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Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Publication 7220



OLEG DAUGOVISH, University of California Cooperative Extension

Farm Advisor, Ventura County; RICHARD SMITH, MICHAEL CAHN,

and STEVE KOIKE, University of California Cooperative Extension Farm

Advisors, Monterey County; HUGH SMITH, University of California Coop-

erative Extension Farm Advisor, Santa Barbara County; JOSÉ AGUIAR,

University of California Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, Riverside

County; CARLOS QUIROS, Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Uni-

versity of California, Davis; MARITA CANTWELL, University of California

Cooperative Extension Vegetable Specialist, University of California, Davis;

and ETAFERAHU TAKELE, University of California Cooperative Extension

Area Advisor Farm Management/Agricultural Economics, Riverside County


The two main growing regions for celery (Apium gra-

veolens L.) in California are located along the Pacific

Ocean: the south coast (Ventura, Santa Barbara, and

San Luis Obispo Counties) and the central coast

(Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties).

A minor region is located in the southern deserts

(Riverside and Imperial Counties).

On the south coast, celery is transplanted from

early August to April for harvest from November

to mid-July; in the Santa Maria area, celery is trans-

planted from January to August for harvest from

April through December. On the central coast, fields

are transplanted from March to September for harvest

from late June to late December. In the southern des-

erts, fields are transplanted in late August for harvest

in December to March.


Year Acreage

Average yield


Gross value/


2005 25,400 35.5 $10,084

2004 25,700 35.5 $10,644

2003 25,300 35.8 $9,538

2002 25,000 35.5 $9,016

Source: California Agricultural Resource Directory 2006 (Sacramento:

California Department of Food and Agriculture, 2006).


Celery is a cool-season biennial that grows best from

60º to 65ºF (16º to 18ºC), but it will tolerate tempera-

tures from 45º to 75ºF (7º to 24ºC). Freezing damages

mature celery by splitting the petioles, making the

stalks unmarketable. This is a major problem in plant-

ings in the southern deserts. However, celery can tol-

erate minor freezes early in the season.



Most of the varieties grown today (Command,

Mission, and Challenger) are resistant to Fusarium

yellows, a major disease of celery. Other popular

varieties are Conquistador, Sonora, and Matador,

but these are recommended only for soils with low

incidence of Fusarium yellows, since they have only

some tolerance to the disease. Several shippers use

their own proprietary varieties.

Celery seed is very small and difficult to germi-

nate. All commercial celery is planted as transplants

grown in greenhouses and nurseries. Celery grown

from transplants is more uniform than that grown from

seed and takes less time to produce a crop in the field.

Transplanted celery is planted in double rows on 36- to

40-inch (91- to 100-cm) beds, with plants spaced 9 inches

(22.5 cm) apart and plant rows 14 inches (36 cm) apart.


Clays, clay loams, and loams that have good drainage

and a high water-holding capacity have tradition-

ally been preferred for growing celery. With the intro-

duction of drip irrigation, celery production is now

common on lighter-texture soils because uniform

soil moisture can be maintained. For succulent, high-

quality stalks, celery requires high-fertility soils.


Celery is a shallow-rooted crop that requires frequent

irrigations. It is irrigated using overhead sprinklers,

drip, or flood (furrow), or a combination of these

methods. Celery transplants are usually sprinkler-

irrigated from planting until the first side-dressing

of fertilizer. Herbicides are often applied in the first

sprinkler application. Many growers continue to

Vegetable Production Series

UC Vegetable Research

& Information Center

use sprinklers after establishing transplants, or they

use a combination of furrow irrigation and sprin-

klers. Overhead sprinklers permit more-frequent

and lighter irrigations than can be achieved with fur-

row irrigation. Furrow irrigation may provide better

uniformity than sprinklers in regions with windy

conditions or when plants exceed the height of the

sprinkler risers. Surface-placed drip has become a

major method of irrigating celery in recent years,

and a small but increasing acreage of celery trans-

plants in Ventura County is being established and

grown exclusively with drip irrigation. Surface drip

systems are usually installed after the first cultiva-

tion and side-dressing; they permit growers to water

frequently during rapid vegetative growth. The drip

lines are typically retrieved before harvesting. Drip

irrigation can distribute water more uniformly than

furrow or sprinkler irrigation. It has helped growers

attain uniform growth in fields with variable soil tex-

tures by maintaining high soil moisture levels in all

areas of the field. Drip can be managed to minimize

the leaching of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) by fertigat-

ing weekly with low rates of fertilizer and applying

less water more frequently than can be achieved with

sprinkler or furrow systems. For tender, succulent

stalks, high soil moisture is necessary near harvest.

Growers sometimes supplement drip-irrigated fields

with water from sprinkler or furrow systems to satu-

rate the entire bed 1 to 2 weeks before harvest. Soil

allowed to become too dry can cause a calcium defi-

ciency in celery known as blackheart. Water stress

may contribute to pith, a physiological disorder char-

acterized by spongy tissue at the base of the petiole,

while overwatering can promote development of

diseases such as pink rot and crater rot.

The water requirements of celery depend on the

irrigation method, weather conditions, and soil type.

