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Shore pine (figure 1) is a subspecies of lodgepole pine that inhabits the coastal strip in Oregon. Insect pests, diseases,

and nonbiological (abiotic) factors may have

an impact on growth, visual appearance, and

productivity of trees. However, shore pine is

quite a vigorous tree and tolerates conditions

most other trees could not. Perhaps the most

commonly observed problems of shore pine are

salt damage and shade (lack of full sun), both

factors that may be confused with insect or

disease damage. Biotic problems such as the pitch

masses of the sequoia pitch moth, the roundish

swellings (caused by western gall rust), reddish

needles and poor needle retention (caused by

foliage diseases) and the smaller pitch masses

at the base of the tree (caused by red turpentine

beetle) are commonly observed but rarely kill the

tree. In this publication, we review the general

nature of shore pine in Oregon and the common

nonbiological, insect pest, and disease problems

that impact tree health.

James E. Reeb, Extension forester, Lincoln County

Extension, Oregon State University. David C. Shaw,

Extension forest health specialist, Department of Forest

Engineering, Resources, and Management, Oregon State

University. Unless otherwise noted, photos are by one of

the authors, © Oregon State University.

Common insect pests and

diseases of shore pine on

the Oregon coast

Figure 1. Shore pine on Battle Rock in Port Orford, Oregon.

EM 9008 • September 2010

James E. Reeb and David C. Shaw

(Pinus contorta Douglas ex. Louden var. contorta)

Shore Pine in Oregon

Lodgepole pine has the widest range of

environmental tolerance of any North American

conifer. Because of this, the species is widely

distributed throughout western North America.

Lodgepole pine is a two-needled pine that is

characterized as a hard pine or a yellow pine.

Lodgepole pines can be found growing in the Rocky

Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and the mountains and

coasts of Oregon. Their range extends from Alaska

to Mexico. It is the only conifer that is native to both

Alaska and Mexico. Lodgepole pines vary in growth

rate and form, depending on location. Lodgepole

pine has four geographic varieties: P. contorta var.

contorta, the coastal form known as shore pine,

beach pine, or coast pine; P. contorta var. bolanderi, a

Mendocino County White Plains form in California

called Bolander pine; P. contorta var. murrayana

in the Sierra Nevada, called Sierra lodgepole pine

or tamarack pine; and P. contorta var. latifolia, the

inland form often referred to as Rocky Mountain

lodgepole pine or black pine. Although the coastal

form grows mainly between sea level and 2,000 ft

(610 m), the inland form is found from 1,600 to

12,000 ft (490 to 3,660 m).


In much of its range lodgepole pine is an

important commercial timber species. Lodgepole

gets its name from the fact that Native Americans

used its straight slender boles as poles for their

teepees. It is an aggressive and hardy tree capable

of restocking cutover land in a short time. These

trees often reach heights of 80 ft and diameters of

30 in. They are characterized by long clear boles and

short, narrow open crowns. Bark beetles and dwarf

mistletoe are major damage agents of lodgepole

pine outside the coastal areas, while the thin bark

of lodgepole pine makes it easily killed by wildfire.

Along the coast, bark beetles, dwarf mistletoe, and

fire are not very important.

Shore pine

Lodgepole pines growing along the coast of

the Pacific Northwest are called shore pine and

sometimes beach pine or coast pine. Shore pine

(Pinus contorta Douglas ex. Louden var. contorta) is

a small tree that rarely exceeds 60 ft in height. Shore

pine can vary from a shrub form on exposed coastal

bluffs (figure 2), a dwarf tree planted on sand dune

areas (figure 3), or tall trees growing in protected

sites (figure 4). It is characterized by a short, often

“contorted” bole with a dense irregular crown of

twisted branches. In maturity, the crown becomes

conical. The Latin word contorta means contorted

or twisted and refers to the irregular crown of the

typical, scrubby shore pine. They have little to no

commercial timber value; however, the trees are

greatly prized for their aesthetic characteristics

and are important ornamental yard trees. They are

important trees for wildlife, because the pine nuts

are a favorite food of squirrels and songbirds.

Shore pines are often found on histosols (peat

bogs or muskegs) in southeastern Alaska, British

Columbia, and western Washington, and on dry,

sandy, or gravelly sites in western Oregon and

farther south along the coast on inceptisols, alfisols,

and ultisols. Shore pine can be found growing with

Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, western hemlock, western

red cedar, redwood, and Port Orford cedar. On

protected sites, shore pine will be replaced by these

species, whereas on dune and bluff sites, it is the

only tree that can grow there.

