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JUNE 2018




1 paddock preparation

Section 3 VETCH

June 2018

paddock preparation

key points

• Sowing into paddocks with low broadleaf weed infestations is important, as

vetch is a poor early competitor against weeds.

• use integrated pest, disease and weed-management practices.

• control the weed and volunteer ‘green bridge’ before seeding to minimise

disease and pest carryover.

• remediate soil constraints during the summer fallow period.

2 paddock preparation

Section 3 VETCH

June 2018

The approach to paddock preparation and sowing vetch is essentially the

same as for other legume crops. However, as vetch is a poor competitor at

emergence it is especially important to pay attention to detail at this stage

to help ensure maximum production potential.

Vetch is a poor competitor at emergence so ensuring good paddock preparation

maximises crop establishment.

3.1 Soil preparation

Testing for soil limitations and remediation should occur in the summer or autumn

prior to sowing vetch.

3.1.1 Soil pH

While vetch is more tolerant of acid soils than most grain legumes it still prefers soil

pH (CaCl

2) to be >5. Good yields have been grown in paddocks with pH as low as 4.5


2), where aluminium and manganese levels were low.

On soils with a pH
2) nodulation and consequently nitrogen fixation

will be poor. Root growth may also be reduced in acid soils and soils with

subsoil compaction.

Low pH can be remediated with an application of lime during the summer or autumn

period, prior to seeding.

3.1.2 Hard setting and compaction

Both of these soil conditions can reduce root growth and free drainage, limiting

vetch production.

Hard setting and surface crusting are often linked to sodicity. Exchangeable sodium

percentage (ESP) is the measure for sodicity and soils with an ESP greater than six

are considered sodic. Sodicity can generally be improved by the addition of gypsum.

Deep tillage and ripping are used to amend soil compaction and may also be used to

achieve deeper incorporation of lime, gypsum and organic matter.

Implementing a controlled-traffic system after ripping can help minimise recompaction

across a paddock.


1 S Davies, T Overheu (2015), Management of dispersive (sodic) soils e\

xperiencing waterlogging Department of Agriculture and Food

Western Australia,


Mingenew–irwin Group Soil acidity

management and lime calculator,

For details on soil acidity and liming,

see the following article by Brett

Upjohn, Greg Fenton & Mark conyers

– ‘Management of dispersive (sodic)

soils experiencning waterlogging’,

Agfact A c. 19, 3rd edition 2005,





on-farm story variable rate gypsum

3 paddock preparation

Section 3 VETCH

June 2018

3.1.3 non-wetting

In non-wetting soil, crop establishment can be improved with the use of sowing

adjacent to last year’s stubble row, soil-wetting agents, soil disturbance and the

use of press-wheels. If non-wetting soil is severe, addition of clay is worthwhile if

a suitable clay source is available.

In non-wetting soil, delaying sowing until the soil has become wet may be the best

option. Dry sowing with seed furrows left to trap water may not work as furrows may

become filled with soil before germinating rains occur.

3.2 Stubble

The surface retention of cereal stubble does not affect vetch germination or growth

and may improve establishment on hard-setting, surface-crusting soils. It is important

to keep adequate plant residues on the surface to protect the soil from moisture loss

and erosion during establishment, growth and after harvest.

Standing stubble of the previous crop can also help create a trellis for vetch.

However, in hay crops, this standing stubble can be included in the baled material

and can reduce hay quality.

Infected stubble of host crops can be an important source of the disease\

s Aschochyta

blight, Botrytis grey mould, chocolate spot and rust (see Section 2.3.1 Disease).

3.3 Weed control

Controlling weeds and volunteers as early as possible will help conserve soil

moisture, reduce potential disease carryover and minimise blockages at seeding.

Removal of weeds is important as vetch is a poor competitor at emergence and in-

crop herbicide options are extremely limited.

3.3.1 Summer weed control

As a result of an increase in the use of no-till cropping and the incidence of summer

weeds many growers have adopted a spray-fallow system, which predominantly uses

glyphosate over summer to remove weeds and conserve moisture for the next crop.

To reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance developing in fallow weeds some

growers are using weed-detecting technology (WeedSeeker®, WEEDit) to detect

individual weeds that have survived the glyphosate application and spraying these

with an alternative knockdown herbicide.

Weed-detecting technology uses optical sensors to turn on spray nozzles only when

green weeds are detected, greatly reducing total herbicide use per hectare. The

units have their own light source so can be used day or night. Moving from a blanket

to a targeted application enables a higher herbicide rate per plant to be applied but,

generally, much less herbicide per hectare.

The new technology also has the potential to map troublesome weed patches so that

these areas can be targeted with a pre-emergent herbicide before sowing.

The use of selective grass herbicides and higher rates of paraquat and diquat

(bipyridyl herbicides, Group L) are covered by a permit (PER11163), \

which is in force

until 28 February 2019 and is for all Australian states.

This permit allows the use of about 30 different herbicides from seven different

mode-of-action groups. Additional modes of action are likely to be added to the

permit over time.

