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Related invasive species

  • Dysmicoccus neobrevipes
Biological Control
D. neobrevipes has a range of natural enemies that, in the absence of caretaker ants, can effectively control populations of the mealybug. New predators can be introduced to an area in order to control the mealybugs, but without first controlling ant populations, these introductions will not be effective (Rohrbach et al. 1988).
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D. neobrevipes crawlers (first-instar nymphs) can be detected in the field using blue sticky traps. Jahn and Beardsley (2000) found blue sticky traps better for trapping D. neobrevipes than yellow sticky traps, which attract high numbers of other insects, such as flies.
D. neobrevipes is only found on the aerial parts of the plant (Beardsley 1960) and is usually seen on the surface, but can feed deep in the leaf axils or within the blossom cups. Therefore, a plant may need to be dissected in order to find all of the mealybugs on it (Jahn et al., 2003).


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