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Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Publication 7218



TIm HARTz and mARITA CANTwELL, University of California

Cooperative Extension Specialists, Department of Plant Sciences,

University of California, Davis; JAN mICkLER, SHANNON


of California Cooperative Extension Farm Advisors


California has two primary cantaloupe (or muskmel-

on; Cucumis melo L.) production areas: the southern

desert valleys in Imperial and Riverside Counties and

the San Joaquin Valley (Fresno, Kern, Kings, Merced,

and Stanislaus Counties). Melons in the southern des-

ert valleys are planted from late December through

March for harvest from May through early July. In

the San Joaquin Valley, planting begins in February in

the south and continues northward through July; har-

vest begins in late June and continues into October.

Overall, plantings are timed to provide a continuous

supply of melons from May through October.


Year Acreage

Average yield


Gross value/


2004 48,000 13.8 $3,800

2005 48,000 12.8 $3,490

2006 49,000 11.3 $4,650

Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service,


Cantaloupe is a warm-season annual plant that is sen-

sitive to freezing temperatures at any growth stage.

Growth is very slow below 60°F (16°C) and optimal

from 85° to 95°F (30° to 35°C). Cantaloupe can toler-

ate temperatures in excess of 104° (40°C). Since fruit

set requires bee pollination, weather conditions that

reduce bee activity (cold, rain, high wind, or pro-

longed cloud coverage) may reduce yield.



Hybrid cantaloupe varieties dominate both produc-

tion areas. In the southern desert valleys varieties are

chosen based on earliness and high yield potential

under stressful spring conditions. Commonly used

hybrids include Impac, Gold Rush, Navigator, and

Gold Express. In the San Joaquin Valley hybrid vari-

eties such as Oro Rico, Archer, Gold Express, and

Durango are common; TopMark and other open-

pollinated lines are seldom used. Statewide, virtually

all cantaloupes are direct seeded.

Growers in the southern desert valleys use several

specialized techniques to promote earliness. A widely

used planting system is the mid-bed trench, which

involves using a bed shaper to produce a trench, or

groove, in the center of an 80-inch (2-m) bed. A single

line of seed is planted in the trench, which is then

capped with a sheet of clear polyethylene. This sys-

tem stimulates early growth and provides some frost

protection. At thinning the polyethylene is ventilated,

then removed; the trench area is weeded and the bed

is reshaped into a standard configuration. Slant-bed

culture, in which sloping 80-inch (2-m) beds are ori-

ented east—west, is also commonly used. One row of

seed is planted on the south-facing slope of the bed;

increased soil temperature from solar heating stimu-

lates seed germination. After crop establishment, the

bed is reshaped to leave the plant row centered on a

standard 80-inch bed.

In the San Joaquin Valley fields are generally pre-

irrigated, either by furrow or sprinkler, to ensure a

full soil moisture profile. When dry enough for till-

age, fields are worked into either 40-inch or 80-inch

(1- or 2-m) raised beds. A single seed line is planted

per bed. Seed is planted into moist soil just below the

tilled zone, with 3 to 6 inches (7.5 to 15 cm) of loose

Vegetable Production Series

UC Vegetable Research

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soil over the seeded row to retain moisture. After

seed germination, this soil “cap” is removed. Where

40-inch beds are used, every second bed is seeded;

after thinning, the unused bed is split and tilled to

widen the planted bed to 80 inches with the plant

row in the center.

Statewide, seeding rates vary from 0.5 to 1.0 pound

per acre (0.6 to 1.1 kg/ha) for hybrid varieties, and 1

to 2 pounds per acre (1.1 to 2.2 kg/ha) for open-polli-

nated varieties. Desired final in-row spacing is 8 to 16

inches (20 to 40 cm).


Many soil textures are used for cantaloupe produc-

tion. Sandy soils are used for the earliest plantings

because they warm more rapidly in the spring. Loam

and clay loam soils are preferred for main-season

production due to greater water-holding capacity,

which favors a prolonged harvest period. Regardless

of texture, all cantaloupe soils should be well drained,

since the crop is sensitive to root diseases that thrive

in poorly aerated soils.


