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May 2014 AZ1628


Many invasive, nonnative plants have become established

throughout Arizona. Of these, many are recognized as noxious

weeds: a plant species that has been designated by state,

federal or other agricultural or land management authority

as economically or ecologically harmful to agricultural or

horticultural crops, natural habitats or ecosystems, and

humans or livestock. Noxious weeds are regulated by law and

merit special attention and coordinated management efforts

to prevent their spread and contain existing infestations.

Preventing their spread through awareness, detection and

rapid removal is of key importance to minimize their real and

potential negative impacts.

By increasing our awareness, all of Arizona’s residents can

play an important role in controlling noxious weeds and those

with the potential to become harmful to our state’s economy

and ecology.

This publication addresses four invasive, nonnative thistles

found in Arizona which have been become, or have the

potential to become problematic (Howery et al. 2009):

• Musk thistle – Carduus nutans

• Canada thistle – Cirsium arvense

• Bull thistle – Cirsium vulgare

• Scotch thistle – Onopordum acanthium

These thistles are native plants of Europe and Eurasia, and

have no known natural enemies or control vectors in our state.

Each of these plants competes with and can displace native

plant species. They are particularly a concern in Arizona

rangelands. The spiny foliage and flower parts effectively

inhibit livestock from grazing the thistles and surrounding

plants, reduce available forage and discourage livestock

and wildlife from entering infested areas. Infestations also

limit outdoor recreation since the spiny thistles can form

impenetrable “fences,” making trails and riparian areas

inaccessible to people and livestock. With the increase in

the extent and severity of Arizona’s wildland fire activity,

an emerging concern is that noxious thistle infestations can

establish in forest and woodland areas after a wildfire.

Although similar in many ways, each plant listed above has

unique traits, making their impact and methods for control

different. The following sections address each species in more

detail. To conclude, a table of appropriate control measures

is provided.

Invas Ive , nonnat Ive th Istles of a r Izona

Christopher Jones





Musk thistle – Carduus nutans

Habitat Musk thistle can establish on open disturbed

sites, overgrazed rangeland and pasture, forest clearings,

roadsides, stream banks and ditches. It tolerates a wide range

of environmental conditions and soil types. It can be found

at high elevations in rich soils as well as in saline soils at

lower elevations. Musk thistle is presently confined to spotty

infestations in Apache and Navajo counties.

Impacts A dense stand of musk thistle can reach six feet

tall and act as a natural barrier because of its spiny leaves.

Livestock and other animals avoid musk thistle because it is

poor forage, and wildlife have been known to leave areas that

have become heavily infested. Livestock will not graze near

musk thistle, and sheep will only eat the rosette stage of the

plant if there is nothing else to eat. When musk thistle invades

scenic areas, trails and waterways, the quality of outdoor

recreation opportunities can be downgraded.

Identification Musk thistle is a biennial plant that forms a

thick corky taproot and rosette in the first season, which may

occur with the summer monsoon rains or fall/early winter

rains in Arizona (Figure 1). The rosette can grow to 2 to 4 feet

in diameter. In the spring, one or multiple stalks emerge from

Figure 1. Musk thistle rosettes emerge with monsoons rains at higher ele\


and with fall and winter rains at lower elevations. Image by Patti Fenne\



the rosette, reaching 2 to 6 feet or more in height. The stalks

may exhibit some branching and are covered with dense,

short hairs (Figure 2). Leaves are hairless and have deep

lobes (Figure 3). They are usually dark green with a light

green midrib, and have a spiny margin. The leaves extend

beyond the stem, forming a “winged” stem. In the summer

and early fall months, a single plant can produce many large,

“powder puff” flower heads (1 ½” to 3” diameter) that contain

numerous individual disk flowers that are pink or purple, and

sometimes white. The flower head often bends downward

to portray a “nodding” characteristic. Below the flower are

numerous large spine-tipped bracts (Figure 4).

