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Common pest s and diseases of okra Afghanistan

Aphids Okra p owdery m ildew

• These small creatures feed by sucking the sap from


• If a phids infestation is heavy it may cause leaves to

yellow or distorted, necrotic spots on leaves and

stunted shoots.

• Aphids transmit virus diseases.

• A white, powdery growth appears on the upper

leaves surfaces.

• Severely infected leaves detach and fall down to

the ground.

Cutw orm s Fusarium wilt

• Cutworm is the caterpillar of some moths.

• They destroy the whole plants by girdling and cutting

off young seedlings at the soil level during the night.

• They hide in the soil during the day.

• Diseased plants are stunted.

• Leaves of diseased plants are turning yellow, wilt

and later are shed.

• Usually the lower leaves are first affected.

Reference: 1- University of Maryland Extension; Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, 2 - A.

M. Varela, icipe 3- A. M. Varela, icipe; Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, 4- A.M. Varela & A.A. Seif, icipe


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