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Very early symptom showing a brown lesion developing around the

leaf node

What is it and where is it found?

Phytophthorais a devastating fungus-like organism that causes damage to a wide

range of trees and plants. Recently two species of Phytophthora– Phytophthora

ramorumand Phytophthora kernoviae – have been causing damage to our


Why the concern?

Initial findings of the disease were predominantly confined to ornamental plants in

nurseries. Since then, findings in the wider environment have continued to spread

across the UK after initially being concentrated in the South West. With a large and

varied host range, if left unchecked they may change our landscape with the loss of

many trees, shrubs and heathland plants. PLANT DISEASE FACTSHEET

Phytophthora ramorum and

Phytophthora kernoviae

diseases on bilberry

(Vaccinium myrtillus)

A threat to our woodlands,

heathlands and historic gardens

Very early symptom showing a brown lesion

developing around the leaf nodeVery early symptom development showing a dark

brown/black, lesion. Lesions can develop at any

point along the stem, not just at leaf nodes or


Where is it found?

P. ramorumwas first identified in 1995 causing the death of oak and tanoak trees in the coastal

counties of California in the USA. It was first detected in the UK in 2002 in the nursery trade and has

since spread to the wider environment including historic gardens, parks, woodlands and heathlands.

The first finding of P. ramorumon the heathland plant Vaccinium myrtillus(bilberry/blaeberry) in the

wild was confirmed in January 2009. More recently, in August 2009, the pathogen was identified on

Japanese larch trees at sites in South West England.

P. kernoviaewas first discovered in 2003 causing severe damage to rhododendron and beech trees in

Cornwall. The disease has been found in woodlands, gardens and a small number of nurseries with

outbreaks mainly confined to the South West. In December 2007 P. kernoviaewas confirmed on

bilberry at a woodland site in Cornwall and in February 2008 in open heathland.

Current situation

There are currently 22 discrete outbreaks of P. ramorumor P. kernoviaeon bilberry in England and

Wales (as of 30/04/2012). Of these, there are 10 outbreaks of P. ramorumon bilberry nationally

compared to 13 outbreaks of P. kernoviae(one site affected by both pathogens). P. ramorumis

occurring predominantly on bilberry in woodland whereas P. kernoviaeis more prevalent on bilberry in

open heathland. Approximately 70% of the outbreaks on bilberry are in Cornwall, the majority of which

are outbreaks of P. kernoviaein open heathland. Although the number of sites affected nationally is

small, there is an upward trend since the first findings in 2007/08.

Disease spread has been shown to be predominantly via localised splash dispersal but also in wind-

driven rain, via run off or on footwear and vehicles. Evidence for long distance dispersal in the

absence of rain is limited. Inoculum can also survive in soil, litter and in watercourses.

Bilberry is highly susceptible to P. ramorumand P. kernoviaeand symptoms can develop within 2 days

of infection under warm conditions. In tests on susceptibility of a range of hosts to P. ramorumand

P. kernoviaethe orders of susceptibility were as follows:

P. ramorum: viburnum > rhododendron > bilberry>pieris > camellia > magnolia

P. kernoviae: pieris > bilberry> rhododendron > magnolia

Monitoring work using bilberry bait plants to detect peak periods for sporulation and infection shows

that bilberry is susceptible all year round and that infections will take place whenever there are

prolonged conditions of high humidity. Temperature does not appear to be a limiting factor for

Table 1. Summary of options for disease management of outbreaks on bilberry*

*Sourced from defra Research Project PH0601 (http://randd.defra)

P. ramorumbut laboratory studies indicate that P. kernoviaemay be more environmentally sensitive.

Monitoring has shown that vaccinium plants are capable of supporting high levels of sporulation by P.

kernoviaeof over 1600 spores per cm

2of stem and that peaks in sporulation occur in the late autumn

(November). This means that bilberry could be a primary source of spores and therefore further

spread of the disease in the environment.

Latest work at Fera on modelling local epidemics can describe current epidemic development and

could be used for future prediction at a range of spatial scales from local to national. Latest outputs

are based on measurements of when conducive weather has taken place and are being used to target

when surveillance work should be undertaken.

Disease management

Timely management action is proven to limit disease spread and following evaluation in small scale

trials, recommendations are now available for disease containment strategies for infected bilberry in

both woodland and heathland environments. These strategies are supported by the availability of

standard operating procedures for biosecurity and waste disposal (including composting), all backed

up by extensive research.

Recommended management actions are not available as full documents due to the need for some

further work on logistics, but the options can be summarised as follows:

Outbreak type Outbreak extent Disease management options

Infected heathland Limited Spot treatment with an approved herbicide

Infected heathland Widespread Burn and then spot treat with an approved


Cut and remove material and then

spot treat with an approved herbicide

Infected woodland Limited Spot treatment with an approved herbicide

Spot burn

Cut and remove material

Infected woodland Widespread Treatment with an approved herbicide

Cut and remove material and then

spot treat with an approved herbicide

Advisory Information

Phytophthora ramorumand Phytophthora kernoviaeare quarantine diseases and Defra needs to be

notified of any findings so action can be taken against them. If you suspect that such a pest or disease

is present, you should report it immediately to your local Plant Health and Seeds Inspector (contact

details below).

Regional teams are working to identify and eradicate outbreaks of the diseases as part of a wide-

reaching programme to manage the impact of Phytophthora ramorumand Phytophthora kernoviaein

the UK. This programme is being run by the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), on

behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

If you discover any plants showing the symptoms illustrated in this leaflet:

Make a note of the location

Take a photograph if possible

Don’t touch the plant or take a cutting

Use the contact information below

Telephone: 01904 465625


The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera). October 2012

© Crown copyright 2012.

The Food and Environment Research Agency Sand Hutton, York

YO41 1LZ, UKTel +44 (0)1904 462 000

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