Reproduction Musk thistle’s only means of reproduction

is by seed. An “average” plant can produce 10,000 to 20,000

seeds of which one-third are viable. Most seeds scatter within

the immediate vicinity of the parent plant which can lead to

patterns of impenetrable clumps of infestation. Seeds are also

dispersed by wind and water, as well as animals, recreational

vehicles and farm equipment. They can remain viable in the

soil for over 10 years.

Canada thistle – Cirsium arvense

Habitat Canada thistle can establish on open disturbed

sites, rangelands and pastures, forest clearings, roadsides,

crop fields, gardens, stream banks and ditches. It can

tolerate a variety of soil types and some salinity, but is

most competitive in deep, well-drained soils with adequate

moisture availability. Canada thistle is known to be present

in Apache, Coconino and Yavapai counties. It is not known

to occur in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts.

Impacts If left unmanaged, Canada thistle can outcompete

crops and native plants and develop into large infestations.

It appears to have allelopathic qualities, which inhibit

other plants from thriving near its roots. The spiny foliage

discourages livestock and wild animals from grazing the

thistles and surrounding plants, which reduces available

forage and can restrict the use of recreational areas. It can

cause infections in livestock due to abrasions. Canada thistle

is also a host species for several agricultural insect pests and

diseases, including sod web-worm, bean aphid, stalk borer

and cucumber mosaic virus.

Identification Canada thistle is an erect perennial flowering

plant. From seed, it forms a rosette in its first season (Figure

5). In the spring, slender green stalks grow from 1 ½ to 4 feet

tall. Its ridged stems become hairy and branching as they

mature (Figure 6). Leaves are 2” – 8” long, alternate, oblong

to lance-shaped and irregularly to deeply lobed (Figure 7).

The leaf margins are toothed with prickly yellowish spines.

Flower heads are ½” wide to 1 ½” long, are unisexual and

form clusters of up to five flower heads at the ends of branches

(Figure 8). Each flower head contains numerous individual

disk flowers that may be pink or purple, and sometimes white.

Bracts are dark-tipped. Both flowers and bracts are spineless.

Female flowers are fragrant.

Figure 2. Musk thistle stalks are typically multi-branched. Image by Eri\


Coombs, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

Figure 3. Musk thistle leaves are hairless and have deep lobes. Image by\


Coombs, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Figure 4. Musk thistle blooms are “powder puff” like with numerous spine-tipped bracts below, and may exhibit a nodding characteristic. Image by Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte,

Reproduction Unlike most thistles, Canada thistle is a

creeping perennial (rhizomatous) plant that spreads through

vegetative buds in its root system as well as by seed. New

plants can sprout from rhizomes and generate rosette-type

shoots throughout the growing season. Horizontal roots

may extend 15 feet or more and vertical roots may grow 6

to 15 feet deep. The roots can extend in the spring and fall

and whenever soil moisture is adequate. Male and female

flowers develop on separate plants (dioecious) and often

Figure 6. Canada thistle stalks are slender and green, and branch as the\

y ma - ture. Image by Jeff Schalau.

grow in circular patches that are one clone and sex. They are

pollinated by insects. An “average” plant can produce 1,500

seeds per flowering shoot. Most of the seeds fall near the plant,

but local spread is primarily due to vegetative reproduction.

Seeds can be dispersed long distances by wind and water,

as well as animals, recreational vehicles, shoes, clothing and

farm equipment. They can remain viable in the soil for up

to 20 years.

Figure 7. Canada thistle leaves are alternate, oblong to lance-shaped an\

d ir - regularly to deeply lobed. Image by Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, bugwood.or\


Figure 8. Canada thistle flowers grow in clusters of up to five. Both the flower and bracts are spineless. Image by Jeff Schalau.

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Figure 9. Bull thistle rosettes can grow up to three feet in diameter. Image by

Patti Fenner.

