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First report of shoot blight of persimmon caused byDiaporthe

neotheicolain Australia

H. Golzar &Y. P. Ta n &R. G. Shivas &C. Wang

Received: 27 March 2012 / Accepted: 24 May 2012 / Published online: 23 June 2012


Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. 2012

AbstractShoot blight symptom was found on persimmon

(Diospyros kaki) in southern Western Australia in December

2010. The pathogen was isolated and identified asDia-

porthe neotheicolaon the basis of morphology, sequence

analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the

translation elongation factor 1-α(TEF). A pathogenicity test

was conducted and Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by re-

isolation of the fungus from diseased tissues. This is the first

report ofD.neotheicolacausing shoot blight on persimmon

in Australia and worldwide.

KeywordsDiospyros kaki.


Shoot blight.


The genusDiaporthe(includingPhomopsis)containsa

large number of endophytes, saprobes and plant pathogens

that cause blights, cankers, die-backs and wilts on a range of

plants of economic importance (Uecker1988; Mostert et al.

2001; Udayanga et al.2011).Diaporthe neotheicola(syno-

nymPhomopsis theicola) has been reported as a weak

pathogen from several hosts, includingAspalathus linearis

(van Rensburg et al.2006),Camellia sinsensis(Uecker

1988),Foeniculum vulgare(Santos and Phillips2009),Pru-

nus dulcis(Diogo et al.2010)andProtea,Pyrus,Vi t i svinifera(Mostert et al.2001; van Niekerk et al.2005).

Phomopsis diospyriwas reported causing shoot blight and

dieback on persimmon in Greece (Thomidis and Navrozidis

2009). In ItalyP. maliwas reported as the cause of severe

dieback of persimmon (Rosciglione1983). In both cases the

identifications of the fungi were not confirmed by molecular

methods and the species names utilized should be treated

with caution. There has been no report, in the scientific

literature, of the occurrence ofD.neotheicolaon persimmon

in Australia or elsewhere in the world, although the Austra-

lian Plant Disease Database (APDD) includes records of

Phomopsissp. on persimmon from NSW, QLD, VIC and

WA. Persimmon is a deciduous tree that has been cultivated

in Australia for over 100 years. Japanese cultivars of non-

astringent persimmons were introduced into Australia in the

1980s. Persimmon production is spread across the states and

Western Australia produces 5 % percent of total production

in Australia (PAI.2009).

In December 2010, persimmon plants with shoot blight,

twig girdling and wilt symptoms (Fig.1a) from southern

Western Australia were sent to the Department of Agricul-

ture and Food, Plant Diseases Diagnostic lab at South Perth.

Severe decline of the persimmon trees has occurred due to

loss of blighted shoots and it has become prevalent in the

persimmon production areas in southern Western Australia.

The disease developed during spring on the current season’s

shoots, extended rapidly, disrupted vascular tissue, and

caused shoots to wilt in the late spring and early summer.

Tissue was excised from the leading edge of stem lesions

and surface-sterilised by immersion in a 1.25 % aqueous

solution of sodium hypochlorite for 2 min, rinsed in sterile

water and dried in a laminar flow cabinet. The pieces were

then either (a) placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and

incubated at 22 ± 3 °C for 7 days, fungal colonies subse-

quently sub-cultured onto PDA and then single-spored to

H. Golzar (*) :C. Wang

Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia,

3 Baron-Hay Court South Perth,

South Perth, WA 6151, Australia


Y. P. T a n

:R. G. Shivas

Department of Employment, Economic Development

and Innovation, Plant Pathology Herbarium (BRIP),

Plant Biosecurity Science,

GPO Box 267, Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia Australasian Plant Dis. Notes (2012) 7:115–117

DOI 10.1007/s13314-012-0061-y

obtain pure cultures; or (b) placed in trays on moist filter

paper and incubated at 25 °C with a 12-h dark and light

cycle for 2 weeks. Fungal colonies with similar morpholog-

ical characteristics were consistently isolated both from agar

plates and incubated plant specimens. After 14 d the fungal

colonies were cottony white, pale-grey on the reverse side of

the agar plates. Conidiomata were globose to subglobose,

360–700μm in diam. Pycnidia were dark brown, scattered

or in groups. Conidiophores cylindrical hyaline 6.5–25 ×

1.5–3μm. Alpha conidia unicellular, guttulate, fusoid with

obtuse ends 7–10 × 2.5–4μm. Beta conidia hyaline, asep-

tate, filiform curved with rounded ends 23–30 × 1.2–1.5

(Fig.2). Some pycnidia produced only one type of conidia.

