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The following description is from the Flora of Panama (2016);Shrub or tree, 1.5-10 (15) m tall, the trunk up to 10 cm in diameter. Leaves: petioles slender, terete, slightly enlarged at the apex, 1.8- 14 cm long, more or less densely covered with minute scales, stipules narrowly ovate, acuminate, ca 1 cm long, fugacious, blade ovate or sometimes ovate-triangular, infrequently oblong-ovate, the base truncate or truncate-subcordate or rounded or rounded-subcordate, the apex sometimes acute to generally gradually long-acuminate and with the acumen usually blunt and often inconspicuously mucronulate, entire-margined, 5.5-27 cm long and 3-18 cm wide, membranous to chartaceous, 5-palminerved, slightly discoloured, the upper surface usually more or less shining and glabrous or sparsely lepidote especially when young and along the veins, the lower surface dull, paler, more or less densely lepidote, and with the main veins and secondary veins prominent.;Panicles few- to many-flowered, the axes densely covered with minute, reddish-brown scales, the bracts and bracteoles squamiform and fugacious. Flowers with the pedicels up to 1 cm long, densely covered with minute, reddish-brown scales, sepals circular, cucullate, 7-9 mm in diam, densely lepidote outside, petals obovate, rounded at the apex, 20-33 mm long and 8-20 mm wide, white or pink, androecium ca 14-15 mm long, the filaments filiform, the anthers ca 1-1.5 mm long, ovary more or less globose to pyriform, densely to sparsely bristly, the style up to 15 mm long, slightly enlarged towards the apex, glabrous. Capsules very variable in shape, size, and indumentum, oblong-ovoid to ovoid to globose to + reniform to transversely ellipsoid, more or less flat- tended or not, rounded to acute or sometimes acuminate at the apex, 1.3-4.5 cm long and 1.3-4 cm broad, brown to flaming red, densely to sparsely covered with long or sometimes short, flexible spines, sometimes nearly smooth, seeds obovoid- angular, ca 5 mm long, the testa densely reddish-orange papillate.

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