Figure 10. Bull thistle stalks. Image by Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of Cali -

fornia - Davis,

Figure 11. Bull thistle leaves are dark green, alternate, with wavy margins and

deeply lobed. Image by John Cardina, Ohio State University,

Figure 12. Bull thistle flowers have spiny bracts that taper up toward the bloom.

Image by Loke T. Kok, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, bug -

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Bull thistle – Cirsium vulgare

Habitat Bull thistle can establish on open disturbed sites,

overgrazed rangelands and pastures, irrigated pastures,

forest clearings, roadsides, fence lines, riparian areas, stream

banks and ditches. It tolerates a wide range of soil textures,

but does best in soils that are nitrogen rich, have a neutral pH

and adequate soil moisture. It primarily occurs in scattered

populations at higher, moister elevations above 5,000 feet and

irrigated pasture at lower elevations in Arizona. Bull thistle

is known to be present in Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila,

Greenlee and Yavapai counties.

Impacts Bull thistle can invade and colonize rapidly in

disturbed areas, and is reported as troublesome in heavily

grazed pastures fertilized with nitrogen. It outcompetes

native plant species and becomes well established. The spiny

foliage discourages livestock and wild animals from grazing

the thistles and surrounding plants, which reduces an area’s

available forage. It is commonly found to be a contaminant

of hay (alfalfa and/or grass), which decreases the market

value of the forage.

Identification Bull thistle is a biennial plant that forms a short

fleshy taproot with several primary roots extending from the

root crown. Seed leaves are smooth; their shape varies from

round to narrow-based with broad rounded ends. It begins as

a rosette in the first season, which may occur with the summer

monsoon rains or fall/early winter rains in Arizona (Figure

9). The rosette can grow up to 3 feet in diameter. In the spring,

multiple (and occasionally single) stalks bolt from the rosette,

reaching 1 to 6 feet in height (Figure 10). Stems are hairy, have

spiny wings, and are often branched and have dark purple

veins. Leaves are 3” to 12” long, dark green, alternate, have

wavy margins and deeply lobed with coarse prickly hairs on

the top and wooly hairs underneath (Figure 11). The spines

occur on the margins of the leaf, typically on the ends of the

lobes, along the length of the leaf and at the tip of the terminal

lobe. Flower heads are 1” to 2” in diameter and are often

gumdrop-shaped (Figure 12). They usually grow singly at

the ends of shoots, but may also in clusters. The flower heads

contain numerous individual disk flowers that are typically

pink to purple and sometimes magenta-red, but rarely white.

They are fragrant. Spiny bracts surround the seed head, and

appear tapered and narrow.

Reproduction Bull thistle’s only means of reproduction is

by seed. Seed production can vary from 100 to 300 seeds per

flower and one to over 400 flowers per plan, and may average

over 4,000 seeds per plant. Its seeds are readily dispersed by

water, wind, animals, human activities, and contaminated hay.

Most seeds fall close the parent plant. They may germinate

throughout the growing season depending on soil moisture.

Most seeds germinate or die within the first year, but may

remain viable for up to 3 years or more if buried deeply.

Scotch thistle – Onopordum acanthium

Habitat Scotch thistle can establish on open disturbed

sites, rangelands and pastures, forest clearings, crop fields,

roadsides, riparian areas, stream banks and ditches. It grows

best in disturbed soils with high soil moisture, but it is also

considered drought tolerant and can invade drier, nutrient-

deficient sites as well. It is present in every northern county

in Arizona.

Impacts Bull thistle can invade and colonize rapidly in

disturbed areas, and is reported as troublesome in heavily

grazed pastures fertilized with nitrogen. It outcompetes

native plant species and becomes well established. The spiny

foliage discourages livestock and wild animals from grazing

the thistles and surrounding plants, which reduces an area’s

available forage. It is commonly found to be a contaminant

of hay (alfalfa and/or grass), which decreases the market

value of the forage.

