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Adapted from Pitcher (1989)

Related invasive species

  • Xanthium spinosum

Related Farm Practice

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X. spinosum is a highly invasive plant classified as one of the world’s worst weeds, and is now widely distributed throughout many regions of the world, where it is a common agricultural and pasture weed and a declared noxious species in many countries. Originating in South America, it has spread widely, probably via its spiked seeds which attach to animals and clothing or are a contaminant of hay or other products. It produces prolific amounts of seed that germinate easily. X. spinosum can quickly dominate large areas, outcompeting crops, forage plants and native flora. Control is possible but requires significant effort. There is considerable ongoing research into various methods including biological control.

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X. spinosum is recorded as a weed of cotton, maize, mungbean, sorghum, soyabean, sugarbeet, sugarcane, sunflower and tomatoes, as well as many other annual and perennial crops.

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