Shore pine needles occur two to a bundle and

are typically 1 to 3 in long (2.5 to 7.5 cm), stout and

somewhat flattened, and often appear twisted along

their length. Shore pines start producing cones when

Figure 4. Tall stature trees in Honeyman State Park,


Figure 2. Shore pine at the coastal edge, near Gold Beach,


Figure 3. Shore pine planted in sand dunes, near Dune

City, Oregon.


they are between 5 and 10 years old. Shore pines are

monoecious; that is, they have both male and female

flowers on the same tree. Male flowers are yellow,

cylindrical and clustered at branch tips, while female

flowers are reddish purple at branch tips and appear

in the upper crown. Female flowers become prickly

cones that are 1 to 2 in long (2.5 to 5 cm) and egg-

shaped. These cones are attached to the branches in

pairs without stalks and measure 0.8 to 2.4 in long

(2 to 6 cm). They are brownish orange when ripe

and tend to point backward toward the main trunk.

Some cones will open and release seed soon after

maturing, while others can remain unopened for

several years. The winged seeds are about 0.2 in long

(5 mm).

Because lodgepole pine occupies such a variety of

sites, when planting shore pine trees it is important

that the seed or seedling source matches the site

where the pines are being planted. A study of shore

pines on Vancouver Island found that seed should

not be transferred more than 500 ft in elevation. It

could be moved 1.5° north or south but only a short

distance east and west. The researchers concluded

that seed used at their research site should come

only from sites within the narrow rain shadow of

Vancouver Island (Ying and Liang 1994). Sorensen

(1992) and Stoneman (1984) both concluded

that Sierra lodgepole pine in Oregon could be

moved over large geographical areas, but should

be restricted to narrow elevation differences. If a

lodgepole seedling from the Blue Mountains in

eastern Oregon is moved and planted on the Oregon

coast, its chances of survival are minimal. Even our

native shore pines can be damaged and sometimes

killed when large storms move large amounts of salt

spray inland. An imported lodgepole seedling does

not stand a chance in our coastal environment.

Landscape vs. natural settings

Shore pine in the landscape is an important

ornamental tree for homeowners (figure 5). As a

yard tree, shore pine can attain heights of 40 ft or

more. Even as a yard tree, its form is very often not

straight, or it is purposely formed into contorted

shapes. Some yard trees are pruned and may not

have limbs for much of the length up the trunk.

In contrast, natural shore pine can occur in dense

stands along the coast. Canopy closure may happen

when the trees are very short, often less than 20 ft

tall. The lower branches extend to the ground and

die from shade after canopy closure. The result is a

thick dense stand with dead limbs extending from

the ground level to the upper canopy, where live

limbs still support needles capable of gathering

sunlight for photosynthesis. Under this closure, very

little other vegetation can survive. Many older shore

pine stands, however, have even-sized trees that are

widely spaced, each tree with a distinctive rounded

crown and contorted branches. The understory may

be thick with evergreen shrubs (salal, evergreen

huckleberry, and rhododendron; figure 6). Most

insects and diseases go unnoticed in natural stands,

whereas the slightest impact on a specimen tree or

on a yard tree may cause worry.

Figure 5. Shore pine in a yard, Port Orford, Oregon.

Figure 6. Shore pine and understory of salal, evergreen

huckleberry, and rhododendron, Honeyman State Park,



Common problems of shore pine

In the following section, we discuss major

nonbiological problems of shore pine, followed by

insects, and then diseases. Nonbiological problems

such as shading or salt spray may appear as insect or

disease damage, or one may find a biotic agent on a

tree because it is stressed by abiotic factors.

Major Nonbiological Problems of

Shore Pine (see table 1)

Table 1. Nonbiological problems that can impact shore

pine and be confused with insects and disease.

Cause Symptoms and description

Salt damage

Reddish foliage, often on one side of the tree. The

canopy can have a burned look.

Trees often recover. Associated with winter storms that

blow salty water onto land.


Poor growth, spindly branches, crown uneven and

lacking fullness. May have foliage diseases. Shore pine is

a sun-loving plant and does poorly in shade.


in lawns

Sudden death. Crown becomes red and foliage dies.