Identification Scotch thistle is a biennial plant that forms

a stout corky taproot. It develops a large rosette with spiny

leaves that can grow over 2 feet long and a foot wide (Figure

13). Seedlings can emerge throughout the growing season

and establish rosettes. In the spring and summer, stems

grow up to 4 to 12 feet tall (Figure 14). They are typically

numerous and branched, with broad, spiny wings. Leaves

are alternate, oblong and large, with margins that are toothed

or coarsely lobed with yellow, green or white spines that are

sharp and stiff. Both leaves and stems are covered with fine

grayish-blue “wooly” hairs (Figure 15). Flower heads contain

numerous individual disk flowers, are round and grow up to

2” in diameter, with a “shaving brush” appearance (Figure

16). Flower colors are vibrant purple, violet or reddish,

and sometimes white. A single Scotch thistle can produce

numerous flower heads (70 – 300 per plant). They grow at

the stalk ends as a single flower heads or in clusters, and are

surrounded by long spine-tipped bracts.

Reproduction Scotch thistle’s only means of reproduction is

by seed. An “average” plant can produce up to 14,000 seeds

or more. They can germinate throughout the growing season

depending on soil moisture, and set flowers throughout much

of the season too. Most seeds fall close to the parent plant.

Wind, water, wildlife, livestock and human activities aid

dispersal. Seeds can remain viable in the soil for seven years

and up to 39 years.

Control measures

As illustrated by descriptions, these thistles pose serious real

and potential economic and ecological problems in Arizona

that merit special coordinated management efforts to prevent

their spread and contain existing infestations. Arizona’s harsh

desert environment should limit the establishment of these

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Figure 13. Scotch thistle rosettes can emerge throughout the growing sea\


Image by Patti Fenner.

Figure 14. Scotch thistle plants can grow to an impressive 12 feet in he\


Image by Jeff Schalau.

Figure 15. Scotch thistle leaves and stems are covered with fine grayish-blue

“wooly” hairs. Image by Bonnie Million, National Park Service, Bugwood.jpg

Figure 16. Scotch thistle flowers are considered to have a “shaving brush”

appearance and have long sharp bracts. Image by Jeff Schalau.

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


thistles in many areas. However, their presence makes the

odds of establishment in richer soils and at higher elevations

more likely. Lessons learned from other states with these

thistles have demonstrated that prevention and control of

their spread is imperative to minimize their negative impacts.

If you see any of these thistles, please contact your local

county Cooperative Extension office to get in touch with

the appropriate personnel or agency to examine the weed

infestation’s impact and determine a course of action.

Integrated Weed Management (IWM) is the most effective

way to address invasive and noxious weed issues. IWM

is a strategy that is developed in partnership with several

concerned agencies and stakeholders, using a combination

of preventative, cultural, biological and mechanical control

practices, including chemical (herbicide) treatments as

necessary to treat any specific weed problem. Through IWM,

herbicides can be used in the most efficient way possible

to minimize their environmental and health effects while

reducing and controlling the targeted weed’s population.

As a general strategy, preventing the production and

spread of seeds is the key method for controlling musk, bull

and Scotch thistles. Because Canada thistle is a rhizomatous

perennial, however, the key is to continually cause stress on

the plant in order to force it to use up its stored nutrients and

energy in the roots, a technique referred to as “carbohydrate

starvation.” Stress can also be induced by tillage or shoot

removal. Alternatively, treating plants at the appropriate

time using a systemic, translocated herbicide that kills the

roots and rhizomes is usually a more effective for control of

Canada thistle. Success often requires a sound management

plan implemented over several years.

Two relatively recently registered herbicides,

aminocyclopyrachlor and aminopyralid, have been

demonstrated to be more effective on thistles than other

recommended herbicides. And although the introduction of

insects or fungal agents may assist as part of an IWM strategy,

they have not been found to be particularly successful in the

control of invasive, nonnative thistles in the Southwest to

date. Before proceeding with any biological control practice

or use of a registered herbicide, consult with an Extension

specialist or the proper state or federal agency to assure their

use is appropriate and environmental impacts are minimized.

