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Lianas woody, to 10 m. Stem brownish, lenticellate;young branchlets pubescent, glabrous when older. Petiole 3-12 mm long;leaf blade ovate to obovate or narrowly elliptic, 2-10 X 1-4.5 cm, papery, glabrous or sometimes sparsely pubescent abaxially. Cymes paniculate, terminal and axillary;peduncle 2-6 cm, puberulent to glabrous. Sepals narrowly oblong, 2-5 mm, spreading or reflexed, pubescent outside, ciliate, apex obtuse or acute. Corolla white, tube dilated at middle, 5-10 mm, throat glabrous or pilose facing stamens;lobes obovate, as long as tube. Stamens included, inserted at middle of corolla tube;ovary glabrous. Follicles linear, 10-25 cm X 3-10 mm. Seeds oblong, 1.5-2 cm, coma 1.5-4 cm (Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2017).

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