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Figure 1. Lateral dorsal and ventral views of Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel).

Scale bar =1 mm Image © Fera

Argentine stem weevil

Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel)


The Argentine stem weevil Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel) (Coleoptera:

Curculionidae) is an II/A1 EU listed quarantine pest of pasture grasses and cereals

that is native to South America. It has since spread across the Pacific region and is

most notably a pest in New Zealand having first been detected there in the late

1920’s. In early 2010 a number of dead adult specimens were detected in a grass

seed mixture. The mixture contained seed from three different geographical sources

including Lolium perrene seed that had originated in New Zealand and this was

considered to be the most likely origin of the beetles. Later in 2010 a visual check

of a consignment of Trifolium repens seed again from New Zealand found

considerable numbers of dead L. bonariensis, although T. repens is not a host for

L. bonariensis. Between March and July 2011 there were a further 8 interceptions

of L. bonariensis, from New Zealand, four of which were associated with Lolium

perrene seed.



















Figure 2 Elytra covered in waxy scales and stiff

upright hairs (arrowed)

Figure 3. Stripes on the thorax formed by pale


Figure 4. A rubbed specimen of L. bonariensis Figure 5. L. bonariensis amongst Lolium sp.


The waxy scales and hairs are easily rubbed-off and are often missing from specimens (Fig. 4). This

could potentially lead to specimens being overlooked. In addition there are other small brown weevils,

some with scales that may be mistaken for Listronotus in the field.

Geographical Distribution

Native to South America including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, and has been

introduced into Australia and New Zealand.

Host Plants

Various grasses, most notably important pasture species such as L. perrene (perennial ryegrass)

L. multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) but also Anthoxanthum puelii, Agrostis capillaris, Cyanosurus cristatus,

Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Phleum pratense, Poa sp.. Zea mays (Maize) is a significant host

for this beetle and it has also been recorded from other cereals including Avena sp. (Oats), Hordeum

spp. (Barley) and Triticum spp. (Wheat). Listronotus bonariensis is on occasion recorded as an

incidental in a variety of legume and crucifer seeds moving in trade.

Description and Detection

To the naked eye adults of this species are rather small unremarkable brown weevils that measures 3

mm in length by 1.5 mm in width (Fig. 1) Their most distinctive feature is the brown cuticle which

bears a mixture of small circular, flattened waxy scales that vary from white to dark brown in colour

and short, stiff upright brown hairs (Fig. 2). The thorax appears to have three longitudinal pale stripes,

one central and two lateral and these are formed by lines of the pale waxy scales (Fig. 3).

Thus far L. bonariensis has only been detected as dead adults specimens in consignments of seeds

shipped from New Zealand, and in particular grass seed of the genus Lolium. Adult beetles are of a

comparable in size to these seeds and so cannot be separated by sieving (Fig. 5). It has been found

that the most effective method of detection is to spread small quantity (50g) of seeds over a white tray

and to then remove any suspected specimens and check them using a hand lens or dissecting


Biology, Damage and Control

The following is based on the wealth of data generated by workers in the southern hemisphere and in

particular New Zealand.


Adults are mainly nocturnal climbing up grass or cereal stems at night to feed on leaf blades.

Females lay their eggs in small clusters in the leaf sheaths that surround the main stem of the

host. Each female can produce up to 37 eggs over a 40 day period, depositing from one to six

eggs at each oviposition site. The smooth, shiny, cylindrical eggs are less than 1mm long,

and 3 times longer than wide; initially white in colour they slowly darken to a smoky black

colour within a day of being laid. Depending on environmental conditions the eggs can take

from 9 days to more than 30 day to hatch. Newly emerged larvae then mine into a tiller and

feed downward into the crown of the plant. If more than one larva develops per stem then

usually only one survives. The larvae develop through four larval instars over a period of 14-

66 days, again depending on the time of year, and when fully developed bore an exit hole in

the stem of the plant, fall to the ground and form a small (5-6mm diameter) pupation cell below

ground level in which they pupate. Adults emerge 7-15 days after pupation. Adult can live for

between 62 and 179 days with two (and occasionally three) generation being produced each

year (New Zealand). Second (and third) generation adults enter reproductive diapauses in the

autumn and cease to lay eggs. These adults over-winter in plant litter on the soil surface or

within the crown of the host plant and become active again the following spring, when they

mate and start the cycle over.


Listronotus bonariensis is a major economic pest in New Zealand and has the subject of

intensive study. Conversely in its native range in South America L. bonariensis is not known to

be of any economic importance.

Adult feeding activity cause narrow rectangular holes to form on leaves near the tips causes a

windowing effect. This and adult feeding on the cotyledons of young plants can be destructive,

particularly in dry weather, but it is the feeding activity of the larvae that is the cause of most

damage. The larvae feed on the vascular tissues within stems and around nodes causing

vegetative tillers to wilt and yellow from the centre outwards, and flowering tillers to form

whiteheads (non-fertile seeds). In addition as stems become physically compromised they can

break and lodging can occur.


Naturally occurring and benign fungal epiphytes of the genus Acremonium confer resistance

to L. bonariensis in infected hosts. There are also three parasitic wasps that will attack

L. bonariensis, namely Potasson atomarius (eggparasite), Heterospilus sp. (larval parasite)

and Microtones hyperodae (an adult parasitoid).

Advisory Information

Suspected outbreaks of Argentine stem weevil or any other non-native plant pest should be reported

to your local

Fera Plant Health and Seeds Inspector, or

Tel: 01904 465625




J. Ostojá-Starzewski

The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera). Updated September 2011

© Crown copyright 2011

The Food and Environment Research Agency Sand Hutton, York

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