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RICHARD SMITH, UCCE Vegetable Crop Advisor, Monterey County;

MICHAEL CAHN, UCCE Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor,

Monterey County; MARITA CANTWELL, Extension Vegetable Crops

Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis;

STEVEN KOIKE, UCCE Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Monterey County;

ERIC NATWICK, UCCE Farm Advisor, Imperial County; ETAFERAHU

TAKELE, UCCE Area Farm Advisor, Southern California Counties


Green onions (Allium cepa L.) are produced mainly

in Monterey, Riverside, and Ventura Counties, but

there is also small-scale production in other parts of

the state. Harvest and bunching of this crop is labor

intensive, and over the last several years substantial

production has moved to Mexico, where the crop is

less expensive to produce. Green onions are planted

from spring through fall for nearly year-round



Onions are cool-season biennial plants (requiring two

seasons to complete the cycle from seed to seed) that

are commercially grown as an annual crop. Bulbing

and growth are highly sensitive to day length. Each

variety has a critical day length at which bulbing is

initiated, regardless of size. As days lengthen in the

spring and summer, these critical day lengths are


Growth is also dependent on temperature. The

minimum for emergence is higher than for most

other cool-season vegetables, at 55ºF (12.8ºC) for 70

percent emergence in up to 2 weeks. In addition,

early growth rate is slow compared with other cool-

season crops. Optimal leaf growth rate occurs at 68º

to 77ºF (20º to 25ºC). However, the total plant growth

rate depends on the amount of light intercepted.

Combinations of factors, including variety, stem size,

temperature, and duration of temperature, determine

bolting susceptibility. Onions are stimulated to bolt at

temperatures of 45º to 50ºF (7.2º to 10ºC).


Few public onion breeding programs exist in the

United States (none in California), but private

seed companies are involved in onion variety

development. The emphasis of variety development is

on hybrid types.

Green onion varieties are generally classified

according to day length (short- and long-day types).

Long-day white varieties of Sweet Spanish or

Southport White Globe are grown as green onions in

areas with short days. Short-day varieties bulb too

easily to be used for green onion production. Many

hybrids have been developed by crossing Allium

cepa with A. fistulosum, the nonbulbing Japanese

bunching onion. These hybrids are most commonly

grown in spring and summer in the Salinas Valley,

and occasionally during winter in the southern desert

regions and in Baja California, Mexico. Green onion

production in areas with long days or during the

summer months is most successful with the use of

varieties with Japanese bunching onion parentage.

White Sweet Spanish and Southport White Globe

types are also sometimes grown in intermediate- and

long-day growing regions.


Green onions are planted in dense stands on beds

40 or 80 inches (1 or 2 meters) wide. The crop is

seeded in dense plantings with 18 to 20 seed lines on

80-inch beds. Seed is planted approximately 0.5 inch

(12.5 mm) deep; this shallow planting requires a soil

surface that is well prepared and that is kept moist

through germination. Onion seed is susceptible to loss


Production Series

UC Vegetable Research

& Information Center

University of California

Agriculture and Natural Resources • Publication 7243


Year Acreage

Average yield




2009 1,504 16.05 $18,589

2008 1,633 13.04 $13,651

2007 2,045 14.64 $15,143

2006 1,495 13.02 $13,312

Source: County agriculture commissioners’ annual report data,

Monterey and Riverside Counties.

of vigor from high temperature and humidity. The

minimum level of germination is 85 percent for onion

seed accepted and packaged by seed companies

in California. Seed size may range from 100,000 to

130,000 seed per pound (220,000 to 286,000 seed/kg).

Plantings of green onions require 12 to 18 pounds

of seed per acre (13 to 20 kg/ha) or 1.2 to 2.3 million

seed/acre (3.0 to 5.7 million seed/ha).


Green onions will grow in a wide range of soil

types. They grow best in well-drained soils such as

sandy loam, loam, and clay loams. Green onions are

shallow-rooted and need a friable soil that retains

moisture. Sandy soils require frequent irrigation but

are less likely to adhere to roots at harvest than are

clay soils. Plantings in clay soils are often avoided

for early-spring crops due to the extra time needed

for the soil to dry after rain. Seed germination and

seedling establishment require a seedbed that is

uniform, clod-free, firm, and several inches deep.

