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Tropical Plant Pathology 36 (6) November - December 2011


Tropical Plant Pathology , vol. 36, 6, 400-403 (2011)Copyright by the Brazilian Phytopathological Society. Printed in Brazil


Confirmation of the presence of the Citrus leprosis virus C

(CiLV-C) in Southern Mexico

Isidro Izquierdo Castillo 1, Luis Felipe Zermeño Diaz 1, Walter Mendez 2, Gabriel Otero-Colina 3, Juliana

Freitas-Astúa 4, Eliane Cristina Locali-Fabris 4, Gilberto José de Moraes 5, Renata Faier Calegario 5, Aline

Daniele Tassi 5 & Elliot W. Kitajima 5

1Comité Estatal de Sanidad Vegetal, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico; 2Gobierno del Estado de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco,

Mexico; 3Instituto de Fitosanidad, Colegio de Postgraduados, Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco

56230, Mexico; 4Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, 44300-000, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil and Centro APTA

Citros Sylvio Moreira, 13490-970, Cordeirópolis, SP, Brazil; 5Departamento de Fitopatologia e Nematologia, Universidade

de São Paulo, ESALQ, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

Author for correspondence: Elliot W. Kitajima, e-mail:

ABSTRACT Citrus leprosis was detected in sweet oranges in Chiapas, Mexico, in 2005 based on symptoms. The disease was soon after observed

in sweet orange orchards at Huimanguillo and Cunduacan, state of Tabasco. Leaf samples of leprosis-affected Valencia or Hamlin sweet

oranges were collected and subjected to ultrastructural examination and molecular detection of CiLV-C by RT-PCR. Cytopathic effects

typical of CiLV-C infection as presence of short, baciliform particles in the endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and electron dense, vacuolated

viroplasma in the cytoplasm, as well as hypertrophy of some spongy parenchyma cells were observed in the tissues of the leaf lesions. RT-

PCR using specific primers for CiLV-C produced DNA fragments of the expected size. Brevipalpus mites were present in these orchards

and identified as B. phoenicis, the known vector for CiLV-C. Transmission tests with these mites confirmed their role as leprosis vectors

to sweet orange but not to lemon, Volkamerian lemon, C35 citrange and Carrizo citrange. These data confirm the presence of CiLV-C in

Tabasco, Mexico and that the citrus leprosis found in Chiapas was caused by CiLV-C.

Key words: Brevipalpus phoenicis , Chiapas, citrus leprosis, electron microscopy, molecular detection, Tabasco.


Confirmação da ocorrência da leprose dos citros tipo citoplasmático no sul do México Em 2005 houve um relato da presença da leprose dos citros no Estado de Chiapas, ao sul do México, baseado em sintomatologia.

Subsequentemente a doença foi constatada em pomares de laranjeiras doces no Estado de Tabasco, nas localidades de Huimanguillo e

Cunduacan. Amostras de folhas com lesões lepróticas de laranjeiras Valencia ou Hamlin foram coletadas e posteriormente examinadas ao

microscópio eletrônico e submetidas a ensaios de detecção molecular por RT-PCR usando primers específicos. Estudos ultraestruturais

revelaram alterações citopatológicas típicas causadas pelo CiLV-C (partículas baciliformes curtas no lúmen do retículo endoplasmático e

a presença de viroplasmas vacuolados e elétron-densos no citoplasma) e hipertrofia em algumas células do parênquima lacunoso. Ensaios

de RT-PCR resultaram na amplificação, na maioria das amostras de folhas dessecadas, de fragmento de DNA de tamanho esperado. Ácaros

Brevipalpus coletados nos pomares foram identificados como B. phoenicis. Ensaios de transmissão com este ácaro confirmaram seu papel

como vetor do CiLV-C para laranja doce, mas não houve transmissão para limão, limão Volkameriana, citrange C35 e citrange Carrizo.

Todos estes dados considerados em conjunto confirmam que CiLV-C está presente em Tabasco, México e que a leprose dos citros descrita

em Chiapas é causada pelo CiLV-C.

Palavras-chave: Brevipalpus phoenicis , Chiapas, detecção molecular, leprose dos citros, microscopia eletrônica, Tabasco.

Citrus leprosis was first reported in the early 1900’s

in Florida, US (Fawcett, 1911). It was afterwards reported

in many South American countries and in the last 10 years it

has been spreading through Central America (Rodrigues et

al., 2003; Bastianel et al., 2010). Sanchez Anguiano (2005)

reported the occurrence of leprosis in southern Mexico based

on symptoms on sweet oranges. This caused serious concern

in the Mexican citrus industry, which is going through a

considerable expansion, with important production areas

in several Mexican states (Chiapas, Tabasco, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, Sonora). Mexico has

526,000 ha of citrus plantation of which ca. 70% are sweet

orange, with a net yield of 6.7 million tons with a market

value of US$ 700 million (SIAP, 2011).