Pycnidia were embedded in the stem tissues, sub-epidermal

scattered with a short neck protruding to the surface

(Fig.1b). Both cultural and morphological characteristics

of the fungal isolates were similar to those described forD.

neotheicola(Santos and Phillips2009). Representative iso-

lates were deposited in the Western Australia Plant Pathogen

Collection (WAC13427) and the Queensland Plant Pathol-

ogy Herbarium (BRIP 54603).

Two representative isolates identified asD. neotheicola

were grown on PDA for 2 weeks at 25 °C. DNA wasextracted from fungal mycelium with the Gentra Puregene

kit (Qiagen, Melbourne, Vic., Australia) according to the

manufacturer’s instructions. PCR amplification was con-

ducted using the Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

(Finnzymes, Espoo, Finland), which consisted of 12.5μLof

2 x Master Mix with HF Buffer, 0.5μL each of 10 mM of

forward and reverse primers, and 1μL of DNA template.

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified

with primers ITS1 and ITS4 (White et al.1990), and part of

the translation elongation factor 1-α(TEF) was amplified

with primers EF1-728 F (Carbone & Kohn1999) and EF2

(O’Donnell et al.1998). PCR products were amplified in a

Bio-Rad C1000 thermal cycler (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Her-

cules, California, USA) using the following conditions: 98 °C

for 30 s, 30 cycles at 98 °C for 10s, 55 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for

30 s, followed by a 5 min final extension at 72 °C. The

products were sequenced by Macrogen Incorporated (Seoul,

Korea) using the AB 3730xl DNA Analyser (Applied

Biosystems, Forster City, California, USA). The ITS and

TEF sequences of BRIP 54603 (GenBank accession

JQ809272 and JQ809273, respectively) are identical to

the ex-type culture ofD. neotheicolaCBS 123208

(EU814480 and GQ250315).


Fig. 2Diaporthe neotheicola.

(a) conidiophores andα

conidia; (b) conidiophores and

βconidia; (c)αandβconidia.


b a

Fig. 1Diaporthe neotheicola.

(a) shoot blight symptoms on

persimmon; (b) pycnidia on the

infected shoots. Bars05 and

0.5 cm respectively

116H. Golzar et al.

A pathogenicity test was carried out on 3 year old per-

simmon plants in the glasshouse. Two representative iso-

lates ofD. neotheicola(14-d-old cultures) were used for

inoculation of wounded and non-wounded shoots. The

shoots were trimmed to a uniform length of 30 cm. A single

wound was made in each of the shoots by pin-prinking them

with a syringe needle. One mycelial plug (5 mm in diam.)

was placed on each wound. Mycelial plugs were fixed onto

the wound sites with parafilm to prevent contamination and

desiccation, and then removed after 7 day. Agar plugs

without fungal colonies were placed on wounded and non-

wounded branches of plants, serving as controls. Inoculated

plants were placed in the glasshouse at 25 °C and a 12-

h dark and light cycle. After 3 weeks disease symptoms

were identical to those seen on naturally infected plants. The

symptom development was accelerated on wound-

inoculated compared with non-wound inoculated shoots.

Controls remained asymptomatic. Koch’s postulates were

fulfilled by re-isolation ofD. neotheicola. This fungus was

hence shown to be pathogenic to persimmon causing shoot

blight. The identity ofD. neotheicolawas confirmed by

morphology and DNA sequence data. To our knowledge,

this is the first report ofD. neotheicolacausing shoot blight

on persimmon in Australia and worldwide.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Ms Nuccia

Eyres and Ms Christine Wood for providing information and technical



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First report of shoot blight of persimmon117


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