Compared with planting on flat or small ridges,

raised beds provide better drainage and an area for

salt accumulation away from the root zone.

Onions are sensitive to salinity, primarily at

the stages of germination and emergence. Once

plants are established, higher levels of salinity are

tolerated. Yield reductions may occur in soils with

an electrical conductivity greater than 1.2 dS/m

(mmho/cm) or that are irrigated with water with an

electrical conductivity greater than 0.8 dS/m. A 50

percent yield reduction may occur at soil electrical

conductivity levels of 4 to 5 dS/m. Onions are

sensitive to boron in concentrations greater than 0.5

mg/L in irrigation water.


Overhead sprinklers are typically used for green

onion production. Onion seed must not dry out

during germination, and the soil surface should

not be allowed to crust during seedling emergence,

which may last 10 to 20 days following the initial

irrigation. After emergence, irrigation with overhead

sprinklers is continued until harvest. Drip irrigation is

uncommon in green onion production because of the

close spacing of rows.

Green onions require frequent and uniform

irrigation. Because 90 percent of the roots are in

the upper 8 inches (20 cm) of the soil, little water is

extracted from the soil at a depth of more than 18

inches (46 cm). Moisture is required near the surface

of the soil to stimulate new root growth because

onion roots are mostly nonbranching, and all roots

originate at the stem, or basal plate, of the plant. Mild

water stress can reduce yield or cause uneven growth

patterns in the field.

The amount and frequency of irrigation

depends on the soil type, weather conditions, and

development stage of the crop. After emergence

when plants are small, water needs are low, so the

irrigation interval with overhead sprinklers may

range from 7 to 10 days. As plants increase in size,

water use increases, and irrigations may become

more frequent or longer to maintain uniform soil

moisture in the beds. A green onion crop typically

uses 10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 cm) of water to meet

evapotranspiration requirements. Most growers

apply 12 to 20 inches (36 to 51 cm) to achieve

maximum yields. Water is cutoff 3 to 5 days before

harvest, depending on the soil type. Supplemental

irrigation may be needed to maintain the remaining

crop during harvest, which may last 5 to 7 days.

The combination of soil moisture monitoring and

weather-based irrigation scheduling can be used

to determine the water needs of green onions. For

optimal plant growth on most soil types, irrigate to

maintain the soil water tension less than 30 cbars

(kPa) in the upper 8 inches (20 cm) of the soil. Water

use is highest when the crop reaches full canopy

cover. The water extraction of onions can be

estimated using reference evapotranspiration data

adjusted with a crop coefficient that is closely related

to the percentage of ground covered by the leaf

canopy. At a maximum canopy cover of 85 percent,

the crop coefficient is nearly 1.0. Because evaporation

represents a majority of the water loss during the early

stages of growth, a crop coefficient between 0.3 and 0.5

should be used for overhead sprinklers, depending on

the irrigation frequency, until the leaves shade more

than 30 percent of the ground. Maximum yields are

reached with applied water from 100 to 150 percent

of crop ET. The California Irrigation Management

Information System (CIMIS), coordinated by the

California Department of Water Resources, provides

daily estimates of reference evapotranspiration for

most production regions of California at their Web



Because onions are shallow rooted and often

planted in cool soils, they are responsive to

fertilization. Soil analyses are the best indicators for

phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and micronutrient

needs. Soi ls with bicarbonate extractable

phosphorus less than 10 ppm may require up to

200 pounds of P2O5 per acre (224 kg/ha), but soils

with phosphorus levels greater than 30 ppm may

need as little as 50 pounds of P2O5 per acre (56 kg/

ha). With adequate preplant application, in-season

phosphorus application is seldom warranted.

Soils with less than 100 ppm ammonium acetate—

extractable potassium may require up to 150

2 • Green Onion Production in California

pounds of K2O per acre (168 kg/ha) to ensure

adequate potassium supply. However, soils in

with more than 150 ppm ammonium acetate–

exchangeable potassium are unlikely to respond to

potassium fertilization. Most California soils have

adequate availability of all micronutrients; where

micronutrient deficiency occurs, zinc is often the

most limiting nutrient.