In 2006, typical leprosis symptoms (lesions on the

leaves, twigs and fruits, precocious fall of fruits) (Figure 1)

were observed in many commercial orchards of Valencia

and Hamlin sweet orange (C. sinensis [L.]) at Huimanguillo

and Cunduacan, state of Tabasco. Incidence of symptomatic

trees was not high but they were found in most of visited


Tropical Plant Pathology 36 (6) November - December


Confirmation of the presence of the Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C) in Southern Mexico

grooves with clear indication of the dissemination of the

disease. Leaf lesions were essentially similar to that caused

by Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C), the prevalent and

more aggressive form of leprosis than that caused by the

nuclear form (CiLV-N). Fruits had depressed brownish

lesions, usually surrounded by a chlorotic halo (Figure 1A),

and many of them were dropped on the soil. Leaf lesions

were usually large with pale green color with concentric

brownish ring of gummy tissues (Figure 1C-D). There were

many chlorotic and necrotic lesions in the twigs, and some

stems exhibited large necrotic lesions (Figure 1B). From the

size of the leaf and stem lesions, it seems that the initial

infection may have occurred at least two to three years

before. To confirm that the causal agent of these symptoms

was CiLV-C, symptomatic leaf samples were collected

randomly, placed in plastic bags and taken to the laboratory

of the Comité Estatal de Sanidad Vegetal, Villahermosa, to be processed. Twigs were sampled to verify the presence of


mites, which when present were preserved in

ethanol 70%. Part of the collected mites was mounted for

light microscopy on Hoyer’s mounting medium (Moraes &

Fletchmann, 2008) and examined under light microscopy

at the Laboratório de Acarologia of the Escola Superior de

Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo

(ESALQ/USP), at Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The remaining

mites were air-dried, mounted either dorsally or ventrally

on a double side carbon tape, covered by a thin layer of

gold in a Baltec SD050 sputter, and examined in a LEO 435

VP scanning electron microscope at the Núcleo de Apoio

à Pesquisa em Microscopia Eletrônica aplicada à Pesquisa

Agropecuária (NAP/MEPA) of ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,

SP, Brazil. Small pieces of lesions from still fresh leaves were

cut with a sharp razor blade and immersed in a mixture of

FIGURE 1 - Leprosis symptoms found in sweet oranges in the state of Tabasco. A. Leaf and fruit lesions of Valencia

sweet orange with leprosis (Cunduacan); B. Necrotic lesions on a stem of Valencia sweet orange (Huimanguillo); C.D.

Different aspects of lesions on the leaves of Valencia sweet orange (Huimanguillo).

Tropical Plant Pathology 36 (6) November - December 2011


I.I. Castillo et al.

FIGURE 2 - Transmission

electron micrographs of thin

sections of leaf lesions of Valencia

sweet orange caused by CiLV-C.

A. Part of spongy parenchyma

cell showing a viroplasm (*)

and a group of short, bacilliform

particles (V) within a cisternae of

the endoplasmic reticulum. Sample

from Huimanguillo; B. Similar to

A, showing a large viroplasm (*).

Sample from Cunduacan; C.D.

Scanning electron micrographs,

using backscattered detector,

of Brevipalpus phoenicis

collected at sweet orange orchard

at Huimanguillo, Tabasco.

Identification was based on the

presence of five latero-dorsal setae

(arrows) in the opistosoma (C) and

two solenidia (arrows) at the end of

the tarsus of the leg II ( D).

2.5% glutaraldehyde and 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.05M,

pH 7.2 cacodylate buffer for fixation. These samples were

used for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Several

leaves with lesions were air dried for RT-PCR analysis to

detect CiLV-C by molecular techniques.

Fixed leaf samples were further processed

(Maunsbach & Afzelius, 1999) at the NAP/MEPA, for TEM.

Tissues were washed in cacodylate buffer, post fixed in 1%


4, dehydrated in acetone and embedded in low viscosity

Spurr’s epoxy resin. Blocks were trimmed and sectioned in a

Leica UC6 ultramicrotome equipped with a diamond knife.

Sections were collected on a copper grid, stained with 3%

uranyl acetate and Reynold’s lead citrate and examined in a

Zeiss EM900 transmission electron microscopy. Dried leaves were processed for RT-PCR according

to the protocol and specific primers for CiLV-C as described

by Locali et al. (2003) at the Centro APTA Citros Sylvio

Moreira (CCSM), Cordeirópolis, SP, Brazil and Instituto de

Fitosanidad- Colegio de Postgraduados, Texcoco, México. Half of the 12 samples of leprotic leaf lesions

collected from Huimanguillo and Cunduacan examined

by TEM revealed the presence of short, bacilliform

particles within cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum

and/or electron dense viroplasm in the cytoplasm of either

palisade and/or spongy parenchyma cells (Figure 2 A and

B), a characteristic cytopathic effect of the infection by

CiLV-C (Rodrigues et al., 2003; Kitajima et al., 2003). Also,

hypertrophied cells were commonly seen in the spongy

parenchyma as previously observed in leaf tissues infected

by CiLV-C (Marques et al., 2007). RT-PCR assays of dried leaf samples, using specific

