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How Farmers Irrigate

in California

Cooperative Extension University of California

Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

LEAFLET 21414e

How Farmers Irrigate

in California

Most of California’s developed water supply-water that is

diverted from streams, stored in reservoirs, or pumped from

underground-goes to irrigate crops. Californians tend to

worry about this arrangement. They ask:

Why do farmers need so much irrigation water?

How does a farmer decide when to irrigate, and how much?

Why are there so many kinds of irrigation?

What are the roles of new technology and new scientific

methods of irrigation?

How much and where

About one-tenth of California, almost 10 million acres, is

irrigated farmland. About 85 percent of the state’s developed

water is used to grow crops on that land. Most of the irrigated

acreage is in central California: about 5 million acres in the

San Joaquin Valley, and 2 million in the Sacramento Valley

to the north. The rest is in valleys along the coast and in

southern desert areas.

The crop with the greatest irrigated acreage in California

is cotton. All the state’s orchards combined, including deci-

duous fruits, nuts, and citrus, occupy about as much irrigated

acreage as does cotton. Other crops occupying large amounts

of irrigated acreage are alfalfa, pasture, grapes, rice, corn,

tomatoes, and sugarbeets. Also, large acreages of wheat and

barley are grown in winter and spring with some irrigation

to supplement rainfall.

In an average year, about 36 million acre-feet of water go

to irrigate these crops, enough to fill a 1-acre reservoir to a

depth of 6,818 miles-almost to China. What happens to all

that water? In the process of meeting basic crop require-

ments, about two-thirds of it changes to water vapor and en-

ters the atmosphere. The other third either percolates down

to groundwater or flows out into drainage canals and streams.

Some of this return flow serves to flush salts from the soil.

Much of it is reused.

How water is applied

California farmers apply irrigation water in a dozen or

more different ways. All of these are either surface systems,

where water flows across the ground by force of gravity, or

pressure systems, where water is pumped through pipes or

hoses to sprinklers or emitters.

Surface systems, traditional in California, are used on

about 75 percent of the state’s irrigated farmland. There are

three types:

Furrow irrigation, commonly used for crops planted in rows,

such as corn, cotton, and tomatoes.

Flood (border) irrigation, used for crops such as alfalfa and

pasture, in which parallel strips of land are flooded.

Basin irrigation, often used in orchards, in which level areas

surrounded by dikes are filled with water.

During furrow and flood irrigation, the flow continues until

the desired amount of water has soaked into the soil along

the entire length of the sloping field. This means that some

tailwater generally runs off at the lower end. Also, more water

enters the soil at the upper end of the field, where it has been

flowing the longest.


Whether it’s a clump of grass or a pine tree, every growing plant

must have water for two vital functions: transpiration through its

leaves and evaporation from its surfaces and surroundings. To-

gether, these functions are called evapotranspiration (ET). Plants

can survive with less than their full ET needs, but only by slowing

growth. Without the growing season’s ET requirement, whether

from rainfall or irrigation, crop yield will fall.

The actual amount of water used by a crop for ET depends

largely on sunlight, temperature, humidity, and wind. On any day

at a given location, ET rates are similar for different crops. (Typ-

ical rate for a July day in the San Joaquin Valley: 0.3 inches of

water.) Season-long ET requirements are something else again;

they are low for crops that take less time to mature or that grow

during the cool months.

Wheat and barley (180 days of growth during winter and

spring) need about 15 to 20 inches of water for ET, amounting to

9 to 12 gallons per square foot for the growing season.

Corn (150 days of growth during summer) needs 25 to 30

inches for ET, or about 20 gallons per square foot.

• Alfalfa (spring, summer, and fall growth) needs almost 50

inches, or about 30 gallons per square foot.

Farmers generally apply more water than is needed for ET.

This additional irrigation allows for uneven distribution of water

in a field and leaching of salts from the soil. Irrigation is consid-

ered very efficient if 85 to 95 percent of the applied water is used

by the crop. More often, the figure is in the 70 to 80 percent range,

which may be the best possible under the circumstances. Below

50 or 60 percent is generally considered poor irrigation efficiency.

