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Cultural Control

V. thapsus seedlings are not shade tolerant and bare ground is required for emergence. Sowing invaded sites with early successional native species may decrease germination and emergence of V. thapsus seedlings. Late successional native species planted among V. thapsus invasions may also outcompete it for light and space.;Due to the dense pubescence, V. thapsus is unpalatable to cattle and sheep. However, goats will graze on it and may be useful in controlling dense infestations. It has been suggested that chickens may deplete the seed bank where mature plants have been removed (ISSG, 2014).

Biological Control
The European curculionid weevil (Gymnetron tetrum) is a seed predator specific to V. thapsus. It was introduced to North America as a biological control with some success. The larva of this beetle matures in the seed capsules and can destroy up to 50% of the seeds (Gross and Werner, 1978).
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