primers for CiLV-C (Locali et al., 2003) promoted the

amplification of DNA fragments of expected size, in most

of the analyzed samples (data not shown), whose sequence

(GenBank accession HQ292778) exhibited similarity with

that of CiLV-C (GenBank accession YP_654542). Further

RT-PCR assays carried out at the Instituto de Fitosanidad,

Colegio de Postgraduados in additional samples from

Tabasco and Chiapas, resulted in positive results. Light microscope examination indicated that the

mite species is Brevipalpus phoenicis Geijskes, based on the

number (5) of the laterodorsal setae and the number of the

solenidia (2) at the end of the tarsus of the leg II (Welbourn

et al., 2003). Similar findings were made when these mites

were examined under the SEM (Figure 2 C-D). Mite transmission assays were carried out with

adult B. phoenicis from a colony maintained on sweet

orange fruits. They were transferred onto sweet orange

leaves with typical leprosis lesions, collected from leprosis-

infected orchard in Huimanguillo and left feeding for 24

h. Then they were transferred onto five healthy seedlings

of Valencia sweet orange, lemon (C. limon [L.] Burm. f.),

Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliate x C. sinensis), C35

citrange and Volkamerian lemon (C. volkameriana Tan. and

Pasq.), 12 mites on a single leaf per plant, under greenhouse

conditions. Chlorotic spots appeared on infested leaves of sweet

orange 5-6 weeks after infestation in all infested sweet orange

plants, but not in four control plants, without infestation. RT-

PCR of the tissues of the leaf lesions confirmed the presence of

CiLV-C. Leprosis symptoms did not appear on lemon, Carrizo


Tropical Plant Pathology 36 (6) November - December


Confirmation of the presence of the Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C) in Southern Mexico

citrange, C35 citrange and Volkamerian lemon which are

considered highly resistant or immune to CiLV-C (Bastianel

et al., 2010).

The results of the different analyses lead to the

conclusion that CiLV-C is present in the symptomatic leaf

samples collected at Huimanguillo and Cunduacan, state

of Tabasco, and RT-PCR assays confirmed that the disease

observed in sweet orange orchards at Chiapas (Sanchez

Anguiano, 2005) is caused by CiLV-C. It is not known exactly how CiLV-C was introduced into

Mexico, despite quarantine measurements. One speculation is

that CiLV-C may have been brought accidentally into Southern

Mexico by the flux of immigrants from Guatemala bringing in

contaminated orange fruits, discarded during the journey. Mexican authorities are taking measures to avoid the

spread of the disease to other citrus growing regions as well as

to reduce or eradicate the main focus in affected areas. Because

of the destructive nature of CiLV-C and the high cost of control

of the vector, B. phoenicis, there is also a serious concern in

the Caribbean area about the risk of dispersal of this disease

also to other countries, including southern USA, a major citrus

producer, and where the disease has not been registered after

the 1960’s (Childers et al., 2003).


This work received financial support from Fundação

de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP (proc.

2008/52691-9) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento

Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq (47.1705/2009-8). The

authors are grateful do Dr. Hilda Gomes, USDA/Miami for

the images of leprosis symptoms depicted in Figures 1A, B

and D.


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Childers CC, Rodrigues JCV, Derrick KS, Achor DS, French JV,

Welbourn WC, Ochoa R, Kitajima EW (2003) Citrus leprosis and

its status in Florida and Texas: Past and present. Experimental and

Applied Acarology 30:181-202.

Fawcett HS (1911) Scaly bark or nail head rust of citrus. Florida

Agriculture Experiment Station Bulletin 106.

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Locali EC, Freitas-Astua J, Souza AA, Takita MA, Astua-Monge

G, Antonioli R, Kitajima EW, Machado MA (2003) Development

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citrus production in the Americas. Plant Disease 87:1317-1321.

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pela leprose-dos-citros. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 42:1531-


Maunsbach AB, Afzelius BA (1999) Biomedical electron

microscopy. Illustrated methods and interpretations. San Diego

USA. Academic Press.

Moraes GJ, Fletchmann CHW (2008) Manual de acarologia.

Acarologia básica e ácaros de plantas cultivadas no Brasil 1ª ed, v.

1. Ribeirão Preto SP. Holos.

Rodrigues JCV, Kitajima EW, Childers CC, Chagas CM (2003)

Citrus leprosis virus vectored by Brevipalpus phoenicis (Acari:

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Sánchez-Anguiano H (2005) NAPPO Phytosanitary Alert System (Access on

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SIAP (Sistema de Información Agropecuaria y Pesquera). www. (Access on November 7, 2011).

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Experimental and Applied Acarology:107-133.

TPP 452 - Received 25 November 2011 - Accepted 18 January 2012 Section Editor: F. Murilo Zerbini


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