Because of this uneven water distribution, surface irriga-

tion systems are often thought to be less efficient than mod-

ern pressurized systems. In practice, they may be. However,

tests at the University of California and elsewhere have

shown that well-designed surface systems can be operated as

efficiently as sprinkler or drip systems. Particularly where

water is scarce and costly, surface systems may be among the

best, indicating it is not the system itselfbut how it is designed

and managed that makes the difference. Recycling tailwater,

for example, is one way to improve the efficiency of a surface


Pressurized irrigation, applying water through sprinklers,

microsprinklers, and drip emitters, is now used on about 25

percent of California’s irrigated farmland. Sprinklers are the

most common, but use of drip systems is increasing rapidly.

Still, drip accounts for only a small fraction of the total: about

3 percent of all irrigated acreage in 1980, according to the

California Department of Water Resources (DWR).


After irrigation, the amount of water remaining in the root

zone and available to the crop depends on the soil’s capacity

to store water and the depth to which roots have grown.

Sandy soils hold less water than heavier soils. Coarse sands

have just enough space between particles to hold about ½ inch

of water per foot of soil depth. Fine clays have more, smaller

spaces, and commonly store at least 2 inches of available water

per foot of depth.

The depth of the root zone also varies: grass roots go down

only a few inches; tree roots, 8 to 12 feet or more. Even deep-

rooted crops may have their root zones restricted by under-

ground barriers (bedrock, hardpan, soil layers, high water


A 5-foot root zone in sandy loam can store about 6.5 inches

of available water, or 4 gallons per square foot of surface area

(1 acre = 43,560 square feet).

A 5-foot root zone in silty clay can store about 10 inches of

available water, or 6 gallons per square foot of surface area.

An important point: Plants cannot extract all of the mois-

ture in soil. The portion that can be removed by the roots is

called available water, but only part of this amount can ac-

tually be used in crop production. Some of the available water

must stay in the soil to avoid crop stress and reduced yields.


What type of irrigation can be used most easily to apply

water efficiently? Probably drip, i f the system is well designed

and operated.

But drip technology is not, as some have claimed, many

times better than other systems-a technological cure for Cal-

ifornia’s water problems. That is because two-thirds or more

of all water applied to crops in California goes to satisfy the

crop water requirement, the minimum without which plants

cannot grow properly. This is true regardless of the type of ir-

rigation system.

With all systems, water is applied in addition to this basic

requirement so all parts of the field will get enough water and

so salts will leach out. One objective of good irrigation is to

minimize this additional application. Drip irrigation makes

that easier.

Sprinkler and drip systems have several advantages:

They make it easier to control the amount of water applied,

and to distribute it evenly across the field.

They can apply water slowly, which is important on tight

soils where water infiltrates slowly.

They can be used on rolling land; in the case of drip, even

on steep hillsides.

In other words, applying the right amount of water where

and when it is needed is less complicated with sprinkler and

drip irrigation. Comparable efficiency is possible with surface

systems, but it takes more effort to apply good management.

Sprinkler and drip systems are easier to automate and may

save on some aspects of labor. To operate well, however, they

must be closely watched and maintained, and that may end

up requiring as much labor as surface irrigation.

Sprinkler and drip systems also have some obvious dis-

advantages. They are more expensive to buy and install, and

they require more energy. A particular problem with drip sys-

tems is the need for frequent close up inspection to find

plugged emitters.

The farmer’s decision

Regardless of which irrigation method is used, a grower

must make two decisions over and over again: When to ir-

rigate, and how much water to apply. Of course, anybody with

a garden, a lawn, or even a houseplant faces the same deci-

sions. But with so much more at stake, how does a farmer

decide? The cost of water and other such basic considerations

will have an influence. But more specifically, the grower can

look at three indicators: the plants, the soil, and the weather.

In practice, many growers go largely by the calendar, bas-

ing their irrigation plans on experience and, i f they use canal

water, on the irrigation district’s delivery schedule. Still, most

keep a wary eye on at least one of these indicators of crop

water need:

The plants. With some crops, such as beans and cotton,

experienced growers say they can see the first signs of stress

and irrigate in time to prevent yield loss. This is risky. Fur-

thermore, many crops show no visual symptoms until it is too

late. Scientific devices are used by researchers to measure a

plant’s water status, but these are still largely experimental

and only indicate when to irrigate, not how much. To deter-

mine the amount, it is necessary to look underground.

