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Related invasive species

  • Anastrepha obliqua
Has Cabi datasheet ID

No male lures have yet been identified for Anastrepha spp. However, they are captured by traps emitting ammonia and it is likely that traps already set for Rhagoletis cerasi in the cherry-growing areas of the EPPO region may attract Anastrepha spp. if they should ever occur in those areas. McPhail traps are usually used for the capture of Anastrepha spp. (Drew, 1982) and possible baits are ammonium acetate (Hedstrom and Jimenez, 1988), casein hydrolysate (Sharp, 1987) and torula yeast (Hedstrom and Jiron, 1985). The number of traps required per unit area is high;in a release and recapture test, Calkins et al. (1984) placed 18 traps per 0.4 ha and only recovered about 13% of the released flies.
Some studies have shown that egg morphology can be used to separate closely related species found in host fruits (Murillo and Jiron, 1994). The larvae of some species may also be differentiated using cuticular hydrocarbons (Sutton and Carlson, 1993). Neither method has yet been generalized for application outside of very specific circumstances.


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