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Keith S. Mayberry, University of California Cooperative

Extension Farm Advisor, Imperial County

Timothy K. Hartz, University of California Cooperative

Extension Specialist,Department of Vegetable Crops,

University of California, Davis

Jesús Valencia, University of California Cooperative

Extension Farm Advisor, Stanislaus County

University of California • Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Publication 7209


Mixed melons (Cucumis melo L. Inodorus group)

include honeydew, crenshaw, casaba, Juan Canary,

Santa Claus, and Persian. Most of the mixed melon

acreage is sown to honeydew, with crenshaw being

the next most popular type. Although yields vary

with season, disease incidence, and type of melon,

fields can yield 1,200 to 1,300 cartons per acre. Yields

are usually considerably less.

Mixed melons are produced in the northern

Central Valley (Sacramento and Stanislaus

Counties); the Central Valley (Kern, Fresno, Kings,

Merced, and Tulare Counties); and the southern

deserts (Imperial and Riverside Counties).


Year Acres Average yield Gross

(tons/acre) value/acre

1994 18,100 7.8 $2,496

1993 16,500 8.0 $2,672

1992 17,500 9.0 $2,340

Source: California Agricultural Statistics 1994 (Sacramento:

California Department of Food and Agriculture, 1995).


The standard open-pollinated honeydew is Green

Flesh Honeydew. The hybrids Silver World (71-151),

Morning Ice, Honey World, and Honeybrew are also

grown. Orange-flesh honeydews or orange-flesh

melons such as Honey Gold are grown on a limited

scale. White Crenshaw is becoming more popular

than Green Skinned Crenshaw due to sunburn

resistance. White Crenshaw has a pale yellow skin

and salmon-colored flesh. Statewide, seeding rates

vary from 0.5 to 1.0 pound per acre (0.56–1.1 kg/ha)

for hybrids and 1 to 2 pounds per acre (1.1–2.2

kg/ha) for open-pollinated varieties. Desired final

in-row spacing is 8 to 10 inches (20–25 cm).

Southern California. In the desert growing areas

of Southern California, mixed melons are planted in

January for a late-May to July harvest. Growers use

several techniques to promote an early harvest. For

spring plantings, slant-bed culture increases soil

temperature by orienting the south face of the bed

toward the winter sun. To maximize heating, the

sun’s rays should strike the soil surface at a nearly

perpendicular angle. Maximum bed heating is

achieved with the bed angle at about 35 to 37

degrees from horizontal.

Seed is planted 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) deep on 80-inch

(2-m) beds. Custom-built, slant-bed planters using

random-flow seeding units are commonly used, and

vacuum planters may be used for precision spacing.

Seed lines should be located midway up the slope.

Growers must locate the seed line correctly as the

beds will be reworked and reformed during the sea-

son. Forming a bed with a depression at the crown

increases the incidence of fruit- and root-rotting


After the melons are thinned to about 12 inches

(30 cm), growers work the beds to relocate the seed

line, shaving soil off the top of the beds and into the

furrow. After several passes with small tractor-

mounted discs, the field is virtually flat with seed

lines 80 inches (2 m) apart. Growers then sidedress

the field with fertilizer and make new furrows for


Another way to plant spring melons is the

“midbed trench” method. Growers use a bed shaper

to dig a trench or groove in the center of an 80-inch-

wide (2-m) bed. Although the shape of the trench

varies, they are usually 6 to 10 inches (15–25 cm)

wide at the bottom, 20 inches (50 cm) wide at the

top, and 12 inches (30 cm) deep. Trenches are seeded

at the bottom using either a random-flow planter or

an air-type vacuum precision planter. Pre-emer-

gence herbicide is sprayed in the trench. A tractor-

mounted, plastic-mulch-laying machine is used to

stretch a 40-inch-wide (1-m) sheet of 1 to 1.5 mm

plastic sheet over the trench and secure the edges

with soil. The plastic mulch should be laid on a slop-

ing beds to prevent rain from collecting, causing the

film to sag and injure the plants.

Fields with midbed trenches are furrow-irrigated

to wet the seed lines. No additional irrigation is

needed for the next 40 to 50 days. After tempera-

tures begin to rise and the plants touch the plastic,

ventilation is needed to prevent injury. Holes are

punched by hand or machine to allow water vapor

to escape, and the plants acclimate to the lower rela-

tive humidity. After a few days, the plastic is

removed and the plants are thinned.

Growers of fall melons in the southern desert

place the seed in a single seed line down the middle

of alternate, 42-inch (105-cm), north-south beds. The

seed is planted about 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) deep. After

emergence, plants are thinned to 6 to 12 inches

(15–30 cm) depending on planting date and melon


San Joaquin Valley. Mixed melon culture in San

Joaquin Valley differs substantially from that in the

Southern California deserts. Fields are generally pre-

irrigated, either by sprinkler or furrow. When the

soil is dry enough to till, fields are worked into 40-

or 80-inch (1–2-m) raised beds. Seed are planted just

below the tilled zone, with 3 to 6 inches (7.5–15 cm)

of loose soil over the seeded row to hold in mois-

ture. A single seed line is planted per bed. After seed

germinate, the soil cap is removed. With 40-inch

beds, every second bed is seeded; after thinning, the

unused bed is split and tilled to make the bed 80

inches with the plant row in the center.


