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UNMRSITY OF CAuroRNIA CooPBtAllVE f.xm.JsloN, 8279 Scorr FoR..Bf5 R.oAD, BR.oWNS V AI.l.EY, CA 95918

Native oaks are a vital and important component of the vegetation of California

They grow in a wide variety of

habitats and help provide a distinctive

character to the landscape. Not only

are they beautiful to look at, but they

also provide food and shelter for many

wildlife species, they stabilize soil,

and they help counteract the

"greenhouse effect" by taking up

carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.

It is estimated that one or more species

of oaks grow on over 20 percent of the

state's 100 million acres of land Un-

fortunately, there are also reports that

some native oaks may not be regener-

ating very well in some locations.

Poor natural regeneration raises

concerns about the long term fate of

these species. To assist Mother Nature

in establishing new oak trees, efforts

are underway to plant acorns and

small seedlings. Such regeneration

efforts will ensure that our magnifi-

cent oaks, which have graced

California valleys and foothills for

thousands of years, will be around for

future generations to enjoy also.

The following guidelines provide suc-

cessful techniques for growing oak

trees. While there are many ways to

get an oak tree started, the procedures

described have proved successful for a

variety of species and environments.


Oak trees can be started by either di-

rectly planting acorns or transplanting

small seedlings. However, since rela-

tively few native oak seedlings are

produced in the state, it may be

difficult to purchase them. Those that

are produced are generally grown in

containers ranging in size from a few

cubic inches to 5 or 15 gallons.

Seedlings grown in the smaller

containers should be no more than one

year old before transplanting since

they quickly outgrow small pots. Even

with large containers, it is important

that seedlings be transplanted within a

couple of years since oaks tend to pro-

duce massive root systems and can

easily become "pot-bound"

Some bareroot oak seedlings are also

available. For the past several years

the California Department of Forestry

Nursery at Magalia has been growing,

and making available to the public,

several species of oaks. The supply of

both container and bareroot oak

seedlings should increase in future

years as techniques for rearing them

are developed and perfected, and more

people express an interest in planting

native oaks.

The choice of whether to plant acorns

or seedlings depends on a whole host

of factors including availability of

planting material and conditions at the

planting site. Generally, acorns are

easier to plant, but the survival of

seedlings may be greater if they are

planted correctly at the right time of

the year. Another factor that may in-

fluence the choice is what kinds of

animals are present at the planting site.

If there are high populations of acorn-

eating rodents (ground squirrels or

deer mice), it may be easier to plant

seedlings than trying to protect the




Since most tree species have adapted

to the specific environments where

they grow, it is important to only plant

a given oak species in areas where it

naturally occurs or where it may have

grown in the past Even within a

species, you must be careful to only

plant acorns or seedlings that come

from a parent tree growing in the same

general environment. If you took an

acorn from a blue oak tree growing on

the coast and planted it in the foothills

of the Sierra Nevada, for instance, it

would probably grow poorly, or die,

even though blue oaks grow in both

locations. Since coastal trees are

genetically adapted to more temperate,

moister conditions, they would be

subject to injury from the colder, drier

conditions of the interior. If you

collect acorns yourself, you can be

sure where they come from, and know

that they are also handled and stored

properly. If you buy from a nursery,

make sure you find out the location

and elevation of the acorns collected,

and insist on seed sources from as near

your planting site as possible.

Co11ti11Ul!d 011 page 2


Acorns can be collected either directly

from the trees or from the ground be-

neath. However, the healthiest acorns

are generally those picked from the

trees. Those that fall to the ground

often dry out and are damaged-

especially if they lie exposed for more

than a few days during hot and dry

weather. If you do collect acorns from

the ground, leave behind those that are

very small, cracked or feel light and

hollow. Acorns collected directly from

trees can be hand-picked or knocked

to the ground using long poles or

pieces of plastic pipe. It's easy to pick

them up if tarps are placed under the

trees first

The best time to collect acorns is

generally in the early fall, when they

are just starting to turn from green to

brown and some are falling to the

ground. It's probably too early to

collect them if they are all dark green

and it is difficult to remove their caps

(the cup covering the rounded end).