The soil. The amount of available water in the root zone

can be estimated with buried instruments that measure how

tightly water is held in the soil (tensiometers and gypsum

blocks) or with a device that directly measures water content

(a neutron probe). But there’s a problem: Each reading re-

flects conditions in only one spot, while actual conditions in

the field may vary widely. The farmer must either install

many expensive instruments-generally not practical-or

use information from a few to estimate overall conditions.

Since at least some guesswork seems to be unavoidable, why

not simply use a shovel, a soil tube, or even a steel rod to get

some idea of moisture in the soil reservoir? In fact, that old-

fashioned approach, properly used, often works well.

The weather. The actual amount of water used by a crop

is determined by still another factor-evaporative conditions,

or the evapotranspiration (ET) rate. Rates of ET are generally

the same throughout a uniformly planted field, and can be

measured fairly easily. This leads to the concept of water

budgeting, which many farmers, scientists, and state water

officials say is the best broad-based approach to improving

irrigation scheduling in California.

A farmer using water budgeting first determines the ca-

pacity of the soil reservoir. Second, the farmer decides how

much of that soil-stored water can be used safely without de-

creasing yields. This factor, the yield threshold depletion level,

.depends mainly on (1) the crop’s sensitivity to water stress

and (2) root distribution in the soil reservoir. It may be as high

as 90 percent or as low as 30 percent of the available water

in the root zone.

Third, the farmer keeps a record of the crop’s cumulative

ET losses since the last irrigation. Then, when the losses ap-

proach the yield threshold depletion level, it is time to turn

on the water again.

Water budgeting takes into account both soil moisture and

the crop’s changing water needs. With a reasonable idea of

how much soil-stored water can be used safely, and with

timely ET readings, a farmer can tell fairly accurately both

when to irrigate and how much water to apply.

CIMIS: A new approach

It would help to computerize the process. That is one goal

of a new state-sponsored program: California Irrigation Man-

agement Information System (CIMIS). Developed by the Uni-

versity of California, CIMIS links a network of more than 40

small, sophisticated weather-sensing stations in various

farm areas of the state to a central computer. Day by day, the

stations report weather conditions, and reference values for

ET are automatically computed. These values are then

matched with information on individual fields near each

weather station to recommend timing and amount for the

next irrigation.

The State Department of Water Resources financed devel-

opment of CIMIS, and now operates it as a public service. The

next step, involving DWR, UC Cooperative Extension, and

private irrigation consultants, is to show farmers how to use


But which farmers, and why? Those are not easy questions.

Irrigation experts generally agree that:

Many California farmers already irrigate with reasonable

efficiency, so they have little to gain and much to risk from

changing their methods.

In many cases where irrigation is less efficient, the runoff

is used by other growers or contributes to streamflow.

But the experts also agree that, overall, there are gains to

be made in the efficient use of water on most farms, probably

through CIMIS or something like it. In studying the possi-

bilities, UC Cooperative Extension specialists have found


Growers with irrigation problems are more likely to adopt


Growers who can measure the amount of water they apply

are more likely to use CIMIS (most surface irrigators can-


Use of CIMIS is more likely on trees and vines than on an-

nual crops.

Overall cost of water does not seem to be linked to use of

CIMIS, except in some local situations. High power costs for

pumping water often do make a difference.

This publication was prepared by Richard L. Snyder, Extension Bioclimatologist, Davis;

Blaine R. Hanson, Extension Irrigation and Drainage Specialist, Davis;

and Raymond Coppock, Extension Communications Specialist, Davis, with assistance

from others in the UC Cooperative Extension Soil, Water, and Engineering Program.

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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U S . Department of Agriculture Jerome B.

Siebert, Director of Cooperative Extension, University of California.



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How Farmers Irrigate in California


How much and where

How water is applied



The farmer’s decision


CIMIS: A new approach

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