The majority of California cantaloupe fields are

furrow irrigated. Two to five irrigations are used

(depending on region and soil type) after crop estab-

lishment, the last one 7 to 10 days before the initiation

of harvest. Excessive irrigation late in the season can

compromise fruit quality and increase the severity

of root disease. Under representative California con-

ditions, cantaloupe consumes about 10 to 15 inches

(250 to 375 mm) of water. Seasonal water applications

vary considerably, depending on irrigation efficiency,

leaching requirements, and the need for pre-irriga-

tion. Drip irrigation is becoming increasingly popu-

lar for cantaloupe production; at least 20 percent of

cantaloupe acreage is now drip irrigated. Drip irriga-

tion lines are typically buried in the center of the soil

beds; the systems may be renovated each production

season or left in place for a number of years, depend-

ing on the grower’s management scheme and crop

rotation. Drip irrigation scheduling is determined by

potential evapotranspiration (ETo) estimates and crop

growth stage; frequency of irrigation can vary from

once a week early in the season to daily during times

of peak water demand. Some growers use drip irri-

gation lines placed in every other furrow after crop

establishment. While this approach may not provide

the full yield potential of a buried, in-row system, it

does provide improved irrigation control compared

with furrow irrigation, and the system is portable,

which eliminates management issues associated with

crop rotation. Regardless of irrigation technique, care

must be taken to keep the tops of the beds dry to min-

imize fruit contact with moist soil, which can result in

unsightly ground spots and fruit rots.


Cantaloupe has modest nutrient needs. Typical fertil-

izer application rates are 80 to 150 pounds per acre (90

to 168 kg/ha) of nitrogen (N) and 40 to 200 pounds

per acre (45 to 225 kg/ha) of P2O5. In general, fertil-

ization rates are higher in the southern desert areas

than in the San Joaquin Valley. Phosphorus (P) and

a small amount of N are applied preplant, with the

remaining N applied as a sidedressing after thinning

or in irrigation water. In the southern desert valleys

and the San Joaquin Valley, soil potassium (K) levels

are usually sufficient for melon production, except

in sandy soils with extractable K levels below 100

ppm. Application of microelements is not generally

required, with the exception of zinc, which may be

needed in some San Joaquin Valley soils.


At least one colony of bees per acre is required for

optimal cantaloupe yields. Honey bees are the only

efficient pollinators of melons; approximately 10 to

15 bee visits are required to adequately pollinate a

bisexual (fruit-producing) melon flower. Distribution

of bee colonies around the field is important, since

research has shown that bee activity and yield decline

with distances over 600 feet (180 m) from the colony.

Bee colonies should be set out just prior to the appear-

ance of bisexual flowers and remain in place for 2 to

3 weeks. Care in pesticide usage during this period is

critical to minimize bee kill.


Detailed information about IPM for cantaloupe is

available in the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines

for Cucurbits,

selectnewpest.cucurbits.html. Herbicides, insecticides,

and fungicides should always be used in compliance

with label instructions.

weed management

Annual and perennial weeds can be serious problems

in cantaloupe production; many weed control prac-

tices are used. Some growers use a preplant banded

application of a broad-spectrum herbicide in the plant

row. Where fields are pre-irrigated and planted in

moist soil, cultivation is the primary in-row weed

control method. Most fields receive at least one hand-

hoeing, usually in conjunction with thinning of the

melon seedlings. A lay-by, incorporated herbicide

application is common after thinning to provide sea-

son-long weed control in the furrows and edges of the


2 • Cantaloupe Production in California

Insect Identification and management

Cantaloupes are subject to damage by a number of

insects. Wireworms (Limonius spp.), cutworms (Athetis

mindara and related species), and seed-corn maggots

(Delia platura) can damage or kill seedlings. Aphids

(Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii), cucumber beetles

(Acalymma and Diabrotica spp.), leafhoppers (Empoasca

spp.), leafminers (Liriomyza spp.), and spider mites

(Tetranychus spp.) can damage foliage and fruit and

may require chemical control. A potentially devas-

tating insect pest is the silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia

argentifolii). Its effective range is confined to the south-

ern desert valleys and the southern third of the San

Joaquin Valley. Whitefly populations build to dam-

aging levels primarily during late summer or early

fall. Although pesticide application may be required,

whitefly damage to spring-planted melons is mini-

mal. However, fall production in heavily infested

areas is problematic, with control measures expensive

and only inconsistently effective. A variety of other

minor insect pests occasionally cause economic dam-

age, but they seldom require chemical control.