The following table highlights recommended treatments

for the four thistles. For detailed herbicide treatments, please

refer to the publications listed below.

List of References

Beck, K. B. 2008. Canada thistle. Colorado State University

Extension. Fact Sheet No. 3.108.

Beck, K. B. 2008. Musk thistle. Colorado State University

Extension. Fact Sheet No. 3.102.

Colorado Department of Agriculture. 2008. List B Species.

Colorado Department of Agriculture, Lakewood, CO.

DiTomaso, J.M., and G.B. Kyser et al. 2013. Weed control in

natural areas in the western United States. Weed Research

and Information Center, University of California, 544pp.

Graham, J., W.S. Johnson and K. McAdoo. 2007. Identification

and management of bull thistle. University of Nevada

Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet 05-03.

Graham, J., and W.S. Johnson. 2007. Managing Canada thistle.

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet


Howery, L.D., E. Northam, W. Meyer, J. Arnold-Musa, E.

Carrillo, K. Egen and M Hershdorfer. 2009. Non-native

invasive plants of Arizona. USDA and University of

Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication #AZ1482.

Kadrmas, T., and W.S. Johnson. 2007. Managing musk thistle.

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet


Kadrmas, T., and W.S. Johnson. 2007. Managing Scotch thistle.

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet


Whitson, T.D., L.C. Burrill, S.A. Dewey, D.W. Cudney, B.E.

Nelson, R.D Lee and R. Parker. 2006. Weeds of the West,

9th Edition. Western Society of Weed Science, University

of Wyoming, Jackson. ISBN 978-0-941570-13-8, 630pp.

Any products, services or organizations that are mentioned, shown or indirectly implied in this publication do not imply endorsement by The University of Arizona.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeffrey C. Silvertooth, Associate Dean & Director, Extension & Economic Development, College of Agriculture Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities.

The U niversiTy of A rizonA

College of A griCUlTUre And life s CienCes

TUCson , A rizonA 85721

ChrisTopher Jones Associate Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources

ConTACT : Chris Topher Jones

This information has been reviewed by University faculty.

Other titles from Arizona Cooperative Exten sion can be found at:




The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Species Prevention Cultural Mechanical Biological Chemical

Musk thistle

Carduus nutans

• Prevent the

introduction and

production of seed.

• Use certified weed-

free seed and hay.

• Ensure vehicles

and equipment

are cleaned

before leaving



• Monitor property

and adjacent land

and eradicate new

plants whenever

they appear.

• Develop a grazing


plan to prevent


• Practice

good forage


in pastures and


• Revegetate after

tilling or fire to

outcompete thistle


• Encourage the

growth of perennial

grasses as


• Grazing by sheep

to eat the rosettes

and by goats to eat

the flower heads.

• Prescribed fire may

be used at part of

IWM plan.

• Till, hoe, and

hand pull rosettes

and stalks before

flower and seed


especially smaller

and isolated


• Sever taproot 2”

below ground with

a sharpened hoe or


• Mow just before

first flower buds

appear or when

blooms first appear,

then gather and

destroy mowed


• The following

insects may

be available:


horridus (crown

weevil), Cassida

rubiginosa (tortoise

beetle), Rhinocyllus

conicus (head

weevil) and


corydon (crown

fly). Puccinia

carduorum (rust

fungus) may also

be available.

• As with chemical

treatments, consult

with an Extension

specialist or

state or federal

agency to assure


impacts are


• Biological control

vectors have not

been particularly


for controlling

nonnative thistles

in the Southwest to


• Many selective


herbicides are

registered and

some are available,


and can be used

as part of an IWM


• Read labels, follow

directions and use


• Products

containing amino-



dicamba, picloram,

2, 4-D, clopyralid,

fluroxypyr, and

triclopyr are most

effective at the

rosette stage.