Celery grown with furrow irrigation and overhead

sprinklers uses approximately 2.5 to 3.5 acre-feet

(3,083 to 3,700 m3) of water. A combination of sprin-

kler and drip irrigation uses from 1.5 to 2.5 acre-feet

(2,096 to 2,466 m3) of water. An additional 4 to 6

inches of water is frequently applied before plant-

ing to moisten soil for chiseling and bed listing. Soil

moisture monitoring and weather-based irrigation

scheduling can be used in combination to determine

the water needs of celery. Celery uses the highest

amount of water during the last month before har-

vest, when vegetative growth is high. Maintaining

soil moisture tension below 30 cbars (0.03 MPa) by

frequent irrigations during the last few weeks of the

crop usually maximizes yield. The water extraction

of celery can be estimated using reference evapo-

transpiration data adjusted for a crop coefficient that

is closely related to the percentage of canopy cover.

The California Irrigation Management Information

System (CIMIS,, coordinated

by the California Department of Water Resources, pro-

vides daily estimates of reference evapotranspiration

for most production regions of California.


Celery is the most demanding of the cool-season veg-

etables for nutrients, and care must be taken to pro-

vide adequate nutrition to the crop. However, soils in

the central and south coast regions can have elevated

levels of NO3-N and phosphorus (P), which can cause

elevated levels of these nutrients in runoff; this makes

it difficult for growers to comply with water quality

standards established by the regional water quality

control boards. As a result, application of these nutri-

ents must be carefully managed.

Seasonal phosphorus uptake by celery ranges from

40 to 45 pounds of phosphorus per acre (45 to 50 kg/

ha). Phosphorus fertilization should be based on the

soil test level of bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus.

Levels above 60 ppm are adequate for growth; for

soils below this level, especially in the winter, preplant

applications of 40 to 80 pounds per acre (45 to 90 kg/

ha) of P2O5 are recommended. Potassium uptake by

celery ranges from 350 to 450 pounds per acre (390

to 504 kg/ha). The need for potassium can also be

determined from soil tests; soils with greater than 150

ppm of ammonium-acetate-exchangeable potassium

have sufficient quantities of potassium for the crop.

Potassium fertilization presents no environmental

risk, and many growers routinely apply potassium

even in fields with high exchangeable soil potassium.

Fertilizing to replace potassium removal by the har-

vested crop (approximately 350 to 450 pounds per

acre) is appropriate to maintain soil fertility.

Fall application of nitrogen (N) is not recommend-

ed due to the risk of NO3-N leaching beyond the root

zone by the winter rains. High-yielding celery typical-

ly takes up 200 to 250 pounds of nitrogen per acre (224

to 280 kg/ha), and fertilization rates in fields under

conventional irrigation reflect the fact that celery is a

heavy nitrogen user. Small quantities of nitrogen, 20

to 30 pounds per acre (22 to 34 kg/ha), are applied

pretransplant and can supply the young plants for

the first month of growth. In many celery fields drip

tape is installed within the first month following

transplanting; it is common for growers to top-dress

fertilizer under the drip tape. Given the small size of

the celery at this time, small quantities of nitrogen can

supply crop needs. The need for nitrogen by the crop

increases as the crop matures. For instance, at 8 weeks

before harvest the crop requires 15 to 20 pounds of

nitrogen per acre per week (17 to 22 kg/ha); nitro-

gen demand peaks at 2 weeks prior to harvest, at 35

pounds of nitrogen per acre per week (39 kg/ha). In

most field conditions, a seasonal fertigation total of

2 • Celery Production in California

150 to 225 pounds of nitrogen per acre (168 to 252 kg/

ha), or 200 to 275 pounds of total nitrogen per acre

(224 to 308 kg/ha) including preplant and/or top-

dress nitrogen, should be adequate to maximize cel-

ery yield and quality, assuming efficient drip irriga-

tion management. Celery planted later in the season,

after other vegetables such as lettuce and cole crops,

may benefit from substantial amounts of nitrogen left

behind by the earlier crop. This nitrogen source can be

measured by the presidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT);

soil nitrate levels greater than 20 ppm in the top 12

inches (30 cm) are adequate for crop growth. The test

can be repeated later in the season to ensure continu-

ing nitrogen sufficiency. Zinc fertilization is recom-

mended if the DTPA-extractable soil level is less than

1.5 ppm. Zinc fertilization is commonly practiced on

the central coast due to high soil phosphorus levels,

which reduce zinc uptake by plants.


For detailed information about integrated pest man-

agement for celery, see the UC IPM Pest Management

Guidelines for Celery Web site, http://www.ipm.

Herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides should always

be used in compliance with label instructions.