Roots develop poorly. Watering shore pine in lawn

settings is hard on the tree, as they are adapted to the

dry Oregon summer/fall. Watering can increase root

diseases such as Phytophthora spp. and Armillaria.

Death is associated with poor root development.


potted trees

After planting, the tree fails to develop and eventually

dies, or one part of the crown dies. Potted trees may

have constricted roots from being in the pot too long.

When planting this type of tree, be sure to break up the

bound roots and see that the root ball is not shaped like

the pot.




Tree declines and may die. Trenching can damage major

roots, thus weakening tree vigor and possibly allowing

entrance courts for root and butt rots. All roots serve

the crown of the tree, and the size of the below-ground

water and nutrient-uptake apparatus (roots) is related

to the size of the crown. When roots are severed, the

remaining roots may be unable to service the entire

crown as before.



Pitch moths common on pruning wounds. Persistant

wound occurs. Pruning should occur from October to

February. Avoid damaging branch collar.



Tree declines and dies. Foliage disease causes foliage

loss, tree just seems weak and never vigorous. Ask

about the genetics of the tree before purchasing. (What

is the seed source of this tree?)

Salt damage

Salt damage to shore pine is a common

phenomenon along the Oregon coast in certain

years. Violent storms and high winds along the

coast pick up salt spray (usually in winter) and can

blow this material inland a considerable distance.

Salt interferes with normal biological function of

the needle and will kill part or all of a shore pine

needle. The needle reddens and dies, or portions

of the needle die, depending on how much salt is

deposited. This can give the tree crowns a singed

or scorched look, which may appear only on the

windward side of the crown (figure 7). There is

a clear landscape effect, with trees in exposed

windward hillsides overlooking the ocean often

getting the full brunt of the salt spray, with the

occasional more inland hilltop getting hit also.

Figure 7. Shore pine with salt damage.

(Photo by Alan Kanaskie, Oregon Department of Forestry, used by



Shore pine is a sun-loving tree that can tolerate

Oregon’s coastal rainfall and drizzle patterns. It

requires full sun for best health and vigor. Crowding

and shading will impair tree vigor and result in

spindly and poorly growing trees with poor foliage

retention (figure 8). Some trees growing in deeper

shade may look thin-crowned, have foliage disease

or insect scales on old needles, and have thin spindly

branches with small tufts of foliage at the ends. If

trees are left in this condition for a long time, they

may not respond well if they are suddenly exposed

when competing vegetation is removed.


Figure 9. A purchased shore pine that died recently after

planting, near Newport, Oregon.

Figure 8. Shore pine growing in shady spot, with poor

foliage retention. Note also that the tree is in a canopy gap

where humid air pools and foliage diseases and gall rust

might be enhanced.


A shore pine growing on a lawn is best left

unwatered, even in our sandy soils, except in the

initial planting. Shore pine is adapted to the summer

and fall drought that occurs most years along

Oregon’s coast. Tree roots develop poorly if the tree

is overwatered. Root diseases such as the exotic

water mold Phytophthora cinnamomi and other

Phytophthora species can cause disease in the well-

watered landscape, whereas they are rarely a concern

in the natural stands. Armillaria root disease can

also impact trees not used to well-watered roots.

Therefore, a tree growing in a watered lawn that

dies for no apparent reason may have been killed by

the invisible action of below-ground agents that are

difficult to detect after the tree has died.

Potted trees

Trees grown in pots can have very constricted

and bound roots, especially if the tree has been in

the pot too long. If you buy a tree that is in a pot

and you pop it out of the pot and plug it into a hole

in the ground, the tree may not thrive. Perhaps it

will remain there for a few months or even a few

years, and then die (figure 9). Another possibility

is that the tree will grow roots out of the bind and

recover to grow into a nice shade tree. Often times a

portion of the crown may die because of poor root

development, but the whole tree does not.

Inspect the root ball of a tree before buying it

to determine if it has severe root binding. If you

purchase a tree, you should know if it has been

potted for too long. When planting a potted tree,

break up the root ball and don’t allow it to retain the

shape of the pot so that the tree can grow roots out

into the surrounding soil.

Trenching/construction damage

The architecture of a given tree is a balance

between the crown and the roots. The size of the

crown is related to the size of the root system. Each

individual leaf has a direct connection to certain

roots due to small capillary water streams. Although

trees have some ability to compensate when a major

portion of the root system is severed, the crown

cannot be sustained, and a portion of the leaves and

branches are shed (die). Butt wounding and root

damage, especially severed roots from trenching,

can cause a tree to die or to lose some portion of

the crown to what appears as drought damage.

