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Spermogonia sub-epidermal, mostly sub-globose, 80-110 x 85-120 µm. Aecia aecidioid, surrounded by a well-developed peridium;aeciospores formed in chains, mostly sub-globose to broadly ellipsoid, 17-25 x 15-22 µm, walls 1 µm thick, uniformly verrucose, no germ pore. Uredinia on abaxial leaf surface, cinnamon-brown;urediniospores broadly ellipsoid to obovoid-ellipsoid, 24-35 x 18-23 µm, walls 2-3 µm thick at sides, usually 4-8 µm thick apically, cinnamon-brown or chestnut-brown, uniformly echinulate, 3-4 obscure equatorial germ pores. Telia on abaxial surface, often confluent, early exposed, pulverulent, blackish-brown;teliospores broadly ellipsoid, obovoid-ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, rounded at both ends, moderately constricted at septum, 28-52 x 14-24 µm, walls 1.5-2.5 µm thick at sides, 3-8 µm apically, chestnut-brown, pedicels hyaline, thick-walled, not collapsing, to 80–140 µm long, two-celled. See Ono and Azbukina (1997) for a more detailed description.

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  • Development

There is little published information on this plant pathogenic fungus, which has limited geographic distribution. As hosts exist in other regions of the world with similar environmental conditions, this species may pose a threat to native or agricultural plants if introduced.

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