Soil nitrate levels and cropping history are the best

indicators for nitrogen (N) needs. Typically, no more

than one-third of the nitrogen should be applied at

planting, one-third at early-season (2 to 3 leaf stage),

and one-third at midseason. Total supplemental

nitrogen needs may vary from 100 to 200 pounds of

nitrogen per acre (112 to 224 kg/ha). Marketability

requires that leaves be dark green and without

yellowed or necrotic leaf tips.


UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for onions

have been updated (including photographs) and are

available for weed, insect, disease, and nematode

pests; see the UC IPM Web site, http://www.ipm. Sanitation, crop rotation, resistant

varieties, and frequent monitoring are essential

for prevention and control of the numerous pests

afflicting onions.

Weed management. Onions compete poorly with

weeds because they initially grow slowly, and the

crop canopy does not provide complete ground

cover. Dense plantings of green onions do not allow

for effective use of cultivation. Weed control in

conventionally produced green onions consists of

the use of a preemergence herbicide followed by

a postemergence herbicide. Topical applications of

liquid fertilizers at the second true leaf stage can kill

many broadleaf weeds. Organic producers rely on

cultural practices such as rotating into fields with low

weed pressure as well as using preirrigation followed

by shallow cultivation to kill an initial flush of weeds.

Under both production systems, hand weeding is

typically required to control weeds later in the growth

cycle. However, the cost of hand weeding can vary

widely depending on the effectiveness of early season

weed control efforts.

Insect identification and management. Thrips

(western flower and onion) and maggots (seed corn

and onion) are the most frequent serious insect

problems in onions, but bulb mites, leafminers, and

armyworms are occasionally serious pests.

Bulb mite is most damaging when plant growth

is slowed by cool, wet weather. The mites cut off

the radical of germinating seed before the plant

becomes established or penetrate the outer layer of

tissue and allow rot-causing organisms enter the

bulbs. Decaying cole crops or other crop residues

cause a rapid buildup of mites. The best management

option is to allow the organic matter to decompose

completely, which causes the mite population to


Maggots, similar to bulb mites, are favored by

cool, moist soils with high levels of nondecomposed

organic matter. Seed corn maggot larvae attack

germinating seedlings, feeding on the developing

roots and epicotyl. Onion maggots also damage

seedlings but continue feeding on the expanding

bulb. Allow complete decomposition of organic

matter prior to planting or transplanting; if this is not

possible, a soil applied insecticide may be used.

Thrips can reduce yield through unacceptable

cosmetic damage to the leaves. Sprinkler irrigation

can help reduce thrips numbers, but for high

populations foliar insecticide applications are

required to prevent injury.

Disease identification and management. Pink

root (Phoma terrestris), white rot (Sclerotium cepivorum)

and Fusarium basal rot (F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae) are

the most common and important diseases in green

onions. Bacterial rots (Pseudomonas and Erwinia spp.),

downy mildew (Peronospora destructor), purple blotch

(Stemphylium vesicarium, Alternaria porri), black mold

(Aspergillus niger), neck rot (Botrytis allii), blue mold

(Penicillium hirsutum), and smut (Urocystis cepulae) are

occasionally observed.

Nematode identification and management. Stem

and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) and root-knot

nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) can be problems in

California onion production, but these do not occur



Fresh green onions require hand-harvesting. The

most common system used involves undercutting the

onions, pulling them immediately, gathering them

by hand into bunches of five to seven plants tied

together with rubber bands, and placing them into

20-pound cartons. Other containers used include

11-, 13-, and 28-pound cartons; these containers are

usually for export or are used for imported green




Green onions are highly perishable. Shelf life is only 7

to 10 days. To minimize loss, green onions are stored

at 32ºF (0ºC) and 95 to 100 percent relative humidity.

If green onions are improperly stored, the leaves will

yellow and decay. To keep the moisture content high,

top ice can be used, or the onions can be covered with

plastic film.

3 • Green Onion Production in California


California leads the United States in green onion

production. Shipments are made from California

year-round, but supplies peak from July to October.

The winter and spring supply of green onions is

dominated by imports from Mexico, whose

production schedule is very similar to that in the

southern California desert regions. South Carolina

and Ohio are other states with sizeable production

of domestically grown green onions.

4 • Green Onion Production in California


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Production Areas and Seasons

Climatic Requirements

Green Onion Acreage and Value






Integrated Pest Management

Harvesting and Handling

Postharvest Handling and Storage


For Further Information


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