Wait a couple of weeks and check

them again.

If left unprotected, oak seedlings are vul-

nerable to attack from grasshoppers and

other animals.

2 ,. How to Grow California Oaks


Prior to storage, the caps on all acorns

should be taken off. They should come

off easily when twisted. Acorns col-

lected directly from the trees should

be put in plastic bags and immediately

placed in a refrigerator. Refrigeration

slows the metabolic activity and helps

prevent them from heating up or

drying out - both of which can be

damaging. A recent study indicated

that storing acorns in a refrigerator for

a month or so before planting resulted

in faster and more complete

germination than planting acorns


Acorns picked up off the ground

should be soaked for a day before they

are placed in cold storage. Those that

float should be discarded. "Floaters"

are generally acorns that have been

damaged by insects or have dried out

while they were on the ground.

"Sinkers" should be saved. Remove

the acorns from the water and place

them on cloth or paper towels for a

half hour to dry their surface. Then

place the acorns in plastic bags in the

refrigerator. Check them occasionally

for molds. If molds do develop, take

the acorns out and rinse them, and

then put them back in the refrigerator.

Leaving the plastic bag partially open

at the end seems to reduce the

tendency for molds to develop.

Another problem that can develop in

cold storage is premature germination.

Blue oak acorns are especially prone

to this. The white tip emerging from

the pointed end of the acorn is actually

the start of the new root system. Once

these roots have grown for a few

weeks, they can start to go bad and

tum dark brown or grey and mushy.

Therefore, if you see the acorns

starting to germinate in storage, it's

best to plant them as soon as possible.



Acorns can be planted from early No- 1-

vember (after the first rains have

soaked the soil) until early March.

However, it's generally better to plant

acorns early in the season since the

earlier they are placed in the ground,

the earlier they start to grow. Early

planting also reduces the problems

associated with premature germination

during storage.

Plant the acorns one-half to one inch

below the soil surface. Dig a hole

using a hand trowel, hoe, or shovel.

It's best to dig the hole several inches

deeper than the acorn is actually

planted, and then partially fill the hole

back up with loose soil. This gives the

new root a chance to get a good start

in soft, easy to penetrate soil. If the

acorns have germinated, try not to

break the root tip, and position it in

such a way that the root is pointing

down. Even if the tip of the root has

begun to turn brown, the acorns

should still be okay as long as some of

the root is white and fleshy. Place

ungerminated acorns on their side in

the hole and cover with soil.

Planting seedlings requires a little

more care since there is greater risk of

transplant shock and root injury.

Seedlings should be planted between

December and February, when the soil

is wet but not frozen. When planting

potted seedlings, try to keep the soil

from falling off the roots when the

seedling is removed from the

container. Place the seedlings in the

ground such that the top of the soil

from the container is even with the

ground line. It is especially important

not to plant the seedlings so shallow

that the potting mix sticks up in the

air, since this can cause moisture to

"wick-out" and the seedlings to dry

up. If you are planting bareroot

seedlings, be sure not to "J-root" them

(planting in too shallow a hole so the

root bends up). Also, tamp the soil

down in the planting hole so that air

pockets are removed. If possible,

water the transplants when they are

planted. This settles the soil, ensures

there is adequate moisture, and helps

eliminate air pockets.

Recent studies have indicated that

augering holes 1-2 feet below planting

spots and backfilling with the broken-

up soil can promote deep root

development and stimulate vigorous

growth. This is especially beneficial if

you are planting in hard, compacted

ground. Deep root development pro-

vides seedlings with greater access to

moisture, thus reducing the ill effects

of summer drought Placing a fertilizer

tablet a few inches below and to the

side of the bottom of the root can also

help ensure that the developing

seedling will have plenty of nutrients

for its initial growth.