Disease and Nematode Identification and


Powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii and Erysiphe

cichoracearum) can occur on susceptible cantaloupe

varieties throughout the entire production season

and may require chemical control. Downy mildew

(Pseudoperonospora cubensis), which requires prolonged

presence of free water on leaf surfaces for spores to

germinate, is seldom seen, except during rainy peri-

ods in the fall in the San Joaquin Valley.

Losses to vascular root diseases such as Verticillium

(V. dahliae) and Fusarium (F. oxysporum) wilts are

generally minimized by selection of resistant or

tolerant varieties. A number of other soilborne dis-

eases can cause substantial crop damage, including

Monosporascus root rot (Monosporascus cannonballus),

charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina), and sudden

wilt (Acremonium cucurbitacearum or Pythium spp.).

There is no generally useful chemical control; the

root rot complex of organisms is combated by careful

water management to minimize root stress, destruc-

tion of crop residue immediately following harvest,

and good crop rotation. Soil fumigation may reduce

losses to soil pests but is seldom an economically

viable practice for cantaloupe production.

A complex of aphid-vectored viruses can cause

serious economic losses in cantaloupe. The most

prevalent viruses are cucumber mosaic virus (CMV),

watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), and zucchini yel-

lows mosaic virus (ZYMV). The severity of economic

loss varies from season to season and area to area;

outbreaks are a function of several factors, but high

numbers of migratory aphids are required for an epi-

demic to occur. Insecticide applications may minimize

in-field virus spread but are ineffective in preventing

transmission by aphids coming from neighboring

fields. Maintaining good sanitation (weed control and

rapid plow-down of crop residues) may also mini-

mize virus spread. Providing physical separation of

early and late plantings may reduce virus severity

in the late plantings. Additionally, whitefly-vectored

cucurbit yellows stunt disorder virus (CYSDV) has

become established in the southern desert valleys.

This virus is most damaging in the fall, when whitefly

pressure is highest. Systemic insecticide application to

limit whitefly population and the use of insect exclu-

sion techniques such as row covers reduce the likeli-

hood of significant damage to fall melons.

Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) can cause

devastating losses but are generally confined to light-

textured soils. Preplant treatment is justified if soil

sampling or previous crop history suggests the pres-

ence of a high nematode population.


Cantaloupes are normally hand-harvested at “full-

slip” stage (when the fruit will cleanly separate from

the vine with light pressure). Depending on variety,

the external color at this stage may still have a green-

ish cast. Fields are harvested 8 to 10 times over a

10- to 14-day period. Fruit of good quality will have a

soluble solids level of at least 10 degrees Brix. Melons

are either loaded into bulk trucks for transport to a

conventional packing shed or are packed in the field

into the industry-standard 40-pound (18-kg) car-

tons. The fruit are sized mechanically or by sight and

packed 9, 12, 15, 18, or 23 per carton.


Rapid removal of field heat is required to maximize

the postharvest life of cantaloupes. The most common

approach is forced-air (pressure) cooling. Once prop-

erly cooled, cantaloupes can be stored for 2 weeks

or more at 34° to 40°F (1° to 4°C). Water loss through

areas of the surface netting scuffed during harvest

and handling can reduce cosmetic quality during

storage; the problem is minimized by careful handling

and maintenance of high humidity during storage.


Palletized cartons are shipped primarily by truck to

terminal markets and wholesale receivers across the

United States and Canada. There are limited exports

of California cantaloupe by ocean transport to Pacific

Rim nations.

3 • Cantaloupe Production in California


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Publication 7218

ISBN-13: 978-1-60107-569-7

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4 • Cantaloupe Production in California











Weed Management

Insect Identification and Management

Disease and Nematode Identification and Management




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