Some herbicide rates have been increased to enable control of larger or stressed

weeds. For example, glyphosate (450 grams of glyphosate per litre) rates range from

3–4 L/ha (using a set water rate of 100 L/ha), which far exceeds the label blanket rates

of 0.4–2.4 L/ha. Similar increases in rate have also been permitted for paraquat (e.g,



GroundCover tM, ‘Seeding non wetting






GRDc podcast, Sowing sandy soils



GroundCover tM tV, ‘Stubble height

and crop emergence’


XD tSbGcZxpM


Australian Pesticides and Veterinary

Medicines Authroity,

GRDc Fact sheet – Green bridge


GRDc Web resource integrated Weed

Management Hub


Web resource or app HerbiGuide

chemical labels

4 paddock preparation

Section 3 VETCH

June 2018

3.3.2 removing the ‘green bridge’

Vetch should be sown into a clean seedbed, with weeds and volunteers controlled

with cultivation and/or herbicides prior to planting. If not achieved ea\

rlier, paddocks

should be free of weeds for 2–3 weeks prior to seeding to prevent pest and

disease carryover.


Left uncontrolled, volunteers (see Section 2, Table 2) and weeds can result in the

carryover of pests and diseases to the vetch crop.

A wide range of products are registered for controlling weeds in fallows. These

including mixtures of paraquat (Group L) and diquat (Group L) and 2,4-D (Group I) and

glyphosate (Group M).

Check plant-back periods before sowing vetch. For example, there is a 7–10 day

plant-back period constraint before planting vetch following an application of

2,4-D (Group I).

There are no pre-planting residual herbicides registered for use with vetch crops

in New South Wales or Queensland. Some formulations of trifluralin (Group D) are

registered for pre-planting use in vetch crops in SA and WA, but not in NSW or



Self-sown vetch can itself become a ‘green bridge’ for pests and disease in the

following season. Volunteer vetch seedlings need to be controlled early to minimise

the effects of aphids, viruses and diseases in other pulse crops.

photo 1: Vetch is a poor competitor at emergence and in-crop herbicide options

are limited, especially for broadleaf weeds. Controlling summer weeds and the

‘green bridge’ to minimise pest and disease carryover are essential tools in the

successful production of vetch.

Photo: Emma Leonard, AgriKnowHow

2 GRDC (2012) Green Bridge Fact Sheet. GRDC

3 G Charles (2006) Managing weeds in vetch rotation crops. WEEDpak NSW D\

epartment of Primary Industries…

5 paddock preparation

Section 3 VETCH

June 2018

3.4 carryover pests

Carryover pests to considerer are mites, including balaustium and redlegged

earth mite, aphids and lucerne flea. Removal of the green bridge will reduce the

infestations of establishment pests in vetch and is an important part of integrated pest

management (IPM) (Table 1).

table 1: Best-bet IPM strategy, establishment to maturity. i MORE INFORMATION


p ost harvest pre-sowing

Earth mites and

lucerne flea Assess risk.

High risk when:

• history of high mite pressure

• pasture rotating into crop

susceptible crop being planted (e.g. canola, pasture,

lucerne, vetch)

• seasonal forecast is for dry or cool, wet conditions

that slow crop growth

If risk is high:

• ensure accurate identification

• use Timerite® (redlegged earth mites only)

• heavily graze pastures in early-mid spring If high risk:

use an insecticide seed dressing which is compatible

with rhizobia inoculum on susceptible crops (See

Section 4.4)

• monitor more frequently until crop establishment

• use higher sowing rate to compensate for seedling


• consider scheduling a post-emergent insecticide


• earlier sowing into warm soil to give quick

emergence and more vigorous seedlings

If low risk:

• avoid insecticide seed dressings

• monitor until crop establishment

Slugs and snails Assess risk.

High risk when:

• high stubble load

• annual average rainfall >450 mm

• history of slug infestations

• canola being planted

• summer rainfall

• heavy clay soils If high risk:

• burn stubbles

• cultivate worst areas

remove weeds in paddocks/along fencelines,

at least eight weeks prior to sowing

• deploy shelter traps prior to sowing

• sow early to get crop established prior to cold


• use soil compaction at sowing (e.g. press wheels)

• bait at or after sowing prior to emergence

Aphids – virus

transmission Control green bridge (in fallows)

Sow virus-free seed

Sowing into standing stubble may reduce aphid

landing. Assess risk of aphid outbreak.

High risk when:

• warm, mild conditions

• abundant weed hosts

• nearby food sources e.g. clover/medic

Aim to close canopy and minimise gaps

to outcompete infected plants.

Aphids – direct

damage Remove green bridge (aphid hosts) to minimise build

up during autumn and spring.

Sowing into standing stubble may reduce aphid

landing and delay aphid build up in crops. • Control in-crop weeds to minimise sources of aphids

Beneficial insects suppress low populations and

reduce the chance of outbreaks.

• High nitrogen may make the crop more attractive

to aphids.

Source: IPM Guidelines for Grains (2013)

6 paddock preparation

Section 3 VETCH

June 2018

3.5 carryover diseases

Carryover diseases on vetch volunteers include rust and viruses. Other diseases

are carried over on stubble and in the soil and these will not be controlled by green

bridge management (see Table 2 and Section 2, Table 3). More detail on disease

control is in Section 7 In-crop management − disease .

t able 2: Infection sources for major vetch disease.

— Nil * Minor ** Moderate ••• Major

Source: PIRSA/GRDC (2010) Vetch: The Ute Guide –


GRDc tips and tactics – Rhizoctonia -


PestFax Map


disease StubbleSeed Soilaphids Volunteer


Ascochyta blight *****–– **

Botrytis grey mould **––– **

Chocolate spot ******* – **

Rust **_ *– ***

Seed-borne viruses –** –*** ***


viruses –

––*** ***


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