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Water Disinfection

A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose Values for Preharvest

and Postharvest Applications

Trevor V. Suslow, Postharvest Specialist, University of California, Davis,

Department of Vegetable Crops, Mann Lab

University of California

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Publication 7256


Clean, disinfected water is necessary to minimize the

potential transmission of pathogens from water to pro-

duce, from healthy to infected produce within a lot,

and from one lot to another over time. Waterborne

microorganisms, including postharvest plant

pathogens and agents of human illness, can be rapidly

acquired and taken up on plant surfaces. Natural plant

surface contours, natural openings, harvest and trim-

ming wounds, and scuffing can be points of entry as

well as safe harbor for microbes. In these protected

sites, microbes are largely unaffected by common or

permitted doses of postharvest water treatments, such

as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, peroxide, and per-

oxyacetic acid. Therefore, it is essential that enough

sanitizer is maintained in water to kill microbes before

they attach or become internalized in produce. This is

important in some preharvest water uses and in all

postharvest procedures involving water, including

washing, cooling, water-mediated transport (flumes),

and postharvest drenching.


Standards for the microbial quality of water should

increase closer to harvest maturity and as produce

moves from the field to final processing. However,

excessive treatment, particularly hyperchlorination

(use of high levels of chlorine), has several known and

potential negative effects on product sensory quality,

the environment, and human health. Water treatment

should be managed with the goal of minimizing the

effective dose of sanitizer used for microbial disinfec-

tion. Minimum effective doses are typically represent-

ed as the product of Concentration ( C ) and Time of

exposure (t), or C t . Following the same principles, the

term disinfection hurdle ( Dh) can be used to help guide

water quality management. The disinfection hurdle is

the minimum point at which there is enough free

active disinfectant available to neutralize microbial

activity to an acceptable level.



Ease of use and relative low cost make hypochlorite

(usually liquid sodium hypochlorite) a very common

water disinfectant in the produce industry. The antimi-

crobial activity of chlorine compounds depends largely

on the amount of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) present in

the water after the treatment is applied. This, in turn,

depends on the pH of the water, the amount of organic

material in the water, and, to a more limited extent, the

temperature of the water. Above pH 7.5, very little

becomes inactive hypochlorite (OCl-). With very long

contact time, OCl- does have some antimicrobial activi-

ty but would not be expected to result in beneficial con-

trol in typical postharvest handling systems. Below pH

6.0, noxious chlorine gas (Cl2) is formed and does not

serve as an effective water disinfectant. Of the many

possible forms of chlorine, HOCl is the most readily

transferred across a microbial cell wall to begin the

killing process. Thus, in the management of chlorine, it

is important to maximize HOCl concentrations and

minimize all other forms of chlorine. It is highly desir-

able to keep the pH of the water between 6.0 and 7.5 to

ensure adequate HOCl activity without the formation

of chlorine gas, which can lead to health problems for

workers and more corrosion on equipment.

The amount of HOCl needed to maintain the most

active antimicrobial action depends on several dynamic

factors. Chlorine is very reactive, combining with

almost any oxidizable material to form secondary com-

pounds. The amount of chlorine needed for disinfection

of water depends not only on the pH but also on the

amounts and kinds of inorganic (particularly ammonia,

nitrites, iron, and manganese) and organic (particularly

amino acids and simple proteins) substances present in

the water. Because chlorine is rapidly used up by

organic and inorganic molecules in wash water, a mini-

mum level of total chlorine, the chlorine demand, ( g e n e r-

ally influenced by soil, plant “trash,” and exudates

from cut surfaces) must first be satisfied in the water

before sufficient amounts of free available chlorine can kill

microorganisms. The treatment times of fruits and veg-

etables are usually very short. To minimize the poten-

tial for excessive chlorination at peak chlorine demand,

it is important to periodically replace or filter the water

and blend it with potable water.


In clean water, very low levels of HOCl kill most bacte-

ria and some viruses. Approximately 1 minute with 1 to

2 parts per million HOCl should be sufficient contact

time. As water quality decreases and complexity

increases, contact time or concentration must increase

to maintain adequate microbial kill. Because contact

times during postharvest handling are usually deter-

mined by product flow requirements, it is the concen-

tration of the added disinfectant that is adjusted.