Weed Management

Integrated weed management should be practiced

prior to celery transplanting. Such management steps

include crop rotation, removing weeds before they

produce seed, preplant irrigation and disking to ger-

minate and kill weed seedlings, timing the planting

date to reduce weed impact, careful preparation and

spacing of beds, and precise planting of transplants

so that cultivating tools can be accurately aligned. For

celery, weed control is most critical until transplants

are established and begin to form a plant canopy that

can shade out weeds. Preplant and postplant her-

bicides are available for use on celery; consult your

local UCCE Farm Advisor, as approved chemicals

change often. Subsequent cultivation by tractor and

hand-weeding may also be necessary. Weeds of con-

cern include little mallow (Malva parviflora), redroot

pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), yellow nutsedge

(Cyperus esculentus), johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense),

and bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon), depending on

the region and the time of year. In the Coachella

Valley, velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) is a common

weed that is difficult to control in celery fields.

Insect Identification and Management

The most damaging insect pests of celery are caterpil-

lars, aphids, and leafminers, depending on the region

and time of year. In the central coast region, the pea

leafminer (Liriomyza langei) is the most important

pest. In southern production areas, the serpentine

leafminer (L. trifolii) is the most important pest. The

vegetable leafminer (L. sativae) can also attack celery

in coastal areas. The primary damage is caused by

larvae, which feed on the plant mesophyll, forming

mines. Leafminer larvae are attacked by several spe-

cies of parasitic wasp, which help suppress leafminer

populations if insecticides do not interfere with their

activity. Control strategies should be aimed at the lar-

vae, not the more mobile, insecticide-resistant adults.

Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) can be a major

pest in southern and central coast growing areas.

Armyworms have many natural enemies and should

be managed by using selective materials to avoid

making other insect problems more severe. Rotation

of insecticides with differing modes of action to slow

insecticide resistance should always be practiced. The

central and south coastal regions also face problems

from the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) and the lygus

bug (Lygus hesperus), which may severely damage

early-season celery when adults migrate from drying

native vegetation.

Disease Identification and Management

Greenhouse transplants can become diseased with

late blight (Septoria apiicola) and bacterial leaf spot

(Pseudomonas syringae pv. apii). These diseases can

result in weakened transplants. Once planted in the

field, bacterial blight usually does not persist, and

control measures are not needed. However, trans-

plants infected with late blight can result in crop loss

in the field if conditions favor disease development.

Manage late blight by using pathogen-free seed, fun-

gicides on transplants, fungicides in field plantings,

and drip or furrow irrigation rather than overhead

sprinklers. Early blight (Cercospora apii) is another

foliar disease that is much less common in California

and not as destructive as late blight.

Pink rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and crater rot

(Rhizoctonia solani) are two soilborne fungal diseases

that can affect the lower portion of the celery peti-

oles if wet conditions are present. Fungicides are

sometimes needed for control. Fusarium yellows

(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. apii) is a devastating soil-

borne fungal disease that can significantly reduce

yields. The pathogen is a long-term resident in infest-

ed soils, so crop rotations are not effective. Control is

achieved only by using resistant or tolerant cultivars.

Sclerotinia petiole and crown rot (Sclerotinia minor)

has been recently identified in southern California

celery fields rotated with lettuce.

Although celery is susceptible to the aster yellows

mycoplasma and the western celery mosaic (CeMV)

and cucumber mosaic (CMV) viruses, commercial

plantings are rarely impacted by these pathogens.

3 • Celery Production in California

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Celery is primarily hand-harvested, although some

mowing machines cut celery for processing plants.

Because of uniform crop growth, celery fields are cut

only once. Fresh-market celery is graded according

to the number of heads per carton (24, 30, 36, and 48)

and field-packed into 60-pound (27.2-kg) cartons.

Additionally, 28-pound (12.7-kg) cartons are used for

harvesting hearts (head centers, placed in polyethyl-

ene bags). Cartons are cooled at distribution centers by

forced air or hydrocooling and kept in cold storage until

shipped. Celery is also harvested for lightly processed

products (celery sticks, diced, or sliced) and for soup

and other cooked products.


Celery is stored at 32º to 35ºF (0º to 2ºC) at a relative humid-

ity of 98 to 100 percent. Caution must be used to prevent

crushing of celery cartons. Careful stacking of cartons in

a vertical position is important. Celery may absorb odors

from other commodities such as apples, carrots, onions,

and pears and should not be stored near them.


California produces about 75 percent of the nation’s cel-

ery crop, followed by Florida and Texas. The majority of

the crop is used for fresh market; lightly processed and

processed products are also marketed. Substantial ship-

ments are made throughout the year; however, heaviest

production occurs in fall and midwinter. Prices fall dur-

ing the heavy production period. Prices range from an

average low of $238 per ton to an average high of $351

per ton during 2003–2005 (Los Angles Terminal Market

prices). California exports celery to Canada and Taiwan.

During 2003–2005, exports averaged 15 percent of the

total production. Canada is the main export destination,

averaging 14 percent (123,850 tons, or 112,332 metric

tons) of the total production during the same period.

The other export market, Taiwan averaged 8,272 tons

(7,503 metric tons) and has been showing increasing



The costs of producing celery depend on the loca-

tion. Celery is one of the high-cost crops in the coast-

al regions of Southern California. It is labor-intensive,

especially in harvesting and postharvest handling. For

more information, see Celery Production: Sample Costs

and Profitability Analysis (ANR Publication 8028), at the

ANR CS Web site,


4 • Celery Production in California


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