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www.plantwise.orgCreated in Zambia, July 2015

Maize dryness testing before storage

Recognize the problem

Post-harvest losses are a common problem in maize production. Some farmers

are storing maize before the cobs and grains are dry enough. Then fungal

diseases germinate on the grains and destroy them.


Farmers must dry or wait for their maize grains to dry in order to avoid

germination of fungal diseases in the storage period. Well dried grains have

only about 12 to 15% moisture, a cob that has just been harvested can have

up to 50% moisture. Well dried cobs and grains maintain quality (Bubotu in

Tonga), and the grains can be kept for a long period (up to 12 months). This

assures food can be stored in households for a long period. After drying, the

farmer needs to do a home grain dryness test to make sure very low moisture

content (Mudumu in Tonga) is reached. There are three test methods.


• Spread the harvested maize cobs on drying racks off the ground and not

in a heap and if possible do not spread onto the ground for drying.

Alternatively, store them in well ventilated open-air flow barns.

• 2 to 5 weeks of drying process is needed in dry sunny conditions.

• Sample (kusala in Tonga) 10 cobs that were dried.

• This is usually done at shelling after short storage in the ban.

• 1. Break a few grains using teeth and if the grain breaks without any

difficulty then the grain has reached its low storage moisture content.

• 2. The second test method is to remove 10 grains from the 10 selected

cobs and put them in a dry tin. Tightly close it for 2 to 3 days and if

there is no heating or fungal disease, it has reached its low storage

moisture content.

• 3. Alternatively, a seed moisture tester can be jointly bought by a

farming community, or may be used via a service provider.

• If dryness testing shows that cobs are still too wet proceed with drying.

Scientific name(s) > Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp.

The recommendations in this factsheet are relevant to: Zambia

Authors: George E Silumbwe

Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

tel: +260 961 189 769 email:

Edited by Plantwise

Plantwise is a global initiative led by CABI


Lose Less, Feed More

Harvested maize to be tested

whether dry enough for storage.

(Photo by George Silumbwe)

Dryness tested maize grains ready

for storage. (Photo by George



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