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Related invasive species

  • Didymella fabae
Has Cabi datasheet ID

Symptoms of the disease are easily observed on leaves, stems and pods of plants in the field (see Symptoms). Where confirmation of the disease is required, surface-sterilized tissue from the edges of the lesions should be incubated on PDA to produce pycnidia containing one-septate spores. From older lesions, conidia can be obtained for microscopic examination by scraping the surface of lesions containing pycnidia into water on a glass slide.
If no structures are visible in leaf lesions, incubation of the leaves in a moist chamber overnight may allow distinction from chocolate spot caused by Botrytis fabae, which should produce characteristic conidiophores and conidia in lesions (Koike et al., 2006).
Seedborne infection can be detected by observing the characteristics of the colonies appearing after incubation of surface-sterilized seed on PDA (see Seed Health Tests).


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