Wounding also allows access to root diseases and

wood rots and encourages bark beetles such as the

red turpentine beetle, which further weakens the


tree. Therefore, trenching and construction damage

are major concerns to existing trees in the landscape

and housing areas. Expect damaged trees to have a

wide range of health problems.


Windthrow of shore pine can occur during violent

windstorms, which often strike the coast of Oregon.

A recent example is the November 2007 storm along

the north coast. Although this is not often confused

with insect damage, heavily broken trees are often

attacked by red turpentine beetle. These beetles

cause pitch masses (1/2–1 inches across (1 – 3 cm))

to form at the base of the tree, where the beetles

enter the inner bark, lay eggs, and feed on cambium.

How this influences overall tree vigor is not well

quantified, as it is thought that a healthy tree can

tolerate red turpentine beetle and that these beetles

rarely kill a tree. However, for crown-damaged trees,

an additional assault on individual tree resources

may further reduce their vigor and the tree may die.


Injured trees are more susceptible to insect attack.

Injury can either be naturally occurring, such as

by windstorms or ice breakage, or human-induced,

such as by pruning or breaking of limbs or rupturing

the bark on the trunk. Injured trees release volatile

compounds that attract insects by showing that the

tree’s defenses are weakened. To minimize insect

attacks, do not prune shore pine in the spring or

summer. Pruning should be done between October

and February. Particular attention should be paid to

proper pruning; do not damage the branch collar,

because this will attract pitch moths.

Off-site plantings

Trees that are not genetically suited to an area

are called off-site. Off-site plantings are often more

susceptible to insect attacks. So, if you plant a shore

pine, make sure that the tree was grown from local

seed sources; i.e., it is a shore pine and not a lodgepole

pine from eastern Oregon or the Rocky Mountains.

A. Bark beetles, ambrosia beetles, and wood borers.

Species Notes Symptoms Signs

Red turpentine beetle

Dendroctonus valens

Rarely kills trees Pitch mass at base of tree, up to ~5 ft.

Can be small reddish pitch outs.

Adult beetles red-brown, 3/8 in

long. Grubs feed gregariously.

Pine engraver beetles

Ips species

Pseudips mexicanus

(Monterey pine engraver)

Can kill tops, branches, and whole trees. Usually

invades recent dead tree.

Red boring dust. Pitch out. Red foliage. Adult beetles 1/8–3/16 in long.

White grubs at bark/wood


Shore pine bark beetle

Pseudohylesinus pini

Known from branches and upper bole of weakened

and dying trees.

Red boring dust. Adult beetles ~ 1/8 in long. White

gurbs at bark/wood interface.

Dendroctonus ponderosae

(Mt. Pine beetle)

The Mt. Pine beetle, which is killing billions of lodgepole

pine trees in western North America, is not present on

the coast, although there have been rare reports of

outbreaks associated with imported fresh firewood.

Ambrosia beetles

Several species

Does not kill trees. Invades recent dead tree. White boring dust outside bark. Pinholes

in wood with associated stain.

Adult beetles 1/64–1/8 in long.

White grubs in “cradles” in wood.

Wood borers

Several species

Monochamus maculosus

(spotted pine sawyer)

Colonizes dead trees. Not a tree killer. Boring throughout dead wood.

Wandering galleries at bark and wood


Adult beetles and larvae can be

large, >1.5 in.

Major Insect Problems of Shore Pine (see table 2)

Table 2. Potential insect pests of shore pine. Many of these insects are known pests of lodgepole pine and therefore could

influence shore pine. Documentation of shore pine pests is lacking, perhaps due to the low number of pests along the

coast. Symptoms are the visible response of the plant (red foliage, resin flow, reduced growth, and wilting). Signs are the

physical presence of causal agents (beetle grub or fungal fruiting body).

There are few major insect problems of shore pine;

the sequoia pitch moth is perhaps the most common.

We discuss insects that could damage the tree, based

on our local knowledge and their importance in other

lodgepole systems. This discussion follows the listing

in table 2 and begins with beetles.


B. Defoliators.

Species Notes Symptoms Signs

Silver spotted tiger moth

Lophocampa argentata

Abundance varies year to year.

Rarely harms trees, but can be


Localized defoliation of older needles in

winter and spring. Webbing and red foliage

hang on tre


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