Effective concentrations of HOCl (or other forms of

chlorine) should ideally be determined by microbial

testing within each system. Water quality management

is often perceived as a time-consuming and costly activ-

ity; however, it is strongly recommended that it receive

a high level of attention.

As a starting point, the calculations below can be

made to determine the minimum concentration of free

available chlorine as HOCl in wash or cooling water

that is needed to kill free-floating pathogenic bacteria

and viruses. The calculations are based on an adapta-

tion of tables that were developed to achieve potable

water quality standards in treated water. Higher levels

of HOCl or other treatments are needed for B a c i l l u s o r

C l o s t r i d i u m spores and for parasites like G i a r d i a a n d

C r y p t o s p o r i d i u m.

Use table 1 to calculate the target measured concen-

tration of HOCl and match it with the contact time of

the system to establish the effective dose.


Based on the contact time of the system, calculate the

HOCl concentration necessary for an effective dose. For

washing and cooling, the system has a 5-minute resi-

dence time ( t ) , and the water has a pH that is constant

around 7.5 to 7.8 without adjustment when product is

running through the system. The water temperature is

maintained at 34° to 38°F (1.1° to 3.3°C). The table

shows that the disinfection hurdle, Dh, is 20. Using

these known values in the following equation, solve for

C , the minimum HOCl concentration.

Using this result, free available chlorine can be mea-

sured using a titration kit or colorimeter specific for free

available chlorine. At pH 7.8 and 34° to 38°F (1.1° to

3.3°C), only 50 percent of the measured free available

chlorine, by the commonly used methods, is in the

desired HOCl form. Therefore, a minimum reading of 8

parts per million is needed to hit the targeted disinfec-

tion hurdle.

It is easy to see the impact of water pH on C. In the

same example, adding citric acid to maintain pH 7.0,

C = 2.75 parts per million (HOCl is 87% of free chlorine

at pH 7.0). It is common for pH to increase to 8.5 during

hypochlorite treatment, resulting in C = 41 parts per

million (HOCl is 17.5% of free chlorine at pH 8.5).

It is important to remember that test kits for measur-

ing free available chlorine are only suitable for concen-

trations of up to 4 parts per million. It is necessary to

dilute any treated water with distilled water to bring it

into a measurable range and then to multiply the result

by the dilution factor. Typical dilutions are 1:10

although a dilution of 1:100 may be necessary where

concentrations of disinfectant are high due to the

increased importance of controlling fungal spores.

Always follow the instructions provided by the test kit

s u p p l i e r .

It is easiest to adjust and standardize water pH to 6.5

to 7.0, causing the majority of free available chlorine to

convert to the HOCl form. Consulting a second table of

pH and temperature then becomes unnecessary.

Measurements of HOCl in water may also be adequate-

ly determined by using a calibrated ORP (oxidation

reduction potential) sensor. As in the first example, 4 to

6 parts per million HOCl typically gives a sensor read-

ing of 725 to 750 millivolts.

2 • Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose

Values for Preharvest and Postharvest Applications

C = Dh ÷ t or 20 ÷ 5 = 4 mg /L (4 ppm)

Remember, the calculated amount may be very

different from the actual dose of total hypochlo-

rite solution added to the system at peak

demand. The target Dh is determined by the sen-

sitivity of the most resistant microbe being man-

aged. (Erwinia soft rot bacteria and E. coli are rela-

tively sensitive, Geotrichum sour rot and

R h i z o p u s are much more resistant.) Microbe sensi-

tivity must be determined by direct testing

because sensitivity charts calibrated to this sys-

tem of calculating effective doses are not yet

a v a i l a b l e .

Table 1. Guidelines for meeting the disinfection hurdle

in postharvest water treatment*

Value of Dh in C x t = Dh

Water pH range 32° to 41°F 50°F

7.0–7.5 12 8

7.5–8.0 20 15

8.0–8.5 30 20

8.5–9.0 35 22

*Values given are the product of concentration of HOCl

and time of exposure of a diversity of microbes in water to

achieve greater than 99 percent kill. The value t is deter-

mined by the specific process or operation and assumes

adequate mixing to accomplish uniform exposure.

Source: Modified from White 1992 and reflect results from lab-

oratory and field research data.