Melons prefer well-drained soils. Sandy or silt loams

are sometimes selected for the earliest crop. Heavier

soils are preferred because of their greater water-

holding capacity, which slows the onset of vine col-

lapse. Beds should be left cloddy to allow maturing

melons to develop with minimal soil contact and

good aeration.


Mixed melons are usually furrow-irrigated because

sprinkling tends to cool the soil. Growers schedule

irrigations as needed to allow moisture to be

replaced in the beds. Excessive saturation can stimu-

late root rot diseases and ground spotting of fruit,

especially near harvest. The last irrigation is usually

scheduled 1 week prior to harvest.


Most growers apply preplant P2O5 at 100 to 150

pounds per acre (112–168 kg/ha). Commonly used

materials are liquid ammonium polyphosphate (10-

34-0) as a band application near the seed lines or

ammonium phosphate (11-52-0) broadcast before

listing the beds. A sidedressing of N is applied at

150 pounds per acre (168 kg/ha). Normally a liquid

solution of UAN-32 (urea–ammonium nitrate, 32-0-

0) or AN-20 (liquid ammonium nitrate, 20-0-0) is

used as the N source instead of dry N fertilizers.


At least one colony of bees per acre is recommend-

ed; one and one-half colonies per acre is optimum.

The bees should be distributed on at least two sides

of a 40-acre (16-ha) field; distribution of bees within

fields is even better. Yields increase with heavy bee

saturation. Bisexual, or fruit-producing, flowers

open for only one day. On the average, a well-polli-

nated flower will receive at least 15 bee visits during

this time. If poorly pollinated, the flower aborts. The

highest quality, earliest maturing, and largest fruit

are produced near the crown of the plant. Therefore,

an adequate supply of bees must be delivered to the

field when the first male blossoms develop.


Contact the UC IPM World Wide Web site at or your local county

Farm Advisor for current pest management informa-

tion (UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines, UC Pest

Management Group Publication 33).

Weed mangement. Most growers use only

mechanical cultivation and hand hoeing for weed

control. Available herbicides have limited effective-


Insect identification and control. Fall melons are

attacked by a number of insects including crickets,

ground beetles, silverleaf whiteflies, cutworms,

aphids, mites, loopers, leafhoppers, and leafminers.

Spring melons are attacked by melon aphids, cut-

worms, mites, loopers, leafhoppers, leafminers, and

silverleaf whiteflies.

Disease identification and management. Sudden

wilt (Pythium spp.) is a serious problem affecting

melons after fruit set. The problem is lessened by

alternate furrow irrigation, which allows a portion

Mixed Melon Production in California • 2

of the root zone to remain dry. Mosaic viruses

including zucchini yellow mosaic (ZYMV), water-

melon mosaic II (WMV), papaya ringspot (PRSV),

and cucumber mosaic (CMV) are vectored by vari-

ous aphid species during the spring. There is no con-

trol for these viral diseases.

Powdery mildews (Sphaerotheca fuliginea or

Erysiphe cichoracearum) are foliar diseases favored by

warm weather and moisture that can be controlled

by dusting with sulfur or specialized chemical treat-

ments. Other diseases of lesser importance include

charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina), root rots

(Monosporascus cannonballus, Fusarium spp., Pythium

spp., and Rhizoctonia solani), and gummy stem blight

(Didymella bryoniae).

Fusarium fruit rot (F. roseum) can cause severe

crop losses. Control measures must be preventative

(i.e., applied before infection) if they are to be effec-



Mixed melons are field packed on mobile platforms

or picked and hauled to the edge of the field to

small, temporary packing sheds. The melons are

packed into cardboard cartons with 5, 6, or 8 melons

per 30-pound (13.6-kg) carton. All cartons are

packed using a partition that serves as a barrier or

cushion between melons to prevent bruising and


Honeydew, orange flesh, Persian, and casaba

melons, mostly spherical in shape, are the easiest to

pack: the melons are oriented with the blossom end

up. Juan Canary and Santa Claus melons are football

shaped and are packed on their sides (not on their

points) with the larger fruit sometimes leaning

against the carton or divider. Crenshaw melons, the

most delicate, are teardrop shaped and are the most

difficult to handle: they must be packed blossom

end up or the fruit will break down rapidly, and car-

tons should be cooled with forced air before ship-



Mixed melons are sensitive to chilling injury.

Honeydews, crenshaws, and Persians store best at

45°F (7°C) and casabas at 50°F (10°C). At lower tem-

peratures, surface breakdown and decay will set in,

and abnormal softening and poor flavor will result

when fruit are brought to room temperature. High

humidity (greater than 90 percent) is recommended

to prevent water loss.


Limited numbers of California mixed melons are

available starting in May. Production peaks in

August and the season ends in November. Melons

are shipped to markets throughout the United States

and Canada. A significant number of honeydew

melons are exported to Pacific Rim countries.

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Mixed Melon Production in California • 3

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