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What is it and where is it found?

Strawberry black spot is an economically important disease of strawberries caused by the fungus

Colletotrichum acutatum .The fungus can remain unobserved in strawberry plants until the crucial

fruiting period. Then, if conditions are favourable for the disease, it develops rapidly resulting in

substantial losses (up to 80% yield loss) both in the field and when the fruit reaches market.

Thisfungus can also infect a wide range of other plants, both within and outside the UK, such as

anemone, lupin, camellia and apple.

The disease is found in nearly all countries where strawberries are grown. It was first found in the

UK in 1983 on strawberry plants imported from California and, since then, measures have been

taken to prevent establishment and to eradicate the disease whenever it has been detected in

propagation crops. Reported outbreaks in recent years have mostly been associated with infected

runners imported from the European mainland.

Strawberry black spot

What are the symptoms?

On fruit ,sunken, brown, circular spots develop as the fruit ripens. The spots

darken with age, hence the name ?black spot?, and can expand to engulf the

whole fruit if this is left on the plant.


dry weather ,minute salmon coloured crusts of spores are just visible between

the seeds within the spots.

If the fruit becomes infected well before


,the development of the spots may be arrested, they then turn black and the fruits

become distorted. The fungus will inevitably cause a post harvest rot of some fruits which were

apparently healthy at picking.

On foliage , small spots can develop, while black, elongated,

depressed lesions can occur on stolons and flower stalks. However, except where conditions are

especially favourable for the disease, these symptoms are rare and inconspicuous.

How does it develop and spread?

The disease is spread when infected strawberry runners are traded. However, symptoms are rarely

seen as the fungus is usually latent on this material. Once planted, fungus in the crown of the plant

produces spores which are spread by water splash to other parts of the plant, where they cause the

symptoms described above. The fungus can survive from year to year around the crown of infected

plants or on infected crop debris left in the soil. It may also survive on a wide range of common


The disease can be spreadwithin the crop by:

? water splash;


?handling and picking;

and is favoured by warm, humid conditions (optimum temperature 25?C). The disease builds up

rapidly during the first year of cropping and is usually more severe in the second and subsequent

years, especially wheresuccessive waves of ripening fruit on everbearing cultivars coincide with

periods of warm, wet weather.

Early symptoms

on ripe fruits:

spots initially


What is being done?

Defra Plant Health and Seeds Inspectors (PHSI) carry out regular inspections to ensure that planting

material in the Plant Health Propagation Scheme (PHPS) is free from the disease. In addition, non

PHPS strawberry propagation material is inspected for plant passporting purposes. Defra are also

prepared to sample and test any consignments of imported or suspect runners that are brought to

their attention.

What action can be taken?

There are no totally effective chemicals to control against strawberry black spot. However, the

following cultural measures can help to prevent the disease getting a hold:

Nitrogen Limit nitrogen applications to 40 kg/ha/yr on June bearers, and 80 kg/ha/yr on

ever bearers.

Mulch Apply a straw mulch between rows and on any plastic mulch to limit dispersal of

spores through water splash.

Picking Minimise the amount of ripe fruit on the crop at any one time by keeping

intervals picking intervals as short as possible.

No Paraquat Avoid Paraquat for weed and runner control as it encourages development of

the fungus.

Plant debris Wherever possible, collect plant debris from the field after harvest and either

burnor buryit deeply.

Crop Improve air circulation by crown thinning, good weed control and removal of

management rotten and over ripe berries as these will all help reduce the risk. Consider

moving off June bearers after harvest and possibly again in the spring. If possible

debris should be collected and destroyed.

Crop duration Keeping a crop for only 1 or 2 years greatly reduces the risk of development and

spread of this disease.

Fungicides General advice is given in the Horticultural Development Council (HDC) Factsheet

14/02 but qualified advice should be sought for current products. They must be

used in conjunction with appropriate cultural measures.

Keep a good look out

Strawberry black spot is an EC listed quarantine disease and should be notified on strawberry crops

whenever found. Strawberry runners must be free from the disease. When the disease is found on

propagating crops, infected runner mother plants must be destroyed immediately, hygiene measures

implemented and other measures taken as directed by PHSI. Infected propagating crops cannot be

plant passported. At the end of cropping, all affected beds are required to be destroyed and either

the soil sterilised or the field put down to grass for a period of time. When confirmed on fruiting

crops in the UK, growers are advised to implement hygiene measures and apply sprays to protect

new growth. Further information on the disease can be obtained from the HDC Factsheet 14/02.

If you suspect the presence of this disease on your premises, you should immediately inform your

local Defra Plant Health and Seeds Inspector or the PHSI HQ, York:

Tel: 01904 455174

Fax: 01904 455197



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