Table 2. Current projected value of Dh in postharvest

water at pH 7.0

T a r g e t Typical contact

m i c r o o r g a n i s m 32° to 41°F time (minutes)

N o n - s p o r e - f o r m i n g

b a c t e r i a 3 – 6 1–5

Many viruses 3 – 1 0 1–5

Many yeasts 7 5 – 1 0 0 1 0 – 3 0

S p o r e - f o r m i n g

b a c t e r i a 1 5 0 – 2 5 0 1 5 – 6 0

Fungal spores 1 5 0 – 5 0 0 1 5 – 6 0

Parasite spores

G i a r d i a 3 0 – 1 0 0 5 – 1 0

Cryptosporidium highly tolerant use UV or ozone

Source: Modified from White 1992 and reflect results from

laboratory and field research data.


Antimicrobial activity. The effectiveness of a sanitizer

or disinfectant in killing microorganisms.

C o r r o s i v e. The capacity of an element to weaken or eat

away at equipment, especially metal.

D i s i n f e c t i o n. The act of adding or applying a sanitizer

to kill microorganisms that cause decay in produce or

illness in humans.

Disinfection hurdle. A descriptive concept term that

symbolizes the minimum effective exposure to achieve

microbial kill. Disinfection is one of several hurdles in a

prevention, reduction, and contamination control pro-

Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose • 3

Values for Preharvest and Postharvest Applications

gram. The disinfection hurdle is different for different

types and classes of microorganisms.

P a t h o g e n s. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi,

parasites, and viruses that can cause disease in humans

or plants.

Peak chlorine demand. The maximum amount of chlo-

rine in a batch of water that is occupied, or “used up,”

by inorganic and organic material. After the peak chlo-

rine demand is known, it can be better established how

much more chlorine or more clean water should be

added to maintain the target disinfection hurdle.

Additional steps, such as minimizing adhering soil,

prewashing, or filtration may be necessary to reduce

the peak chlorine demand.

Potable water. Water that is clean enough to be consid-

ered drinkable.

Product sensory. Characteristics of a product, in this

case fresh produce, related to smell, taste, appearance,

and texture.

R e a c t i v e. A chemical that is especially reactive is one

that does not stay in one form for very long. In the case

of water disinfection, it is important that chlorine stay

in a particular form (HOCl) in order to be effective,

making the reactivity of chlorine of particular interest.

S a n i t i z e r. A chemical that is added or applied, in this

case to water, in order to kill pathogens. A surface or

water can be sanitized and free of pathogens, but sani-

tizing does not make the material or the water sterile.

S e n s i t i v i t y. The sensitivity of a system or test refers to

the lowest concentration that the system or test can

detect or respond to. For example, if a chlorine test can

only detect concentrations of chlorine at or higher than

1 ppm, the system’s sensitivity is said to be at 1 ppm.


Below are some of the many articles, research papers,

and reviews available about this broad topic.

Suslow, T. 1997. Postharvest chlorination: Basic

properties and key points for effective sanita-

tion. Oakland: University of California Division

of Agriculture and Natural Resources,

Publication 8003.

Suslow, T. 1998. Introduction to ORP as the standard

of postharvest water disinfection monitoring. (Go to Vegetable

Information and click on Topics: Food Safety.)

Suslow, T. 1998. Prevention of postharvest water

infiltration into fresh market tomatoes: Food

safety and spoilage control practices. (Go to Vegetable

Information and click on Topics: Food Safety.)

White, G. C. 1992. Handbook of chlorination and

alternative disinfectants. 3d ed. New York: Van

Nostrand Reinhold.

You’ll also find detailed information on many aspects

of postharvest technology in these titles and in other

publications, slide sets, and videos from UC ANR:

Postharvest Biology of Horticultural Crops: An Overview,

slide set 84/117

Postharvest Chlorination: Basic Properties and Key Points

for Effective Distribution, publication 8003

Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, 2d edition,

publication 3311


To order these products, visit our online catalog at You can also place

orders by mail, phone, or fax, or request a printed cat-

alog of publications, slide sets, and videos from

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Publication 7256

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4 • Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose

Values for Preharvest and Postharvest Applications

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Why Water Disinfection Is Needed

Minimum Effective Doses

Chlorine and Hypochlorite (Bleach) Treatment

Calculating Required HOCl Additions

Table 1. Guidelines for meeting the disinfection hurdle in postharvest water treatment

Table 2. Current projected value of Dh in postharvest water at pH 7.0

Glossary of Technical Terms

Additional Information



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