• Products




imazapic, imazapyr

and sulfometuron

can be used

before flowering

and offer some



Table of control measures

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Species Prevention Cultural Mechanical Biological Chemical

Canada thistle

Cirsium arvense

• Prevent the

introduction of


• Use certified weed-

free seed and hay.

• Ensure vehicles

and equipment

are cleaned

before leaving



• Purge livestock by

feeding clean hay

and allowing 3 to 5

days pass before

entering a clean


• Monitor property

and adjacent land;

eradicate new

plants as they


• Revisit infestations

to assure


• IWM strategies

require developing

a long-term

management plan

for sustainable


• In crops and

irrigated pastures,

grasses and alfalfa

compete well with

good management

and adequate soil


• Alfalfa is only

competitive after


• Encourage the

growth of forage or

perennial grasses.

• Competition

alone is seldom


• Grazing and

prescribed burning

are not effective.

• Frequent grubbing

of young and

small infestations

throughout the

growing season

to exhaust


energy reserves.

• Repeated cutting of

alfalfa and forage

crops over several

growing seasons.

• Mowing within four

days following

intense rotational


• Tillage can break

and spread roots,

and encourage

new plant growth,

so repeat every

3 weeks to

be effective;

otherwise, it is not


• The following

insects may

be available:


litura (stem weevil),

Larinus planus

(bud weevil)

and Urophora

cardui (stem gall

fly). Puccinia

punctiformis (rust

fungus) may also

be available.

• Before introduction

or application,

consult with

an Extension

specialist or


state or federal

agency to assure


impacts are


• Biological control

vectors have not

been found to

be particularly


for controlling

nonnative thistles

in the Southwest to


• Because of the

extensive the root

system, systemic

herbicides are

recommended as

part of an IWM


• Read labels, follow

directions and use


• Products

containing amino-



2, 4-D, dicamba,





sulfometuron and

glyphosate are

commonly used

under different

prescriptions and

times of year.

• Mowing combined

with herbicidal

treatments can be


• Re-treatment for 1

to 3 or more years

is common.

The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


Species Prevention Cultural Mechanical Biological Chemical

Bull thistle

Cirsium vulgare

• Prevent the

introduction and

production of seed.

• Use certified weed-

free seed and hay.

• Ensure vehicles

and equipment

are cleaned

before leaving



• Monitor property

and adjacent land

and eradicate new

plants whenever

they appear.

• Develop a grazing


plan to prevent


• Practice

good forage


in pastures and


• Revegetate after

tilling to compete

with thistle


• Encourage the

growth of perennial

grasses as


• Sheep, goats and

horses will eat the

rosettes; goats

will eat the flower


• Prescribed fire may

be used at part of

IWM plan.

• Till, hoe and hand

grub rosettes

and stalks before

flowers develop,

especially smaller

and isolated


• Sever taproot 2”

below ground with

a sharpened hoe or


• As part of an IWM

strategy, mow just

before first flower

buds appear; or

mow as blooms

first appear, and

gather & destroy

mowed debris.

• The following

insects may

be available:


conicus (head

weevil), Urophora

stylata (gall fly),

and Trichosirocalus

horridus (crown


• Before introduction

or application,

consult with

an Extension

specialist or


state or federal

agency to assure


impacts are


• Biological control

vectors have not

been found to

be particularly


for controlling

nonnative thistles

in the Southwest to


• Many broadleaf

selective herbicides

are available and

can used as part of

an IWM strategy.

• Read labels, follow

directions and use


• Products

containing amino-



dicamba, picloram,

triclopyr, 2,

4-D, clopyralid,



imazapyr, and

metsulfuron are

most effective at

the rosette stage

or when the weed

is most actively


The University of Arizona - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cooperative Extension


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