The site where you choose to plant

acorns or seedlings may also be

critical for their success. Choose a

sunny spot that has loose, well-drained

soil and is fairly free of weeds. Also,

avoid areas where there are lots of

pocket gopher mounds or ground

squirrel activity. If you do feel that the

acorns may be threatened by rodents

such as squirrels or mice, plant them a

little deeper-say, two inches below

the surface. If they are planted deeper,

. it will be harder for these animals to

dig them up. However, if they are

planted too deep, they may rot or not

be able to grow up to the soil surface.


The number of acorns or seedlings to

plant in a given area will depend on

how many oaks you eventually want

to grow there. Unfortunately, it is very

difficult to predict how many trees

will be produced from plantings, since

a whole host of uncertain factors

including weather, animals and

competing vegetation can influence

this. When laying out the planting

area, consider spacing seedlings or

acorns in a naturalistic manner, rather

than in straight rows, using surround-

ing oak trees as a model. On open

rangeland, it is recommended that

trees be established in small clumps or

clusters, with the goal of about 40

planting spots per acre. This comes

out to an average of one cluster every

30-40 feet Within each cluster, plant

3-4 seedlings. In restoration projects

Tree shelters protect oak seedlings from

animals and stimulate growth.

in riparian zones, a greater density is

usually desirable, so have the clusters

closer together-say 15-20 feet apart.




Another critical factor affecting young

oak seedlings is competing vegetation.

Adjacent plants----especially grasses-

can use up so much of the available

soil moisture that little is left for the

seedlings. It is therefore recommended

that a 2-3 foot radius circle around the

planting spots be cleared of other

vegetation. This can be done by hand

weeding, hoeing, scalping, or by

spraying a contact herbicide. How-

ever, with any of these methods, be

sure to check back in the spring and

early summer to remove any addi-

tional weeds that may have come up.

It is generally best to keep the weeds

away for at least 2 years after planting.

Another way of reducing weeds near

seedlings is to place some type of

mulch around the planting spots. Bark

chips, straw, compost, mulching

paper, or even black plastic can be

used. Mulches have an added benefit

in that they also help conserve

moisture by reducing evaporation

from the soil surface. In areas where

water is accessible, several deep irri-

gations (2 gallons per seedling) during

the late spring and early summer can

also help ensure that the seedlings are

not damaged by drought

Since acorns are an important food

source for a whole host of animals,

there is always a risk some of them

will be dug up and eaten. As the

seedlings start to grow in the spring,

there is a also a chance that their

tender young shoots will be eaten by

livestock, rabbits, grasshoppers, or

other animals. The risk of such injury

to both acorns and seedlings can be

reduced by placing protective cages

around the planting spots. One type of

cage that has worked well in research

plots consists of an 18x18-inch

aluminum screen that is formed into a

5-inch diameter cylinder and stapled

to a lx2x24-inch wooden stake. The

cylinder is folded closed at the top.

The stake is driven into the ground so

that the screen cage covers the spot

where the acorn or seedling is planted.

This cage will keep out rodents,

insects, and browsing animals.

A new type of protector is a rigid

translucent tube. These "tree shelters"

vary in height from one to six f eeL

These shelters not only keep away

insects and browsers, but appear to

stimulate height growth as well.

Recent research indicates that tree

shelters secured with metal fence posts

can even protect seedlings from cattle

and sheep. These protectors also

facilitate chemical weed control

around planting spots.

Another cage protector consists of a

screen cylinder placed around a I-

quart yogurt or cottage cheese

container that is open at both ends.

Place the quart container in the soil so

that the top is at the soil surface. This

protective cage will not only prevent

shoot damage, but will also help keep

away burrowing animals such as

gophers which can damage roots.

When the seedlings grow to the top of

the screen cages, open the cages up so

the seedlings can continue to grow.

You're now well on your way to es-

tablishing an oak tree!

(continued on next page)

How to Grow California Oaks .i. 3

Publication of the Integrated Hardwood Range management Program

Printing Provided Through Renewable Resources Extension ActHow To Grow California Oaks

Nurseries Producing

Native California Oaks

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