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Related invasive species

  • Cynara cardunculus
Cultural Control

In a number of states in Australia movement or sale of C. cardunculus is restricted by legislation (Weeds of Australia, 2016).
Physical/Mechanical Control
Removing individual plants is only practical where individual plants are scattered or occur in small populations. It is important to ensure the entire taproot has been removed as C. cardunculus can regrow from the cut root. This may be difficult due to the size of the taproot and depth that it can grow (Kelly, 2000). Alternatively, removing flower heads, and subsequently seeds, before they mature and become viable can slow the movement and further spread of C. cardunculus. This action can dramatically reduce the seed bank over a number of years, in turn reducing the number of new seedlings and spread (Kelly and Pepper, 1996). After removal, the plants should be taken off site and disposed of appropriately to reduce the risk of regrowth.
Mechanical methods such as ploughing, are not recommended. Removing the extensive root system mechanically would be difficult and any pieces left behind can resprout through vegetative germination. Additionally, ploughing would leave the land disturbed and open to re-infestation to C. cardunculus or other native species (Kelly, 2000).

Biological Control
<br>Biological control is not feasible as C. cardunculus has closely related cultivated species, Cynara scolymus and Cynara altilis. It is unlikely that any biological control would therefore be restricted to C. cardunculus (Thomsen et al., 1986).<br>However in the USA, the accidentally introduced artichoke fly attacks the flower head of C. cardunculus. It is not an approved biocontrol agent and does not significantly affect commercial C. scolymus crops. The fly’s affect on native thistles is still being studied, and the impact on C. cardunculus populations are not known (DiTomaso et al., 2013).
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