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Red Amaranthus

(Amaranthus blitum)

Seed Growing


Module Training Set

This guide will help you use the Red Amaranthus Seed Growing

Module Training Set. The set is designed to encourage group

discussion as well as provide information on the production

techniques of red amaranthus. As the facilitator, read through and

familiarize yourself with the entire guide before facilitating any

discussion for the first time. .33

Using Visual Aids and Participatory Learning

We know that people learn better if they are actively engaged in the

learning process. Studies have shown that we remember only 20%

of the information we hear and 40% of the information we see and

hear. However, when we see ideas represented visually and also

actively engage with the information through discussion, debates,

role-plays or other participatory teaching methods, learners retain

80% or more of the information that is presented to them.

Clearly as instructors, it is worth the time and effort to create

participatory, multi-sensory presentations. The Red Amaranthus

Seed Growing Module Training Set is a tool designed to assist

you in this effort. There is no one way to use it. We are always

interested in improving our product, so if you have suggestions,

comments, or questions please contact us.

This facilitator’s guide is written in English but depending on your

audience, you may need to make your presentation in the local

language. Read through the guide and consider how you translate

concepts into the local language.4


Make sure you can answer YES to each question before

beginning the session.

• Did you gather background information about the group you

are going to train?

• Did you review the facilitator’s guide and charts?

• Do you understand the key issues to cover for each chart?

• Does the venue have enough seats and space?

• Do you have all the materials you need for the activities and


Outline of a training session:

1. Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)

2. Review of the session objectives (5 minutes)

3. Large group presentation and discussion of the charts in the

training module (Approximately 5 minutes per chart)

4. Ice breaker (5 minutes)

5. Break into small groups and answer the following: (20


– What are 3 things I learnt today?

– What is 1 action I will take as a result of this training?

– What questions do I still have about the topic?

6. Sharing of small group discussions in the large group (10


7. Summarize and conclude the session (15 minutes)5


By the end of this training, participants will have learnt:

• The benefits of using quality seed

• To conduct a germination test

• To select a good site for red amaranthus seed growing

• To prepare quality seed for planting

• To prepare and apply fertilizer/manure

• To plant red amaranthus seed

• When and how to weed

• To manage pests and diseases

• To carry out proper harvesting of red amaranthus seed

• To process red amaranthus seed


• Show the first chart to the participants.

• Read the title of the chart.

• Ask participants to explain what they know about the topic and

what they understand from the visual.

• Reinforce accurate information given and correct wrong


• Read the tagline on the chart if there is one.

• Ask participants if they have any questions about what has

been discussed.

• Go to the next chart.6

If you want to grow red amaranthus seed as a business, you

should consider:

• Profitability compared to other seed crops

• Capital and skills required

• Available market and current weather conditions

• Registration process by the seed certified agencies

Seed production rules

Farmer-seed field registration process

As a seed grower, you must ensure the following:

• Apply and register with an official seed certification agency

e.g. National Seed Certification Services (NSCS).

• The certification agency will review your application and send

you a reply.

• Prepare a field map showing the location of the seed crop


• Use seed of a known variety with well defined descriptors

(unique/different characteristics from other varieties and

distinguished from the rest of the varieties which can be

obtained from an official agency like a research station -

NaCRRI, Namulonge.

• Register the field crop for inspection within the recommended

time as per seed regulations.

• All contract seed producers must be linked to registered seed

companies e.g Simlaw, Vistoria and East African.



Time Proposed

stage of


Factors assessed during inspection

First At vegetative




• Rouge out other crop varieties, off-types, plants of

other crop species, diseased and weak plants.

• Assess variety purity as specified in the crop


• Check for presence of noxious weeds.

Second At maturity

of the crop

and before


• Assess variety purity as specified in the crop

descriptor including morphological characteristics

such as colour of seeds and pods.

• Check disease incidence and pest infestation at

maturity of the seed crop.

• Check general conditions of the seed crop

including estimated expected yield.

Additional At any time

or stage of

crop growth

• Assess any other aspect that needs to be

corrected following previous inspection, e.g.

confirm rouging if done as required, follow-up

on the disease or pest situation, correction of


Suggested time for conducting field inspection

Farmers trained in basic knowledge in seed production and

technologies qualify for registration as seed growers.

Field inspection

As a seed grower, you must register your crop for inspection. The

inspection will look into the following:

• Previous cropping history

• Isolation distance from other crops of same species

• True to type of the crop variety grown

• Pests: insect pests, diseases and environmental pollution/


• Proper crop husbandry practices8

CHART 1: Logo chart*

Red amaranthus is known by different names across the country.

In Luganda Ebbugga , in Achol Abuga , and Ateso Buga . The

scientific name for red amatharus is Amaranthus blitum.

Red amaranthus leaves are usually picked when fresh and eaten

as a vegetable.

* This is a logo chart.



CHART 2: Use quality seed for better yields

Use quality seeds of a recommended variety. Quality seeds are a

fundamental requirement for good production. Home processed

seed can also be of good quality if it is well processed and

stored. Using quality seeds ensures:

• Lower seeding rate

• Higher seedling emergence, usually above 85%

• Vigorous seedlings

• More uniform plant stand

• Faster growth rate

• Better resistance to pests and diseases

• Uniformity in maturity

• The plant is more tolerant to drought

Quality seed should be of uniform size, colour and shape. It

should also be free of foreign matter such as weed seed, chaff

and should be pest and disease free.10

CHART 3: Conduct a germination test

Before sowing, test seed for viability and germination potential by

conducting a quick germination test. Follow the steps below:

• Get representative samples of seeds from the top, middle and

bottom of the seed bag.

• Mix the sample seeds and count 100 seeds to use for the test

(for small seed quantities, farmers can count 20 seeds).

• Put the seeds in a container of water for 24 hours.

• Drain off the water and wrap the seeds in the soaked cotton cloth

to create a bag holding the seeds.

• Tie the cloth bag to a stick. Tilt the stick to encourage drainage

from the cloth bag. Keep the cloth moist by watering 3 times a

day. Leave it tied for 48 hours.

• Untie the cloth bag and count the number of seeds that have fully

germinated (both the shoot and roots have emerged).

• If 85 of the 100 seeds or 17 of the 20 seeds or more have both

the shoot and roots emerged within 2 weeks, then it is quality

seed which can be used for planting.

• If the percentage is slightly less than 85 of the 100 seeds,

increase the seed rate at planting. If the percentage is less than

40%, discard the seed. Do not use the seed because it will have

poor yields.


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