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Phaeosphaeria leaf spot


Fungus: Phaeosphaeria maydis and Phoma sorghina

(possible disease complex).


Phaeosphaeria leaf spot (PLS)

isincreasingly being

considered a major disease of maize in parts of South

Africa, especially inKwaZulu-Natal inthe mist belt,

Winterton and Bergville areas and is considered a potential

threat to maize production in regions where high humidity and low night time temperatures are prevalent during the

growing season. Yield losses can be most severe when upper leaves are severely blighted by PLS during the early

reproductive growth stages of the maize plant. In many

maize growing regions however, conditions favourable for

PLS exist only towards the end of the growing season and

hence yield loss is minimal. In Brazil, PLS is considered a

particularly important disease of maize where yield losses

as high as 60% have been recorded. However, PLS

remains a late season disease and is considered of minor

importance in most maize growing regions.


Leaf lesions initiallyappear as small,

pale green or

chlorotic spots scattered over the leaf surface. As lesions mature they become bleached and dried with dark brown

margins (Fig. 1), similar to paraquat herbicide (trade name

- Gramoxone) damage. Lesions are circular, elongate to

oblong measuring 0.3-2.0cm. Lesions may coalesce

becoming irregular in shape and blight the entire leaf (Fig.

3). Pinpoint, black fruiting bodies (perithecia) and, less

frequently, pycnidiadevelopwithinlesions onthe

underside of the leaf blade (Fig. 2). Lesions are usually

first visible on the edges of maize fields or on the top

leaves of plants, exposed to spore deposition and, more

importantly, cold conditions towards the end of the season

as winter approaches. Maize plants inside the field

normally show fewer symptoms.


P. maydis overwinters on crop debris. During subsequent

growing seasons, inresponse tofavourable climatic

conditions (highrainfall and moderate temperatures),

spores are rain splash and wind disseminated to freshly planted maize where they germinate on foliar tissue.

Spores produced in disease lesions initiate secondary

cycles of infection during the season. Humidity levels

above 70% and night time temperatures above 14°C

strenathen disease severity. COMMON NAMES

Phaeosphaeria leaf spot; PLS


Zea mays (maize) - only known host.

Figure 1. Bleached, circular lesions. Figure 2 Black fruiting bodies.

Figure 3. Blighting of entire leaf


Cultural control: In regions where PLS is a serious foliar disease, the

use of resistant hybrids is the most cost-effective and

practical means of disease management.

Management of infected crop residue


disease inoculum at the onset of the subsequent

growing season. Cultivation ofmaize during periods


unfavourable for disease development can also reduce

crop damage.

Chemical control: InSouth Africa, fungicides currently


registered to control Common rust, Grey leaf spot and

Northern corn leaf blight in spray programmes does not

seem to provide adequate control against PLS. New

combinations and timing of applications are currently

being investigated.


PLS Fact Sheet, Version 1. Copyright © 2009 PANNAR Seed (Pty) Ltd . Updated versions available from

Compiled by Rikus Kloppers and Stephanie Tweer. Comments/feedback can be sent to

Disclaimer: This document serves as a guideline and is given in good faith.


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