 1995).

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